Race and Disability
Recent papers in Race and Disability
DRAFT syllabus for team-taught Doctoral Seminar in Interdisciplinary Disability Studies. Course description. Like the fictions of gender and race, disability is a cultural and social formation that sorts bodies and minds into desirable... more
In this article we explore the dynamic interplay between racism and ableism or discrimination against someone based on perceived "ability"'in the resistance to school desegregation and inclusion of students with disabilities in general... more
Scholars in disability studies in education, like scholars in other critical fields of inquiry, increasingly draw on a more interdisciplinary range of texts in their research and teaching, including art, fiction, film, and autobiography.... more
Abstract Currently, disability is often represented as a difference-neutral identity based on Eurocentric ideologies and embodiment within media representations, academic research, and policy spaces (Bell 2006, Dossa 2006, Meekosha... more
This chapter excerpt is a more through examination of race and disability than a previous article post. These are both social constructs. They were categories created by human beings to categorizes other humans beings. This article... more
I engage longstanding challenges and risks associated with conducting and using research on complex equity problems. I engage these challenges in the context of research on disability identification disparities, which have been... more
OPEN ACCESS Special Issue of Social Inclusion:
Academic Editors: Shaun Grech (The Critical Institute, Malta) and Karen Soldatic (Western Sydney University, Australia)
Academic Editors: Shaun Grech (The Critical Institute, Malta) and Karen Soldatic (Western Sydney University, Australia)
and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in... more
Broad and inter-disciplinary inquiry into disability is at a nascent stage in Sri Lanka. This paper looks at the intersectionality of disability and gender in the specific contexts of ‘the rural’ and the armed conflict-affected areas of... more
A detailed commentary on rare research documents covering
issues on India, disability sport - UK and South Africa, equality issues and the health issue of Science for People 1977.
issues on India, disability sport - UK and South Africa, equality issues and the health issue of Science for People 1977.
In this two-part series, I share reflections on how stories of self-killing as “suicide” are employed differentially to “read” racialized communities. A part of this discussion involves accepting that suicide is not merely a word used in... more
This major research paper (MRP) interrogates the discourse of ableism and disableism and its impact on disabled and fat bodies. The general theme of this MRP is the division of life through the dichotomy of human and non-human, and... more
In this chapter we trace some of the intersecting discourses of race and ability in US history and their impact upon schools. In particular, we focus upon on how the emergence of specialized forms of education served to shore up notions... more
... What we see in disability life writing is a conscious rendering of altered physicality in prose (Kuusisto, 2005, p. 150 ... As Mollow's (2002) analysis of the book Willow Weep for Me by Meri Nana-Ama Danquah illustrates,... more
Integration and Inclusion-A Troubling Nexus: Race, Disability, and Special Education. by David J. Connor , Beth A. Ferri There are perhaps five million children in the United States who are colored. There are close to five million othe.
There is growing concern surrounding the retraction of disability social provisioning measures across the western world, with state fiscal policy trends foregrounding austerity as a central principle of welfare provisioning. This is... more
[Invited Keynote Presentation]. Disability Studies and Inclusive Education conference. Rome, Italy (May, 2017).
This panel organized by the Institute of Research on Race and Public Policy addresses how educational systems have dealt with the intersections of race and disability. What does the disproportional representation of students of color in... more