Recent papers in Provocation
The article is focused on social causes of using provocations in advertising as tools of impact, consideration and comparison of provocative advertising and advertising with provocations. Analysis of main features of advertising with... more
Protest. presents and reflects on present and past forms of protest and looks at marginalized communities’ practices of resistance from a wide variety of perspectives. The publication shows, how protest draws on irony, subversion and... more
The subject of this research is the positive provocation, its essence, types, structure, causes, riskiness, as well as the models of positive provocation in sociocultural environment. The object of this research is the provocations, the... more
Numerous studies have found that many people believe that a provocatively dressed woman is at greater risk for sexual assault and bears some responsibility for her assault if she is attacked. Furthermore, in legal, academic, and public... more
Protest. presents and reflects on present and past forms of protest and looks at marginalized communities’ practices of resistance from a wide variety of perspectives. The publication shows how protest draws on irony, subversion and... more
Problem: The vast majority of research examining the interplay between aggressive emotions, beliefs, behaviors, cognitions, and situational contingencies in competitive athletes has focused on Western populations and only select sports... more
Following a high profile and controversial case in which the defendant successfully invoked the provocation defence, the NSW Government established a select parliamentary committee to review the defence and its operation. The Committee... more
Provocation as a type of communication and as a challenge to the general theory opf communication.
As more curriculum scholars think of curriculum as currere—the dynamic development of self-understanding in the context of conversation and learning with others—and, as storying as a form of research dissemination grows in the curriculum... more
Page 1. Electronic copy available at: University of Adelaide Law School University of Adelaide Law School Research Paper No. 2010-002 REVISING THE LAW OF MURDER IN THE INDIAN ...
rowokacja dziennikarska występująca w prak-1 tyce polskich i zagranicznych mediów jest kon-Pt rowersyjną metodą, która nie została uregulowane prawnie. Z tego względu sądy nierzadko mają problem z rozstrzyganiem spraw, w których... more
This is one of the cases which was filed in this court to display one of the Swahili sayings: mapenzi yanaua. This court after receipt of the case and invitation of the parties to explain on what transpired, the
I agree with the substance of Prof. Byrd’s argument, that what she calls ‘summoners’ are to be found in supposedly ‘early’ as well as supposedly ‘middle’ dialogues and that this serves to undermine the strong Vlastos thesis of a radical... more
Krzysztof Witosz: "Opanowanie Wodzisławia przez siły powstańcze w czasie II zrywu niepodległościowego w 1920 r." Piotr Sidor: "Międzysojusznicza Komisja Rządząca i Plebiscytowa wobec drugiego powstania śląskiego" Janusz Lubszczyk: "Post... more
The personality and activities of Evno Azef have attracted historians, politicians and journalists for more than a hundred years. Despite the abundance of published historical research, monographs and articles, the topic still cannot be... more
In the article proposed empirically verified theory of three stages in evolution of legal personality’s autonomy: freedom, tradition and law. As a model described private legal system of NGO “Autonomous Advocacy”, reinstitution of the... more
Analyzing the importance of various kinds of critical provocation and polemics to Middle English Literary Study, this essay argues for a need to assess, rather than simply repudiate, the work of our critic provocateurs.
In the postmodern world, the pace at which social changes occur is striking. It motivates people to look for new ways to adapt to the fast-changing environment. In order to avoid the confrontation with potential opponents, people might... more
By late December 2010, the truculence of brinkmanship between the two Koreas made it easy to forget that more auspicious signs of compromise had come as recently as this past autumn. The resumption of reunions among separated Korean... more
Purpose: This investigation will see how Provocative promotions impact the conduct of adolescents, youths; and how their way of life influences their aims of procurement of body deodorants and scent. The study reveals the projection of... more
Many instances of aggression result in excessive retaliation in response to a seemingly trivial triggering event. The triggered displaced aggression paradigm (TDA; provides an experimental vehicle for exploring such occurrences.... more
В статье дается определение понятия "провокация" с точки зрения авторов русскоязычных и англоязычных научных публикаций. Рассматривается вопрос возможности установления намеренности провокационных действий. Выделяются признаки, на... more
At current era of globalization, media is the double edged sword that is important both for health education as well as the stimulation of unhealthy behaviour. In Nepal, though there is ban on most forms of advertising, it is not clear... more
Einführung und Inhaltsverzeichnis. Alle Rechte beim Thelem Verlag Dresden 2016/17.
This paper explores how provocation narratives introduce political bias in international news. It is based on a two-step methodology. First, a network analysis of country co-mentions in American, British, French, and German news corpus... more
This is the translation of "The Strategies of
Terrorism" article by Andrew H. Kydd and
Barbara F. Walter into Turkish (by any means you find an error/errors or typo, just let me know)
Terrorism" article by Andrew H. Kydd and
Barbara F. Walter into Turkish (by any means you find an error/errors or typo, just let me know)
The term "temptation" admits of two normative senses, a primary meaning which is essentially moral, and a secondary meaning which is non-moral though nevertheless evaluative. The Oxford American Dictionary lists "to arouse a desire in"... more
Some products are considered to be 'bad taste' and therefore of less value. However, if we focus on what a product does with and for its users, rather than on what a product is, we can disregard superficial statements based on taste and... more
URBAN, Jiří. Distrust as a perception, resistance as a response: the introduction of communist politics in the East Bohemian rural area. In RADU, Sorin – BUDEANCA, Cosmin (eds.). Countryside and Communism in Eastern Europe: Perceptions,... more
The partial defense of provocation provides that a person who kills in the heat of passion brought on by legally adequate provocation is guilty of manslaughter rather than murder. The defense traces back to the twelfth century and exists... more
Performed for the first time in May 1964 at the American Center in Paris during the Festival de la Libre Expression organized by French artist Jean-Jacques Lebel, Carolee Schneemann’s scandalous Meat Joy provoqued public... more
This paper explores how provocation narratives introduce political bias in international news. It is based on a two-step methodology. First, a network analysis of country co-mentions in American, British, French, and German news corpus... more
Terorizm hem kendi basina bir stratejidir hem de kendisine ait stratejileri vardir. Terorizm devletler veya teror orgutleri tarafindan kullanilabilecek bir strateji olarak gorulurken, teror orgutleri tarafindan da farkli stratejiler... more
Eng: Why is black metal provocative? What is it in the subculture and music that provokes? To answer this, the work is divided into two parts. The first part is based on an authenticity discourse and examines black metal as a cultural... more