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The need for a formal language in which to express and reason about spatial concepts is of crucial importance in many areas of AI and visual systems. For the last five years, spatial reasoning research by the Qualitative Spatial Reasoning... more
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      Cognitive ScienceArtificial IntelligenceQualitative Spatial ReasoningQualitative Reasoning
Understanding how students learn chemical concepts has been a great concern for researchers of chemical education. This community is making efforts to identify the most important misunderstandings and develop strategies to overcome... more
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      Science EducationIntelligent Tutoring SystemsQualitative ReasoningStudent Learning
We present a methodology to perform Financial Analysis with as much information as available. The problem we solve is the assessment of investment projects; we are to determine whether or not an investment project is profitable. We... more
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      MathematicsEconomicsFinancial AnalysisQualitative Reasoning
We introduce a novel approach to the creation of Virtual Reality Art installations, which supports the design of alternative worlds, in which laws of Physics can be redefined to induce new user experiences. To implement this concept of... more
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      Virtual WorldsUser eXperienceQualitative ReasoningVirtual Reality
This report was prepared for the SEI Joint Program Office HQ ESC/AXS
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      Software ArchitectureQualitative ReasoningArchitectural DesignQuality Attributes
One of the original motivations for research in qualitative physics was the development of intelligent tutoring systems and learning environments for physical domains and complex systems. This article demonstrates how a synergistic... more
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      Cognitive ScienceArtificial IntelligenceThermodynamicsPower Plant
We introduce a novel approach to the creation of Virtual Reality Art installations, which supports the design of alternative worlds, in which laws of Physics can be redefined to induce new user experiences. To implement this concept of... more
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      Virtual WorldsCausalityUser eXperienceQualitative Reasoning
The paradox of the preface and the lottery paradox are paradoxes of practical certainty sharing certain features. The paradox of the lottery argues that rational agents are at once practically certain that each ticket in a lottery will... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputational IntelligenceQualitative ReasoningNonmonotonic Logic
The European Union regulatory framework on organic farming gave a new impulse to the institutionalisation of the Portuguese organic farming movement. This paper offers an analytical account based on interviews with key market and... more
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      Organic agricultureApplied EconomicsQualitative ReasoningOrganic Farming
Consultation is an important feature of research and, increasingly, researchers are required to work in partnership with stakeholders to increase the impact of their work. Our aim is to demonstrate what can be learned from the scholarship... more
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      Computing In Social Sciences, Arts And Humanities, ProfessionsSocial Research Methods and MethodologySocial SciencesResearch Methods and Methodology
The Spatial Semantic Hierarchy is a model of knowledge of large-scale space consisting of multiple interacting representations, both qualitative and quantitative. The SSH is inspired by the properties of the human cognitive map, and is... more
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      RoboticsCognitive MapQualitative ReasoningSpatial Reasoning
Introduces the six papers in this special issue, which reflect a growing interest in using qualitative reasoning techniques in decision support systems, especially in the fields of finance and economics. This introduction also provides a... more
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      Decision support systemQualitative Reasoning
This paper addresses some particular issues related to the difficult task of automatic mapping of Web information to help the user to find interesting and unexpected information on the Web. The approach puts together qualitative and... more
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      Information RetrievalWeb IntelligenceQualitative ReasoningWeb Mapping
This work is part of a larger attempt to explore the nature of symbolic understanding involving graphic technology. This study describes learning advanced mathematics that occurs through constructing qualitative reasoning methods using... more
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      Visual perceptionQualitative ReasoningGraphical Representation
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      Cognitive ScienceArtificial IntelligenceAI Planning (Artificial Intelligence)Qualitative Reasoning
We present a methodology to perform Financial Analysis with as much information as available. The problem we solve is the assessment of investment projects; we are to determine whether or not an investment project is profitable. We... more
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      MathematicsFinancial AnalysisQualitative ReasoningProfitability
This paper investigates the challenging problem of encoding the common sense knowledge involved in the manipulation of spatial objects from a reasoning about actions and change perspective. In particular, we propose a formal solution to a... more
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      Cognitive ScienceArtificial IntelligenceModelingQualitative Spatial Reasoning
Qualitative modeling and reasoning is a most interesting area for applying and experimenting with machine learning techniques. Qualitative reasoning tasks of interest where machine learning can be applied include modeling, diagnosis,... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMachine LearningQualitative Reasoning
Foundational ontologies are axiomatic accounts of high-level domain-independent categories about the real world. They constitute toolboxes of reusable information modeling primitives for building ap- plication ontologies in specific... more
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      Qualitative ReasoningCase Study
This paper demonstrates that qualitative reasoning plays a crucial role for both an efficient and physi- cally correct approach to the automated formulation of an accurate quantitative model which explains a set of observations. The model... more
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      Qualitative ReasoningCase StudyParameter Identification
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      Spatial cognitionQualitative Spatial ReasoningGeographic Information ScienceSpatial Representation
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      Spatial cognitionQualitative Spatial ReasoningGeographic Information ScienceSpatial Representation
We present a methodology to perform Financial Analysis with as much information as available. The problem we solve is the assessment of investment projects; we are to determine whether or not an investment project is profitable. We... more
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      Financial AnalysisQualitative ReasoningProfitabilityApproximate Reasoning
This paper demonstrates the use of qualitative probabilistic networks (QPNs) to aid Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBNs) in the process of learning the structure of gene regulatory networks from microarray gene expression data. We present a... more
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      AlgorithmsComputational BiologyDrosophila melanogasterReverse Engineering
The crisis in science education and the need for innovative computer-based learning environments has prompted us to develop a multi-agent system, Betty's Brain that implements the learning by teaching paradigm. The design and... more
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      Cognitive ScienceScience EducationInquiry Based LearningFormative Assessment
Solar light photodegradation of three cinnamic acid derivatives (ferulic acid, caffeic acid and p-coumaric acid) present in olive oil industry wastewater has been achieved using 2,4,6-triphenylpyrylium hydrogen sulfate as an electron... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringOlive OilQualitative Reasoning
The so-called hybrid expert systems for analysis of physical systems (e.g., mechanical) integrate modelling and simulation methods, including classical numerical (quantitative) methods as well as recently developed qualitative analysis... more
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      EngineeringUser InterfaceQuantitative MethodsKnowledge Representation
This paper presents and discusses work on the automated generation of qualitative (diagnostic) models from simulation models that have been developed for (control) engineering purposes. This work is motivated by an attempt to build... more
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      Model TheoryControl EngineeringQualitative ReasoningNumerical Simulation
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      Spatial cognitionQualitative Spatial ReasoningGeographic Information ScienceSpatial Representation
This paper describes the use of qualitative reasoning mechanisms in designing computer-based teachable agents that users explicitly teach to solve problems using concept maps. Users can construct the required problem-solving knowledge... more
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      Computer ScienceConcept MapQualitative ReasoningProblem Solving
This paper gives a isomorphic representation of the subtheories RT − , RT − EC, and RT of Asher and Vieu’s first-order ontology of mereotopology RT0. It corrects and extends previous work on the representation of these mereotopologies. We... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMathematicsLattice Theory (Order Theory)Computer Science
The main approaches to qualitative reasoning are surveyed, compared and contrasted. These are the constraint based, component centred and processed based approaches. Later sections consider the efficiency of the reasoning techniques and... more
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      Cognitive ScienceArtificial IntelligenceQualitative ReasoningMultiple model
This paper proposes fuzzy qualitative representation of trigonometry (FQT) in order to bridge the gap between qualitative and quantitative representation of physical systems using Trigonometry. Fuzzy qualitative coordinates are defined by... more
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      StatisticsComputational GeometryFuzzy LogicFuzzy set theory
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      Spatial cognitionQualitative Spatial ReasoningGeographic Information ScienceSpatial Representation
Page 1. Using Predicate Logic to Integrate Qualitative Reasoning and Classical Decision Theory JOHN FOX, DOMINIC A. CLARK, ANDRZEJ J. GLOWINSKI, AND MICHAEL J. O'NEIL ALtrmt -Classical decision theop can be ...
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      Decision TheoryQualitative Reasoningdecision ProcedureBelief Change
Qualitative probabilistic networks were designed to overcome, to at least some extent, the quantification problem known to probabilistic networks. Qualitative networks abstract from the numerical probabilities of their quantitative... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceQualitative Reasoning
Qualitative probabilistic networks are qualitative abstractions of probabilistic networks, summarising probabilistic influences by qualitative signs. As qualitative networks model influences at the level of variables, knowledge about... more
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      Cognitive ScienceArtificial IntelligenceQualitative ReasoningProbabilistic reasoning
Making inferences is crucial for understanding the world. The school may develop such skills but there are few formal opportunities for that. This paper describes an experiment designed to investigate the use of qualitative reasoning... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceSign LanguageStatistical Analysis
If we allow the magnitude and angle of a complex number (expressed in polar form) to range over an interval, it describes a semicircular region, similar to a fan; these regions are what we call complex fans. Complex numbers are a special... more
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      Information SystemsQualitative ReasoningInterval computationComplex Numbers
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      Cognitive ScienceComputational IntelligenceQualitative Reasoning
In this report, inspired by non-constructive simulation developed in the qualitative reasoning field, we present a non-constructive interval simulation algorithm for the simulation of dynamic systems. To perform this kind of simulation,... more
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      Monte Carlo SimulationQualitative ReasoningInterval analysis
In this paper, we describe an application of Q2Q2 learning, a recently developed approach to machine learning in numerical domains, to the automated modelling of an aquatic ecosystem from measured data. We modelled the time behaviour of... more
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      Machine LearningMultidisciplinaryEcological ModellingQualitative Reasoning
The field of Qualitative Spatial Reasoning is now an active research area in its own right within AI (and also in Geographical Information Systems) having grown out of earlier work in philosophical logic and more general Qualitative... more
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      Spatial cognitionQualitative Spatial ReasoningGeographic Information ScienceSpatial Representation
La gestione della sicurezza delle dighe è compito importante a causa della rilevanza delle possibili conseguenze di malfunzionamenti o cedimenti delle strutture gestite e difficile per la complessità dei problemi che si devono affrontare.... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceExpert SystemsDecision Support SystemsQualitative Reasoning
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      Computer ScienceFinancial Risk ManagementDecision Support SystemsRisk Management
Incomplete information is present in many engineering domains, hindering traditional and non—traditional simulation techniques. This paper describes SQPC (semi—quantitative physics compiler), an implemented approach to modelling and... more
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      ControlQualitative ReasoningSimulationWater Supply
This special volume of Decision Support Systems includes six papers on Qualitative Reasoning in Business, Finance, and Econo~aics. These papers represent a growing interest in using the techniques of Qualitative Reasoning-an approach to... more
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      Decision Support SystemsDecision support systemQualitative ReasoningMathematical Sciences
We formally construct the extended set of qualitative labels L over a well-ordered set. The qualitative descriptions of a given set are defined as L-fuzzy sets. In the case where the well-ordered set is finite, a distance between L-fuzzy... more
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      Pure MathematicsQualitative ReasoningFuzzy Sets and SystemsInformation Sciences
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      PhysicsMachine LearningData MiningQualitative Reasoning
This paper presents a proposal for the development of laboratory assignments about the design and implementation of advanced interfaces for mobile robots using speech recognition. In these assignments, the main objective is the analysis... more
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      Engineering EducationSpeech RecognitionQualitative ReasoningArtificial Vision