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      Data MiningDSSRapidMiner
The social web or web 2.0 has become the biggest and most accessible repository of data about human (social) behavior in history. Due to a knowledge gap between big data analytics and established social science methodology, this enormous... more
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      SociologySocial MovementsSocial TheoryComputer Science
This paper analyses the use of data mining techniques in evaluating job readiness of unemployed population in Ireland. To effectively help a jobseeker to enter or return to employment, it is necessary to develop a personal plan and... more
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      Data MiningClustering and Classification MethodsDecission Support SystemCRISP-DM
By applying RapidMiner workflows has been processed a dataset originated from different data files, and containing information about the sales over three years of a large chain of retail stores. Subsequently, has been constructed a Deep... more
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      Data MiningNeural NetworkDistributed Data MiningRecurrent Neural Network
Abstrak: Feature Extraction adalah teknik pengambilan ciri / feature dari suatu bentuk yang nantinya nilai yang didapatkan akan dianalisis untuk proses selanjutnya. Klasifikasi adalah proses untuk menyatakan suatu objek ke dalam salah... more
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      Image ProcessingData MiningFace RecognitionMatlab Programming
According to World Health Organization (WHO), breast cancer is the top cancer in women both in the developed and the developing world. Increased life expectancy, urbanization and adoption of western lifestyles trigger the occurrence of... more
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      Data MiningRapidMiner
In this paper the authors proposed different Multilayer Perceptron Models (MLP) of artificial neural networks (ANN) suitable for visual merchandising in Global Distribution (GDO) applications involving supermarket product facing. The... more
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      Artificial Neural Networks for modeling purposesArtificial Neural NetworksVisual MerchandisingFashion Visual Merchandising
This paper introduces a three-step methodology of identifying skills demand on labour markets. By accessing publicly available vacancy data, with web and text mining tools, we are able to extract valuable facts about competences and... more
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      Text MiningSkills DevelopmentWork and LabourLabour Economics
Intrusion detection system dealing with the huge amount of data that include repeated irrelevant cause slow process of testing, training and higher learning resource consumption as well as the vulnerability of the detection rate. Data... more
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Internet usage has become intensive during the last few decades; this has given rise to the use of email which is one of the fastest yet cheap modes of communication. The growing demand of email communication has given rise to the spam... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyDecision TreeRandom Forests
The internet world expands day by day as well as threats related to it. Nowadays, Cyber-attacks often happen more than a decade ago. Intrusion detection is one of the most popular search area that provides various technologies and... more
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      Data MiningDatamining ToolsRapid Application DevelopmentRandom Forest
This paper is presented in the conference which is named as Digital Democracy: Critical Perspectives in the Age of Big Data. Conference is held in Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden.
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      Refugee StudiesDigital MediaText MiningHate Speech
Peningkatan kualitas karyawan yang bekerja didalam sebuah perusahaan merupakan hal penting yang harus dilakukan salah satunya dengan cara penilaian kinerja karyawan serta memberikan apresiasi terhadap karyawan yang berprestasi agar dapat... more
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      Data MiningRapidMinerAlgoritma C4.5
Smart Watches, mobile computers in the format of a wristwatch and worn on the wrist, are generally estimated as the next mega trend of mobile computing. Meanwhile, »wearables« are available in the mass market1, IP67 certified, which... more
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      Data MiningMobile TechnologyAmbient Assisted LivingAAL
RapidMiner is a software for machine learning, data mining, predictive analytics, and business analytics. The server will record large web log files when user visits the website. Extracting knowledge from such huge data demands for new... more
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      Computer GraphicsRendering (Computer Graphics)Computers in Graphic DesignGeometry Processing (Computer Science)
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      Machine LearningSNARRapidMiner
Apple adalah perusahaan teknologi multinasional yang berpusat di Cupertino, California, yang merancang, mengembangkan, dan menjual barang elektronik konsumen, perangkat lunak komputer, dan layanan daring. Sumber pendapatan Apple secara... more
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      Data MiningData WarehousingAppleData Warehouse
RapidMiner is a software for machine learning, data mining, predictive analytics, and business analytics. The server will record large web log files when user visits the website. Extracting knowledge from such huge data demands for new... more
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      Computer GraphicsHuman Computer InteractionData MiningComputational Geometry