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The UK Commission for Employment and Skills is a social partnership, led by Commissioners from large and small employers, trade unions and the voluntary sector. Our mission is to raise skill levels to help drive enterprise, create more... more
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      Skills DevelopmentWork and LabourSocial MobilityWork-Life Balance
Λιντζέρης, Π. (2017) «Πολιτικές δεξιοτήτων. Επισημάνσεις για το ρόλο των δεξιοτήτων στην οικονομία, την εργασία και την κατάρτιση», στο Γούλας, Χ. και Λιντζέρης, Π. (επιμ.) Δια Βίου Μάθηση, επαγγελματική κατάρτιση, απασχόληση και... more
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      Skills DevelopmentSkills Development Policy
"The professional development and the improvement of the quality of adult learning staff have been recognised as a priority at European level. However, at European and national levels there is not always a clear view of the competences... more
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      EducationAdult EducationLifelong LearningSkills Development
What role does habit formation play in the development of sport skills? We argue that motor habits are both necessary for and constitutive of sensorimotor skill as they support an automatic, yet inherently intelligent and flexible, form... more
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      Sport PsychologyPhilosophical PsychologySports & Exercise PychologyHuman Motor Behavior
This study is concerned with exploring students’ use of CAAD software programs, which are already available in studios and schools of architecture - to better reflect the status of CAAD in the educational context of the studio where CAAD... more
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      Design ResearchComputer Aided DesignSkills DevelopmentStudio Practice
This study is concerned with exploring students’ use of CAAD software programs, which are already available in studios and schools of architecture - to better reflect the status of CAAD in the educational context of the studio where CAAD... more
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      Design ResearchComputer Aided DesignSkills DevelopmentStudio Practice
Foreign direct investment (FDI) has drastically increased in Vietnam since 2004. This increase can even be seen as a second investment boom, following the first surge in investment during the latter half of the 1990s. The total value of... more
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      Skills DevelopmentViet NamTechnical and Vocational Education and Training
This essay tries to connect the dots of SANKALP, District Skill Committee and Mahatma Gandhi National Fellowship in making the skilling ecosystem effective. First, it tries to discuss the generic role of the District Skill Committee. It... more
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      Skills DevelopmentSkills Training and DevelopmentTVETMobilization
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      Aural SkillsTeaching English as a Second LanguageLearning and TeachingSkills Development
This paper investigates the perception of corporate managers regarding employability skills of management students undertaking summer internship with them. The study is divided into two parts wherein the first part consists of literature... more
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      PsychologyHigher EducationSkills DevelopmentWork Integrated Learning
While Indian cities are grappling with the many challenges like traffic mayhem, increasing crime rate, rising prices etc., we can see things beginning to change for the better in rural India. Today, over fifty percent of India’s FMCG... more
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    • Skills Development
This book chapter reviews the emergence and distinctiveness of the 'developmental state' approach to building national skills systems, making reference to S. Korea and Singapore specifically, though some comparisons are also made to Japan... more
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      Skills DevelopmentIndustrial policyDevelopmental StateComparative Advantage
Dramatic changes are taking place in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in South Africa. However, the poorly coordinated transformation programmes are being implemented by leaders who have limited capabilities. This study aims to... more
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    • Skills Development
Objetivo: Comparar la efectividad del Modelo de Toma de Decisiones Gerenciales en Salud Basada en Evidencia con la del Modelo Conductista en el desarrollo de competencias para la integración de evidencia a la toma de decisiones... more
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      Decision MakingHigher EducationEvidence Based PracticeSkills Development
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      SociologySkills DevelopmentWork and LabourTrade unions
This article presents a case study of the integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) in high-school biology project-based learning. The study's main goal was to conduct an in-depth, qualitative examination of the students' experiences... more
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      Skills DevelopmentProject-Based LearningComputational ThinkingBiology Education
The objective of this study was to evaluate a non animal teaching model referred as surgical dummy, for teaching surgery, to novice veterinary students. Students' confidence level and experience in surgical practice was evaluated via... more
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      Skills DevelopmentPedagogySimulationVeterinary Surgery and Radiology
Background: Predictions suggest Africa’s combined Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will be amongst the fastest growing on earth in the next two decades. An expectation is that the majority of African homes will enter the consumer class, and... more
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      EducationBusiness NetworksLeadershipTraining and Development
This paper seeks to address omissions in previous research by identifying a future competency profile for design engineers. A three-phase methodology using both quantitative and qualitative methods was employed. A competency profile for... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCommunicationCreativity
Traditionally, the lack of skills and technical competencies has been associated with adverse events in the surgical area. However, it has been seen that a large percentage of these events are directly related to deficits in the... more
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      SurgeryAssessmentSkills DevelopmentNon-Technical Skills
This chapter looks to analyze three aspects skill: premium or wage incentive, existence of skill-biased technical change, and problems with current vocational training programs prevailing in India. All these three aspects will be analyzed... more
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      BusinessSkills DevelopmentIGI GlobalWomen and skills
How is going to be professionalism for RMAs in a post-pandemic era? Which skills are expected to be in demand? Following these questions, this presentation aims to define what professionalism for today’s RMAs is – consisting of... more
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      ProfessionalismHigher EducationSkills DevelopmentProfessional Development
Επιστημονική Ένωση Εκπαίδευσης Ενηλίκων Κύκλος 6 webinars από την ΕΕΕΕ [Οκτώβριος 2020-Ιανουάριος 2021] σε σημαντικά και επίκαιρα θέματα της εκπαίδευσης ενηλίκων. Τετάρτη, 21 Οκτωβρίου,18.00-20.00 Συμμετέχοντες ομιλητές: Χρήστος... more
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      Vocational And Adult EducationSkills DevelopmentVocational TrainingΕπαγγελματική Κατάρτιση
Rural development generally refers to the process of improving the quality of life and economic well-being of people living in relatively isolated and sparsely populated areas. Based on scientific utilization of India's natural resources... more
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      EducationUrban PlanningRural DevelopmentSkills Development
An examination of skills tasks in two units from different sources - Bachillerato Made Easy and Botellón!
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      Languages and LinguisticsSkills DevelopmentTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageLanguage Skills
Previous understandings of adult use of toys are connected with ideas of collecting and hobbying, not playing. This study aims to address toys as play objects employed in imaginative scenarios and as learning devices. This article... more
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The STCW training requirements for ECDIS adopted in 2010 intend that watchstanders are prepared to navigate safely while applying ECDIS. The commonplace static review of ECDIS principles and functions must now include some measures of... more
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      Assessing PerformanceSkills DevelopmentIntegrated Navigation (Marine Simulation)
‫اﻟﺘﻮاﺻﻞ‬ ‫ﺻﻌﻮﺑﺔ‬ ‫اﻹﻧﺠﻠﯿﺰﯾﺔ‬ Introduction Speaking is one of the four English skills, which is stated as a course taught in the English Education Department. It is normally taught from the first year up to the second year with different... more
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      Skills DevelopmentPublic SpeakingCommunication SkillsTeaching speaking
Fischer's (1980) Dynamic Skill Theory provides an example of an integrative model of psychological development. Elaborated over the course of 40 years, skill theory evolved from a neo-Piagetian model of the development of action and... more
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      Developmental PsychologyCognitive developmentEducational PsychologyChild Development
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      EducationSkills DevelopmentVocational EducationTechnical and Vocational Education
Skills for logistics are of importance for employment and career development as well as in curriculum development, and prior research has highlighted differences in skill requirements for different logistics functions as well as for... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementLogisticsContent AnalysisHaiti
Explores the relationship between responsible business and CSR and considers their contribution to employment and skills development, national challenges, social entrepreneurship and investment, and puts the case for more creative,... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilitySocial EntrepreneurshipCreativityCollaboration
This report lists major problems, solutions, and good practices concerning the education of writing and reading skills in the whole process of education within EU. It is a joint effort of the participants and organisers into making... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageAdult Education
This paper has been prepared in order to present an evaluation of the international business strategies of Ready-made garments industries. Ready-made garments industries are the greatest value creation sector for one country. In... more
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationInternational BusinessBusiness Process Management
Niniejsza publikacja przedstawia wyniki badania „Ocena procesu zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi w oparciu o kompetencje w kontekście uczenia się przez całe życie”. Badanie to było zrealizowane przez Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych w ramach prac... more
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      Research MethodologySkills DevelopmentWork and LabourHuman Resources
Profiling district is essential from policymaking and policy analysis perspective. This paper tries to analyze the economic and employment profile of Hardoi. While analyzing the sector-wise contribution, it also tries to analyze the... more
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      Development EconomicsRural DevelopmentSkills DevelopmentAgriculture
This revision of IMO Model Course 1.27 intends to provide the knowledge, skill and understanding of ECDIS and electronic charts to the thorough extent needed to safely navigate vessels whose primary means of navigation is ECDIS. The... more
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      Assessing PerformanceSkills DevelopmentIntegrated Navigation (Marine Simulation)
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      ManagementSkills DevelopmentVocational EducationTechnical and Vocational Education
In India around 75% of the populace lives in villages. Moreover, majority of the country’s landmass falls within rural landscape. Rural India, therefore, is not only rich in natural resources but also produces the bread butter for the... more
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      Skills DevelopmentIndia Rural Areas
The contributions of trade unions to the struggles for the improvement in the welfare and living standards of not just their members but the larger society cannot be overemphasised. For instance in Nigeria and Africa, trade unions were... more
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      LeadershipTrade unionismSkills DevelopmentNigeria
Implementation Completion Report (BICR) on behalf of the Government of Sindh (GOS) that took a WB loan of USD 21 million for Sindh Skill Development Project (SSDP) 2011- 2016, extended to May 30th, 2018 implemented by Sindh Technical... more
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      Youth StudiesMonitoring And EvaluationMeasurement and EvaluationSkills Development
Human resource management is a process of bringing people and organizations together so that the goals of each other are met. Nowadays it is not possible to show a good financial or operating report unless your personnel relations are in... more
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      Skills DevelopmentCompetency MappingCore Competency Standards and Patient SatisfactionNon-aligned Movement; globalization; future of non-alignment
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to highlight the role of training need assessment in identifying the areas of skill and competency development with specific reference to an organisation involved in media business.... more
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      Training and DevelopmentSkills DevelopmentNeeds AssessmentTraining Needs Assessment
With the rapid growth of social networking and media comes their consideration for use in the marketing classroom. Social networking skills are becoming essential for personal branding (eg, networking, self-marketing) and... more
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      MarketingSociologySocial NetworksCreativity
Cette contribution part de l’idée que la compétence linguistique est une ressource pour l’entreprise, une ressource qu’il convient de gérer rationnellement afin de maximiser la performance des individus et, partant, de l’organisation. Sur... more
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      Knowledge ManagementSkills DevelopmentCompetence ManagementLanguage Teaching
the Eurofound network of national correspondents who carried out company case studies and provided country-specific information. Lots of thanks are also due to the company representatives, without whom the company case studies would not... more
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      Skills DevelopmentEuropean UnionGreen Economy & Green Jobs PerspectivesGreen Industry
Formal training system, in most of countries in Southern and Eastern Africa, is only the tip of an ice-berg, as most of young women and men acquire skills through informal apprentices, which is cost effective, easily accessible, have low... more
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      Social SciencesEmployabilitySkills DevelopmentVocational Education
—Immersive learning environments are increasingly being adopted as modern alternative presentation modes in training scenarios. Presently, the improved levels of engagement and interactions offered by these systems are expected to... more
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Skills DevelopmentMemory StudiesVirtual Reality
Den foreliggende masteroppgaven er et fordypningsarbeid som omhandler noen sider ved toppidrettsfaget svømming i den videregående skolen. Her blir toppidrettsfaget sett hovedsakelig fra et elevperspektiv. I tidligere forskning er det... more
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      Sport PsychologyMotivation (Psychology)Self-Determination TheorySkills Development