Call for Papers - Conference on Learning

Conference on Learning – outside the formal educational system and in alternating between formal, informal, and non-formal Learning Oslo and Akershus University College, June 1-3, 2015

Oslo and Akershus University College, Norway, June 1-3, 2015 Call for papers: Conference on Learning – outside the formal educational system and in alternating between formal, informal and non-formal learning Would you like to participate in defining the major current and future challenges concerning the content and organization of LEARNING? JOIN US! Prominent researchers and policy-analysts will share their views as key-note speakers. Key-note speakers (titles and order of presentations not yet decided): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Professor Yrjö Engeström Professor David Guile Professor Davide Nicolini Professor Bente Elkjær Professor Elena Antonacopoulou Professor Davydd J. Greenwood Professor Silvia Gherardi Shyamal Majumdar, Head of UNESCO-UNEVOC Purpose The conference aims to take stock of the situation and analyze challenges within seven different but related areas of research: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Philosophy of education and learning / Bildung-paideía Societal / historical organization of learning Lifelong learning Organizational learning / Learning organizations Work Based Learning / Training Adult learning Vocational Education and training (VET) and Professional Education and Training Result: The key-note presentations and a selection of papers will be edited and published. Oslo and Akershus University College, Norway, June 1-3, 2015 Program and organization of the conference: The conference will be organized as an alternation between open key-note lectures (audience: 200) and parallel paper-sessions and discussions with a limited number of participants (40). Participants must submit an abstract addressing the main theme of the conference with their professional analysis of the situation and challenges within some of the seven research areas, and connections among them. Preliminary schedule June 2 June 1 0900 0930 1015 1100 Plenary opening for 50 participants 0900 3. Parallel paper session Opening and Introductory speech Key-note presentation in plenary for 50 participants, 30 minutes + 15 1130 1200 Lunch 5. Open Key-note, 30+15 1245 6. Open key-note, 30+15 1. Open key-note, 1345 4. Parallel paper-session 30 minutes, 15 minutes for comments 1545 Plenary for the 50 with discussion / comments to previous presentations 1630 End day 2 2. Open key-note, 30 +15 minutes 1145 Lunch 1245 1. Parallel paper session 1445 Break, refreshments 1300 3. Open key-note, 30+15 1345 4. Open key-note, 30+15 1430 2. Parallel paper-session / 3 parallel sessions, 15-20 + 10 1630 Plenary for the 50 with discussion and comments to previous presentations 1700 End of day 1 June 3 0900 Plenary for the 50 with key-note presentation 1000 7. Open key-note, 30+15 1045 8. Open key-note, 30+15 1130 Lunch 1230 Plenary for the 50 with invited summaries of conference + discussion 1400 End of day Deadlines: check web-site for up-dates: Abstract (no more than 1 – one – page): January 11, 2015. New extended deadline: January 26, 2015, Submit here: Paper admisson (notification to authors by E-mail): February 16, 2015 Full paper: May 10, 2015. Submit here: (link to be confirmed) Conference fee – [amount to be confirmed]: April 27, 2015. Pay here: (link to be confirmed) Convener: Program for Lifelong Learning (PLL) at the Oslo and Akershus University College: Professor Olav Eikeland (