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A personal lifelong learning plan is a blueprint for someone to navigate this fast-paced and ever-changing world. This may serve as a personal detailed guide on how to grow personally and stay focused and consistent to it.
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      Teacher EducationLifelong LearningReflective Practice in Lifelong Learning
The purpose of the study was a critical analysis of the impact of classroom dynamics on students' social interaction in secondary schools in Kenya. Most of the Kenyan secondary schools are faced with the challenge of overcrowding in the... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationEducational TechnologyReflective Practice
In this study, the effects of peace educaiton through improving emotional intelligence have been examined for effective leadership in the secondary schools of Istanbul.....
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      Creative WritingManagementMarketingManagement Information Systems
Most people will probably agree that learning is not merely the outcome of teaching. Sometimes – actually too often – teaching does not result in learning, and what contributes the most to what kinds of learning is an area of dispute. At... more
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      Adult EducationParticipatory Action ResearchAction ResearchOrganizational Learning
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      EconomicsTeaching and LearningEducationEducational Technology
Bu araştırma, sürdürebilir okul kültürü ve ekosistemi için, okul yöneticilerinin ve öğretmenlerinin farkındalık ve üst bilişlerini artırmak üzere yapılmış Empati Projesi ile ilgili görüşleri almak için gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma 2015... more
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      Creative WritingManagementMarketingPsychology
The high demand for professional training reflects the need for knowledge and recurrent learning in organisations today. Universities play an important role in society as a long-term provider of education and professional training. How... more
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      Sustainability (Organisational Strategy)Work-Life BalanceMental Model DevelopmentWorking Conditions
In the digital age, the new leadership model is needed in the technologically developing schools, mainly in the high schools. In these educational organizations, the new skills are also asked from the schools’ leaders in order to be... more
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      ManagementPsychologySocial PsychologyInformation Technology
In the first instance, prior to getting deep into the most significant points of discussion with regard to environmental recycling; would be better to know what recycling is; subsequent to knowing the real concept would be easy to get... more
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      ManagementMarketingManagement Information SystemsTeaching and Learning
Conference on Learning – outside the formal educational system and in alternating between formal, informal, and non-formal Learning
Oslo and Akershus University College, June 1-3, 2015
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      Adult EducationOrganizational Learning ProcessesOrganizational LearningLifelong Learning
An Expanded Concept / Notion of Lifelong Learning (ExpaLL)-new or old or new and old? Olav Eikeland, OsloMet, In this collection of articles, we want to discuss the concept and necessity of an expanded notion of lifelong... more
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      Lifelong LearningLifelong learning and adult educationReflective Practice in Lifelong Learning
This paper engages with the theme of vocational guidance. Attention is addressed to the adult learner in vocational guidance. The theme of guidance refers to the instance of autonomy as teleological principle of the practice of guidance... more
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      EducationLifelong LearningVocational Guidance and CounselingLifelong learning and adult education
En general en nuestro país, y sobre todo en carreras científicotecnológicas, los docentes universitarios son profesionales expertos en los temas de sus materias, pero con escasa formación pedagógica. La misma habitualmente se impulsa a... more
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      BioengineeringMathematicsCommunicationTeaching and Learning
Even though STEM Education, including Arts has dominantly become very strategic in the education systems, most of the school administrations, particularly those of the high schools are struggling in applying properly in their... more
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      ManagementMarketingPsychologySocial Psychology
Problem Statement: Today’s ever-changing educational environment has created a need for new leadership styles that encourage positive change and improvement. In Turkish universities, the most commonly used leadership models are the... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryEntrepreneurshipManagement
In the last ten years, the demand of the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) jobs have markedlyincreased three times more than non-STEM jobs. Additionally, people who have STEM education have also much lessunemployment... more
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      ManagementPsychologyCognitive PsychologySocial Psychology
This study aims to explore the transformation of the universities by means of the techno-parks. The university-industry-government partnership, which forces to make changes in the universities and "human capital." It is so clear that the... more
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      Creative WritingManagementInformation TechnologyTeaching and Learning
The purpose of this study is to analyze in a descriptive way the published work within the context of lifelong learning in the last decade. For this purpose, the SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI and A&HCI citation indexes in the Web of Science database... more
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      Lifelong LearningLifelong learning and adult educationReflective Practice in Lifelong LearningAdult Education and Lifelong Learning
In the Program distributed for this conference, it says I will speak about the Program for lifelong learning, that is, the PLL, and its challenges, and I will. I guess it won’t be a big surprise, however, to say that the title and the... more
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      Organizational Learning ProcessesOrganizational LearningLifelong LearningWork-Based Learning
Sardis has been the name of the settlement here for more than 3,000 years. The oldest occupation levels excavated at Sardis date back to the late Bronze Age, around 1400 B.C. But much older artifacts, going way back to the Early Bronze... more
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      MarketingMusic EducationEnglish LiteratureTeaching and Learning
Bu calismanin amaci, alanyazinda son on yil icinde hayat boyu ogrenme konusunda yayinlanmis calismalarin betimsel olarak analizini yapmaktir. Bu amacla Web of Science veritabaninda yer alan ve SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI ile A&HCI atif... more
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      PsychologyLifelong LearningLifelong learning and adult educationReflective Practice in Lifelong Learning
Most of the school administrations have tried to adopt their curricula and their extracurricular activies to adapt the technology and innovation based developments....
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      ManagementMarketingPsychologySocial Psychology
Üniversitelerin özellikle son zamanlarda inovasyon ve teknoloji alanlarında yaptıkları yatırımların öneminin artması ile birlikte, satın inovasyon ve teknoloji odaklı yatırımlarda ve satın alımlarda daha stratejik bir yaklaşım içinde... more
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      ManagementMarketingBusiness AdministrationPsychology
The number of the students who are studying at the universities has markedly increases while million students have been taking online courses.The interaction of the data has rapidly improved due to the Internet ecosystems:therefore,big... more
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      Creative WritingManagementEngineeringPsychology
The challenges of global education highlight the need to meaningfully engage students with their life experiences, deepen their reflection on their practices and feelings, and learn from them. What challenges may entail the implementation... more
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      Reflective practice in educationPlurilingualismReflective TeachingPlurilinguisme
El objetivo de esta comunicación es reflexionar acerca de la importancia de la actitud docente en relación con el destinatario de una propuesta de enseñanza-aprendizaje de FLE para adultos mayores que optan por continuar su formación en... more
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      Teaching and LearningAdult EducationLifelong LearningLearning and Teaching
Selama ini sering kita dengar bahwa guru-guru setelah ikut diklat akan back to basic. Benar adanya karena ada factor yang mempengaruhi seorang individu yaitu factor eksternal dan internal. Ketika individu tersebut ada dalam lingkungan... more
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    • Reflective Practice in Lifelong Learning