Public Libraries
Recent papers in Public Libraries
ANCELIN Justine | DCB21 | Mémoire d'étude | Janvier 2013
My Master’s Thesis in Library and Information Science from The Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS), Copenhagen, examines the topic: the profile of the “New Public Library”, primarily in Denmark. However, in the text I... more
O objetivo da investigação foi compreender as práticas das bibliotecas da RNBP na utilização das plataformas da Web 2.0 e as conceções dos profissionais sobre essas práticas e eventuais impactos. Esta realidade foi analisada numa... more
This paper describes the results of a qualitative study involving interviews with twelve public librarians about their experiences interacting with library users experiencing homelessness. The study examines the kinds of health... more
Reports on research undertaken because the Malaysian delegation to an ASEAN‐COCI seminar felt there was a need to understand what is meant by “Quality” from the librarian’s perspective. A survey was undertaken to obtain feedback from... more
My wife and I visited Brazil in December and January this past year, spending the Christmas and New Year's holidays there. Since my wife is Brazilian, I have taken an interest in exploring Brazilian culture and history. This interest, and... more
As evident in the professional literature (e.g., Fialkoff 1999, the growth of book superstores in North America has been of concern to public libraries. Despite this little research has explored the relationship between libraries and book... more
This paper reports the results of the second stage of the Citizenship Information research project funded by the BLR&IC: a nation-wide survey, by personal doorstep interview, of the citizenship information needs of almost 900 members of... more
With a rise in the technology for the production of electronic or digital materials, funders and administrators of libraries are increasingly leaning towards providing digital reading materials to users. In crowded cities like Hong Kong... more
This report presents a comparative analysis of the public library laws in four Latin American countries: Colombia-Mexico-Uruguay-Venezuela. The analysis parameters were established based on common points observed in each of these laws
Purpose – This paper aims to determine how trust and perceptions shape uses of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in public access venues (libraries, telecentres, and cybercafés) in 25 developing countries around the world.... more
Although outcome-based evaluation was routine in governmental and nonprofit agencies by 2002, it had not been systematically applied to the evaluation of children's services in public libraries. At the same time, digital technology had... more
Put simply, there is no text about public librarianship more rigorous or comprehensive than McCook's survey. Now, the REFORMA Lifetime Achievement Award-winning author has teamed up with noted public library scholar and advocate Bossaller... more
This investigation used content analysis to examine the information needs and uses literature published from X90-1994. Analyses measured the degree of interdisciplinarity evident in references cited, determined whether this literature was... more
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to introduce the planning and architectural design features, and the post-occupancy evaluation (POE) of the Beitou Branch Library in the Taipei Public Library System. This paper also proposes possible... more
La biblioteca pública del siglo XXI se concibe como un centro social de y para la comunidad, centrada en la planificación y desarrollo de programas de intervención socioeducativa vinculados con la alfabetización, la participación y la... more
Campbell-Meier, J. Naidoo, J and Weddle, J. (2014). S. T. A. P. L. E.: Sustainable Training for Alabama Public Library Employees: Augmenting 21st Century Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes in Library Managers. Works in Progress Poster... more
The paper proposes a brief review of recent studies related to the debate on the identity of the public library, in its implications related to library science, architecture, cultural studies.
Public libraries play a pivotal role in different spheres of a society. In the present global scenario, it becomes apparent to restructure the public libraries by adjusting to Technological change and needs of the present day society.... more
Se destaca el compromiso social de la biblioteca y la importancia del activismo bibliotecario.
Percorsi e luoghi della conoscenza: dialogando con Giovanni Solimine su biblioteche, lettura e società, a cura di Giovanni Di Domenico, Giovanni Paoloni e Alberto Petrucciani. Milano: Editrice Bibliografica, 2016. 325 p. ISBN... more
We all play games. Whether it’s the mainstream digital formats offered by video and handheld consoles; board games such as chess or monopoly; the challenges of the crossword puzzle; or the more abstract games that form our lives, such as... more
One reason librarians are confident they have a role to play in fighting misinformation is the level of trust in libraries as institutions. Exactly how they might leverage that trust remains unclear and untested. Building on recent work... more
La Biblioteca Diffusa è costituita da un insieme di punti lettura e piccole biblioteche, coordinato dal Comune di Trieste per favorire la condivisione del patrimonio librario di associazioni, organizzazioni e altre istituzioni, pubbliche... more
This invited talk at the Shoman Foundation in Amman during their annual lecture series in September 2018 highlights the role of public libraries in promoting print and digital reading among community members, especially those who are... more
Homelessness is a personal hardship and societal plight, both difficult to resolve. Struggles are motivators, and economies benefit to varying extents from their homeless: programs proliferate, architects and contractors build... more
A nation that is information empowered is capable of contributing to the democratic process. Governments are realizing more the importance of information and communication technologies (ICTs) as governing tools. Libraries have always been... more
A través de una investigación mixta se muestran experiencias que resiginifican la biblioteca como un equipamiento de vida urbana exterior e interior, ampliando su historia presente, y actualizándolo como espacio-lugar público.
Afin de développer de manière pertinente un fonds de livres tactiles, il nous semblait hautement instructif de bénéficier des expériences engrangées dans les pôles reconnus pour leur expertise dans le domaine de la malvoyance en... more
Cultural institutions like public libraries, through its collection, play a significant role in preserving cultural heritage, nation-building, and national identity of a community. The community who utilizes available information in their... more
رغم قلة عدد المكتبات العامة في مصر تبعا لعدد السكان إذ يشير واقع المكتبات في مصر إلى وجود ما يربو من ألفي مكتبة، يبلغ عدد المكتبات العامة منها حوالي 1200 مكتبة وهذا العدد لا يتناسب مطلقا مع عدد السكان الذي يبلغ أكثر من 90 مليون نسمة ، حيث... more
Introducción. 5 1ª Parte. Brecha digital, bibliotecas y políticas de inclusión 9 Capítulo 1. Brecha digital, brecha social y brecha paradigmática. Concepto y dimensiones. Daniel Pimienta Capítulo 2. La acción social de las bibliotecas.... more
A thematic study of the reception of the Pantheon considered in relation to the: (1) Spread of Religious Tolerance, (2) Birth of Modern Science and Medicine, (3) Rise of Democratic Government, (4) Public Museum, (5) Public Library, (6)... more
El modelo de biblioteca integrada, o joint use library, propone el establecimiento de alianzas cooperativas entre bibliotecas de distinto tipo, normalmente públicas y escolares, para desarrollar su labor conjuntamente, pero sin perder su... more
This paper aims to study the evaluation of library services for persons with disabilities in the Sleman Regency Library and Archives Office. There are three standard service components issued by IFLA (International Federation of Library... more
The book is proposed as guidelines for planning and designing the public library, trying to fill a gap between the present Italian handbooks. It illustrates the public library’s features and requirements, not only from the architectural... more