Public Health Systems & Services Research
Recent papers in Public Health Systems & Services Research
Background Prolonged sitting time is a risk factor for chronic disease, yet recent global surveillance is not well described. The aims were to clarify: (i) the countries that have collected country-level data on self-reported sitting... more
Health cooperatives are not developed in Serbia, but during 2020 there was created Initiative for reopening health cooperatives submitted to the Parliament explaining benefits of such organizational form and requesting change of public... more
Why continue to waste money on piecemeal, fragmented healthcare schemes and cards when the same money can be used to strengthen government system to provide comprehensive universal, equitable, quality health care for all?
Anemia is a globally widespread condition in women and is associated with reduced economic productivity and increased mortality worldwide. Here we map annual 2000–2018 geospatial estimates of anemia prevalence in women of reproductive age... more
Medical tourism is a growing phenomenon with policy implications for health systems, particularly of destination countries. Private actors and governments in Southeast Asia are promoting the medical tourist industry, but the potential... more
Introduction: Globally every day, about 830 women die due to complications of pregnancy and child birth. Of these deaths, 99% occur in low-resource settings, and most could be prevented. Use of Modified Early Obstetric Warning System... more
La creación de un centro estatal de salud pública, con una dotación adecuada de recursos, permitirá afrontar los desafíos de la salud pública del presente y del futuro en España. Para ello, las funciones de esta futura institución, que se... more
T he use of qualitative methods in health research has increased substantially in the past decade among researchers from a range of health disciplines. While qualitative research methods were developed by the social sciences, and it is in... more
Despite the significant growth of Indian Economy and health standard of the Indian citizens accessibility of the basic healthcare to majority of the people is a big challenge in developing country like India. The inequalities have been... more
Background: Till 2008, Jharkhand had only 12 designated first referral units (FRUs) at the district level and none of them were fully functional. Aims & Objective: This paper focuses on the processes, experiences and health system... more
Mozambique eyecare project carried out in June 2013 to estimate the socio-economic benefit of an Optometry Programme by calculating the benefits of addressing refractive error in terms of productivity gained as a result of the... more
L'articolo illustra le caratteristiche delle Case della Comunità previste nel PNRR ed alcune criticità significative ad esse connesse.
The aim of this article is to discuss how neoliberal policies implemented in the Chilean health system during the Pinochet regime have a lingering effect on equal access to health care today. The two-tier health system – public and... more
A critical review of the performance of the Irish health system in the areas of efficiency, equity and quality compared with that of the French health system.
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate potential key determinants of the success, or otherwise, of endeavours to address avoidable Visual Impairment (VI) by addressing Uncorrected Refractive Error (URE) in Mozambique and the wider... more
"BACKGROUND In South Africa, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people routinely experience discrimination by health care workers, and even refusal of care when seeking health services. Even though LGBT people are recognised... more
A sociological and historiographical approach to the reform of the National Health System in Argentina in the late 20th century.
his analysis of the Canadian health system reviews recent developments in organization and governance, health financing, health care provision, health reforms and health system performance. Life expectancy is high, but it plateaued... more
Medical intelligence and surveillance is the active and ongoing manual and automatic gathering of large data from different sources to effectively monitor the outbreak of communicable diseases, pattern of behavioral disorders, chemical,... more
Abstract Complementary medicine research, including naturopathic medicine research, is plagued with many methodological challenges. Many of these challenges have also been experienced in public health research. Public health research has... more
Darfur health system profile is a result of an extensive joint effort of the Emergency and Humanitarian action Department (FMoH), WHO and Darfur SMoHs. This document was prepared as a part of an early recovery strategy for Darfur.
The development of this policy seeks to address shortcomings resulting from the existing referral system in the Health Care Institutions. The absence of the referral policy has negatively impacted accessibility in health care provision... more
Uji Kualitas Jasa Pelayanan Kesehatan RS. Lavalette Malang mengikuti Kajian Teori Parasuraman dkk / Test Quality of Health Care Services Hospital. Lavalette Malang follow Theory Study of Parasuraman and friends
The prevalence of alcohol consumption among young people across the globe is unprecedented; with many young drinking the lives away. In Ghana, the story is very similar to the growing worrying trend of alcohol consumption among young... more
Recent years have seen a widening gap between growing global demand and a shrinking supply with donor blood worldwide, including Germany. One reason is that the generation of the so-called “baby boomers”, who have long been the backbone... more
The Circumpolar Health Systems Review [CircHSR] is an international collaborative effort to describe and compare the health care systems that exist in the northern regions of Arctic States. The project was proposed by the Arctic Human... more
Makanan sebagai sumber protein, karbohidrat, lemak, vitamin, dan mineral sangat diperlukan bagi kesehatan fisik, pertumbuhan, dan mengatur proses metabolisme. Makanan yang berkualitas, aman dan menarik dapat diperoleh melalui perlakuan... more
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage the world, with the United States being highly affected. A vaccine provides the best hope for a permanent solution to controlling the pandemic. Several coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccines are... more
Risk assessment, by itself, does nothing to reduce risk or improve safety. It can only change outcomes by informing the design and management of effective risk control interventions. But current practice in healthcare risk management... more
Occurrence management, or dealing with laboratory errors, is important in assuring good service from the laboratory. It is one of the twelve quality essentials, and must be addressed in laboratory quality management.
Introduction: An estimated 78 million babies or every three in five are not breastfed within the first hour of life, putting them at advanced risk of death and disease and most of these babies are born in low- and middle-income countries... more
this paper will try to cover the introduction and beginning of a research with respect to selecting some variables....
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
Se hace una revisión breve sobre los conceptos, objetivos y funciones de un sistema de salud, a partir de la cual se analiza el funcionamiento del sistema de salud guatemalteco. Se identifican los principales desafíos que enfrenta el país... more
Posyandu Euforbia merupakan posyandu yang dibina oleh puskesmas induk Natar yang memiliki tujuan memberdayakan masyarakat Desa Negara Ratu dengan melibatkan kader dan peran aktif partisipatif masyarakat dengan cara pemeriksaan kesehatan... more
ABSTRACT This study was a descriptive cross-sectional study on factors contributing to prevalence of jigger infestation among the community members of Mugumoini sub-location in Gatanga district. The specific objectives were; to asses’... more
Because employers provide health insurance, they play a major role in the population’s health and in its security. In the United States, historically, employment has always been the cornerstone of private health insurance. In fact, 90... more
Girl-Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) constitutes an alarming social phenomenon. Heavily influenced by social and cultural factors, CSA is understood and dealt with differently by different societies. Ultimately, survivors are left to bear the... more
Street children worldwide do not have the information, skills, health services, and support they need to go through sexual development during adolescence.This study is undertaken to systematically investigate the fit between street... more
Objective: To assess the core capacities for the implementation of the IHR (2005) for the prevention and control of infectious diseases, events and other conditions at the selected Points of Entry. Methods-A cross-sectional descriptive... more