Regional geography and regional development
Recent papers in Regional geography and regional development
The challenges that official migration statistics face in the 21st century are manifold. In line with intensifying globalisation processes, and new patterns and types of migration, new routes and new migrant identities... more
The current paper analyses regional disparities in North Macedonia at NUTS 3 level. This paper aims to determine whether there is a trend of decreasing or increasing the socioeconomic disparities between the regions in the period after... more
This research is concerned with a statistical method that has recently become widespread in the international literature; although, it is still limited in Hungarian research. The method is geographically weighted regression (GWR), which... more
Complete conference proceedings for the II Brazilian Congress of Leisure Studies that took place September 2016 in the city of Belém, Brazil. Anais completos do II Congresso Brasileiro de Estudos do Lazer, realizado em setembro de 2016 na... more
Professor R.B. Singh (1955-2021) had been the first Indian Geographer to have the dual distinction of holding the position of the IGU Secretary General and ICSU Scientific Committee Member. He was the first Indian and second Asian... more
Sectionalism denotes the division of a country, such as the United States, into sections based on shared cultures, religions, and racial, economic, and political identities. These sections then compete, putting their interests over those... more
La communication montre le rôle de la région comme collectivité locale à créer dans l'atténuation des déséquilibres régionaux et dans le processus du développement territorial en Tunisie. Communication au Séminaire "Urbanisme et services... more
Perencanaan pembangunan yang terarah merupakan syarat dalam upaya pengelolaan wilayah. Melalui pembangunan yang terencana dapat ditentukan tahapan pembangunan secara tertib berdasarkan prioritas pembangunan dengan memperhatikan daya... more
Malda district of West Bengal is divided into three physiographic units' viz. Tal, Diara and Barind. Of these, Tal is the marshy tract, mostly composed of bog lands formed in many pockets around shrinking inland drainage lines. The Diara... more
This paper investigates disparity in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, the two most backward states of India, despite being endowed with relatively rich natural resources. The poor performance of these two states is not merely due to weak... more
O presente artigo apresenta uma análise de políticas territoriais em processos de integração sul-americana. Para tanto aborda-se os vários regionalismos e, em especial, o regionalismo pósneoliberal dos anos 2000 assim como o projeto da... more
Paper develops a measure of spatial agglomeration of economic activity based on geo-localizations of firms. Proposed here Spatial Agglomeration Index (SPAG) includes the effects of location, distance between firms and overlapping impact... more
Megalopolis paradigm and territorial restructuring in Italy: a first analysis of internal accessibility. – Could Gottmann’s studies on megalopolis contribute to the reflection on the territorial restructuring of Italy? This article... more
This interpretive article relies on insights from three critical literatures -world-systems analysis, postcolonial studies and, to the extent of an extended simile, the economic sociology of flexible global production -to propose a... more
This paper provides an insight into the transformation processes that have affected Upper Silesia, a Polish border region with long traditions of industrialisation, autonomous structures and volatile historical changes. It shows how the... more
Sektor perekonomian di Kabupaten Temanggung yang mengalami perubahan posisi pada masa yang akan datang yaitu sektor pertambangan dan galian, sektor industri pengolahan, sektor perdagangan, hotel dan restoran, dan sektor jasa-jasa. Faktor... more
Landfilling prevails in waste management options in Romania like others new EU members, being contrary to the concept of waste hierarchy promoted in recent years by EC. Waste disposal is done usually in non-compliant landfills and... more
The aim of the present study is to analyse the events and results of the elections to bodies of regional self-governments in Slovakia in November 2017. The elections were held under the conditions of the amended legislation after the... more
Celem pracy jest analiza wpływu głównych współczesnych przemian społeczno-ekonomicznychna interpretację czynników rozwoju regionalnego. Wśród analizowanychwspółczesnych przemian wyróżnia się przełom modernizacyjno-postmodernizacyjny,... more
Daya dukung lingkungan adalah batas teratas dari pertumbuhan suatu populasi dimana jumlah populasi tidak dapat didukung lagi oleh sarana, sumber daya dan lingkungan yang ada. Kota Kediri merupakan kota terbesar ketiga di Provinsi Jawa... more
This study seeks to identify the spatial distribution of and changes in areas of economic growth and stagnation in Poland resulting from spatial differences in the process of the country's socio-economic advancement. The research covered... more
The social and economic growth has been characterized by polarization. This phenomenon results in an emergence of the economic growth and stagnation areas. The distribution of these areas and its variability are affected by diverse growth... more
The goal of this paper is to analyse the effect of chief present-day socio-economic changes on the interpretation of factors of regional development. Standing out among them is the modernisation-postmodernisation transition, the... more
The life sciences is an industrial sector that covers the development of biological products and the use of biological processes in the production of goods, services and energy. This sector is frequently presented as a major opportunity... more
Celem pracy jest ocena stopnia przygotowania instytucjonalno-programowego samorządow terytorialnych ośrodkow regionalnych w Polsce do absorpcji środkow polityki spojności Unii Europejskiej oraz identyfikacja opinii przedstawicieli tych... more
Open dumps was the main option of the local communities in household waste management, this practice being banned after July 16, 2009. The paper examines the correlation between dumpsites volumes, population density and local geographical... more
The cities are facing illegal dumping of municipal solid waste (MSW) because the waste collection facilities do not cover the entire population. Furthermore, this sector is poorly developed in small towns or villages annexed to... more
Sanitation services still not fully cover the urban population and this leads to different types of pollution and affects the urban landscape. This paper aims a geographical approach by highlighting territorial disparities in the Romanian... more
How can spatial location affect the operation of society, population or economic conditions? What is the role of neighbourhood and distance in social phenomena? In what way can a social organisation limit spatial barriers? How would... more
Pengaruhi perkembangan suatu kota adalah keterkaitannya dengan kota lain, baik dalam maupun luar negeri, serta keterkaitan dengan daerah belakangnya (hinterland) atau daerah pedesaan sekitarnya. Sering keterkaitan ini terwujud sebagai... more
The modern rules of socio-economic development show a tendency to its ever widening divergence, thus exposing the poor efficiency of regional policy measures undertaken so far. External determinants of development are connected with... more
As a famous tourist destination in Europe and Germany, the River Rhine is still attracting many tourists from all over the world. For the most part, the scenery and rich cultural heritage of the region is well preserved. However, compared... more
The aim of this study was to determine the opinions and self-evaluation of the students of Geography Department about the applications of Cooperative Learning in Regional Geography course. The study was carried out for twelve weeks with... more
ABSTRACT Cross-border relations imply processes that may or may not evolve into cross-border regions. The La Plata Basin, due to its historical, economic and geographical conditions, is a region prone to develop this type of... more
Pembangunan ekonomi daerah adalah proses pemerintah dan masyarakat mengelola sumber daya yang ada dan membentuk suatu pola kemitraan antara pemerintah daerah dan sektor swasta untuk menciptakan suatu lapangan kerja baru serta merangsang... more
Addressing the methodological and topical challenges facing demographers working in remote regions, this book compares and contrasts the research, methods and models, and policy applications from peripheral regions in developed nations.... more
Celem analizy jest ocena wielkości i struktury inwestycji finansowanych ze środków unijnych w kontekście ich zgodności z potrzebami obszarów wzrostu w Polsce wynikającymi z tworzenia i wzmacniania czynników rozwoju. Przedmiotem badań są... more
The social and economic growth has been characterized by polarization. This phenomenon results in an emergence of the economic growth and stagnation areas. The distribution of these areas and its variability are affected by diverse growth... more
Na década de 1990, o discurso neoliberal entra no cenário político dos países subdesenvolvidos. As concessionárias de serviços passam a atuar no território brasileiro incumbidas de prestar serviços para a sociedade mediante regras de... more