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In An Introduction to the Old Testament Historical Books, incredible events, amazing love stories, larger-than-life personalities and deep theological implications and themes are just part of the treasure that awaits readers. These books... more
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      Hebrew LiteratureHebrew BibleOld Testament ProphecyBiblical Studies
Par une analyse lexicale systématique il est possible de reconnaître dans l’œuvre de Nostradamus plusieurs éléments sémiologiques appartenant au registre d’un syndrome obsessionnel associé au domaine autistique. Une étude comparative des... more
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      Renaissance HumanismSpirituality & MysticismAutism and LanguageMystical Theology
Question of the Week 7: "Many of us have been taught from childhood that God is holy. If this is true, and I believe it is, what does that mean for our day-today lives? Be careful here-I want to see that your answer is informed by the... more
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      Hebrew BibleProphetic Literature
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      Performance StudiesPoetryHermeneuticsBiblical Studies
An early essay using contemporary studies of trauma to illuminate the impact of the trauma of the Babylonian exile on Biblical Prophecy (followed by the book, Holy Resilience: The Bible's Traumatic Origins, Yale, 2014)
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      Trauma StudiesOld TestamentProphetsTrauma
The year 538 A.D. became the turning point in the history of the Roman Empire since so many aspects on political, administrative and economical levels were already switched off that when Justinian declared himself to be a theologian from... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyRoman HistoryArt History
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      Reader ResponseBiblical ExegesisReader-Response TheoryOld Testament Exegesis
Il contributo analizza l’emersione del profilo storico dell’imperatore Federico II di Svevia dietro le allusioni profetiche rintracciabili nel corpus di vaticini trasmesso dal romanzo arturiano «Prophecies de Merlin», discutendone... more
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      Textual CriticismArthurian RomancesEmperor Frederick IIProphetic Literature
While the Judeo-Christian religious tradition promotes an image of God characterized by mercy and compassion, one cannot deny the startling images in scripture of a wrathful God who seemingly condones sexual violence and rape as... more
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      Sexual ViolenceTheological Interpretation of Christian ScriptureTraumaSacred Scripture
Available: Az ókori keresztyén világ (VI.) Eszkatológiai étkezés Peres Imre-Németh Áron (szerk.) Peres Imre-Németh Áron (szerk.): Az ókori keresztyén világ (VI.) A Patmosz... more
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      New TestamentOld TestamentEschatologyGreek Eschatology
HEBREW CONSTRUCT PHRASES WITH "DAUGHTER" AND "VIRGIN" AS NOMEN REGENS by Magnar Kartveit. Discussions about the phrase "Daughter of Zion" have not come to rest. Genitive as a category in Semitic grammar is treated in a separate chapter,... more
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      Hebrew LiteratureHebrew LanguageOld Testament ProphecyOld Testament Theology
Biblical criticism regards biblical books as fundamental texts expressing and embodying the core of faith and practice of a believing community. Thus, in line with canonical criticism, this article assumes the Book of Deuteronomy as a... more
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      EthicsOld Testament TheologyTorah/PentateuchOld Testament Exegesis
In this paper I explore the textual and conceptual parallels between Jeremiah and Moses and show that the author of the book of Jeremiah intentionally presented the prophet as the final Moses Prophet spoken of in Deut. 18.
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      DeuteronomyOld Testament StudiesBook of JeremiahMoses
A critical assessment of the claim that “Yahweh’s holiness governs Ezekiel’s message of judgement and hope.” , and also the significance for Christian ministry. Upon reading the book of Ezekiel there is little doubt that contained... more
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      Hebrew BibleOld Testament ProphecyOld Testament TheologyBiblical Studies
Trust, a Prophetic Posture for our Ecological Crisis? Ecological Interpretation of Joel 1-2 By reading Joël 1-2, this article sketches a prophetic posture for the lamentation of an Earth community bringing together animals, humans and the... more
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      TheodicyEcological HermeneuticsThe Book of JoelProphetic Literature
Amid the turmoil the bell tolls of hope - translated by Teresa Bałuk-Ulewiczowa, first published in 'Stereotyp a nieprzekładalność bezwzględna.' In: Między oryginałem a przekładem VIII: Stereotyp a przekład. Eds.U. Kropiwiec, M.... more
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      Translation StudiesRomanticismNineteenth Century StudiesPolish History
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      Hebrew LiteratureGender StudiesTheologyLanguage and Gender
The identification of the character Job and his placement in the Biblcal history has been an issue taxing scholars for generations. The Russian Orthodox and Slavonic traditions, some Jewish traditions, and David Gibson in his book on the... more
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      ArchaeologyHebrew BibleOld Testament ProphecyBiblical Studies
Case studies done on Hijama
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      Islamic StudiesProphetic LiteratureProphetic MedicineHijama Therapy
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      Hadith StudiesSirah NabawiyahProphetic Literature
TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN A great American psychologist summarizes one of the most difficult of subjects--the nature of dreaming--after decades of lifting matters out of the morass of Freudianism.... more
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      ReligionHuman Anatomy (Biology)NeurosciencePsychology
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      Discourse AnalysisHebrew BibleBible TranslationProphets of the Hebrew Bible/"Old Testament"
Apocalyptical narratives always became influential in difficult political times, beginning with the biblical literature. They challenge a given political reality by encouraging people to resist it and by recalling that present political... more
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      Eschatology and ApocalypticismScience FictionPolitical TheologyProphetic Literature
Frontispiz: © Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien. Das Werk ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Die dadurch begründeten Rechte, insbesondere die der Übersetzung, des Nachdrucks, der Entnahme von Abbildungen, der Funksendung, der Wiedergabe auf... more
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      ReligionHistoryEuropean HistoryEastern European Studies
Near the beginning of the Joban Dialogues, Job's friend Eliphaz is attributed a remarkably subversive vision (Job 4:12-21). Laced with images of divine judgment and deception, this vision undermines the very foundation of the friends'... more
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      Visions And DreamsBook of JobHebrew Bible/Old TestamentProphetic Literature
CAPA: João Botelho
REVISÃO: Susana Tavares Pedro
Impresso na Guide para a Guimarães em Julho de 2010
Lisboa: Guimarães [Babel], 2010.
ISBN: 978-972-665-650-0
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      HistoryComparative LiteraturePortuguese and Brazilian LiteratureHistory of Religion
Book Review of  Said the Prophet of God: Hadith Commentary Across a Millennium, Joel Blecher, Oakland, University of California Press, 2018
288 pages. ISBN 978-0-52029-594-0.
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      Islamic StudiesHadith StudiesProphetic Literature
This is a chapter from the book The Hebrew Bible: Feminist and Intersectional Perspectives, ed. by Gale Yee. The chapter is titled, "The Challenge of Violence and Gender under Colonization."
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      Prophets of the Hebrew Bible/"Old Testament"Prophetic Literature
An introduction to the Old Testament prophets.
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      Old Testament TheologySecond Temple JudaismBiblical TheologyProphets
The book explores how biblical studies, theology and religion can address global HIV and AIDS epidemic and the various challenges that  accompanying it.
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      TheologyHIV/AIDSBibleProphetic Literature
In evaluating the roles of the temple personnel in Ezekiel's vision of the future temple (Ezekiel 40-48), three spheres of concern are taken into account: the broader biblical context, the more restricted context of the book of Ezekiel,... more
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      Near Eastern StudiesProphetic LiteratureFirst Temple Period In Israel
The Amosian oracles against the nations (Amos 1:3–2:16) with the superscription (Amos 1:1–2), present an important source for all disciplines of peri-exilic scholarship—from biblical studies to Ancient Near Eastern history and archeology.... more
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      Hebrew BibleMetaphorAkkadian LanguageAkkadian
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      Ancient Near EastHebrew Bible and Ancient Near EastBook of IsaiahHebrew Bible/Old Testament
In diesem Beitrag wird erläutert, was ein Reden vom Propheten im Islami-schen Religionsunterricht aus der Sicht der theologischen Forschung zur prophetischen Gestalt und Tradition leisten sollte, welche Ansätze sich unter Berücksichtigung... more
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      Islamic Contemporary StudiesIslamic StudiesBiographical Literature of the Prophet Muhammad (Sirah Rasul Allah)Biography of the Prophet Muhammad
This article builds upon an earlier discourse analysis of the book of Haggai (Wendland 2005). I now take a closer look at the original rhetorical situation that gave rise to this prophecy by employing a factored ‘argument model’ which... more
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    • Prophetic Literature
Prophetic dreams, or apocalyptic dreams, carry within them, as part of their phenomenology, a mood of inevitability. As C. G. Jung reports for example, a voice within one of his terrifying visions in 1913 says, “Look at it well; it is... more
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      Jungian psychologyConsciousnessPsychoanalysis And LiteratureCarl G. Jung
Il 18 dicembre 1513, dal pulpito di Santa Croce, il predicatore Francesco da Montepulciano profetizzò una serie di sciagure che avrebbero colpito Firenze. L’episodio impressionò i contemporanei, afflitti da guerre e epidemie, ma è stato... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesRenaissance HistoryRenaissance StudiesPreaching
Summary: In the present note, I outline some reasons why I find attempts to view/interpret the book of Daniel as a 2nd cent. composition unsatisfactory. Key words: Daniel, Maccabean, date, composition, critical, evangelical. Date:... more
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      Hebrew BibleOld Testament ProphecyOld TestamentJewish - Christian Relations
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      Old Testament ProphecyProphetsBook of IsaiahBook of Jonah
BRIEF LIFE HISTORY OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD (s) A Brief Biography of Prophet Muhammad (s) We have sent thee not except as a mercy to all the Worlds The Holy Quran, The Prophets (21): 107 We have sent thee not except as a giver of... more
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      HistoryHistory of EducationContemporary HistoryIslamic Studies
By Paul R. House, 1989 (this text was made available at: -- For another, literary-structural study of Zephaniah, see chapter 8 in the... more
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      Hebrew LiteratureHebrew BibleOld Testament ProphecyBiblical Studies
The year 538 A.D. became the turning point in the history of the Roman Empire since so many aspects on political, administrative and economical levels were already switched off that when Justinian declared himself to be a theologian from... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyRoman HistoryArt History
Burada tanık olacağınız şey tamamen gerçek, bununla beraber aynı zamanda olağandışı ve gerçeküstü. Dünyadaki önemli olayları birbirine bağlayan ilahi bir kod var. İnsanlık tarihindeki önemli figürlerin hayatlarını ve çalışmalarını da... more
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      HistoryApplied MathematicsPhilosophyPhilosophy of Science
The present paper is an excerpt from my commentary on Daniel. My view of 9.24-27 is broadly Dispensational. Compared to other Dispensational treatments of the text, it has four key distinctives: (1.) It identifies the slightly... more
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      Old Testament ProphecyBiblical StudiesProphetsInterpretation
This is a Handbook about the Prophetic and Wisdom books of the Old Testament, that belongs to the Series of Handbooks for the study of Theology, of the Institute of Religious Sciences of the Eclesiastical University of San Dámaso (Madrid,... more
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      Old Testament ProphecyWisdom LiteratureOld Testament PseudepigraphaOld Testament Studies
May 31, 2021. These Q&As are based on an earlier version (4.5) of the following resource:
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      Old Testament ProphecyBiblical StudiesOld TestamentBible Translation
Proposes that describing the prophetic books as “prophetic fictions” not only draws together much previous consideration of these books. It also accurately describes their content and form and reflects what is most distinctive about this... more
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      Old Testament ProphecyForm CriticismProphetic LiteratureGattungsgeschichte
The year 538 A.D. became the turning point in the history of the Roman Empire since so many aspects on political, administrative and economical levels were already switched off that when Justinian declared himself to be a theologian from... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyRoman HistoryArt History
By John J. Collins, Forms of the Old Testament Literature, vol. XX, 1984 -- This book is the fourth in a series of twenty-four volumes planned for publication throughout the nineteen-eighties. The series eventually will present a... more
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      Old Testament ProphecyProphetsBook of DanielThe Book of Daniel
This paper explores the theology of the book of Hosea. The theology of Hosea is summarized under the following three headings: 1. Yahweh of the Covenant, 2. Judgment for Idolatry, and 3. Knowledge of God.
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      Old Testament TheologyBiblical TheologyBook of HoseaHebrew Bible/Old Testament