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The methodology of protecting the European stained glass windows against environmental risk (e.g. meteorological factors, air pollution, microorganisms) by means of an external glazing is not new. In spite of many scientific studies... more
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      Cultural HeritageCultural Heritage ConservationHeritage ConservationCultural Heritage Management
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      Furniture DesignInterior DesignArchitectural ConservationUrban Design
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      Stained GlassRestauration and Conservation of Stained GlassStained glass painting techniques
Normandy is today one of the areas of France that retains the largest group of ancient stained glass. At the beginning of the XIXth century, an important number of windows moved to the art market and Rouen was particularly affected by... more
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      19th Century Stained GlassRestauration and Conservation of Stained GlassMedieval Stained Glass
The following work consist in the restoration of metal archaeological objects coming from the spanish shipwreck El San Diego, which sank in the Philipines coast in the year 1600. After the discovery and excavation of the pieces done (?)... more
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      Corrosion ScienceMetal conservationMarine ConservationUnderwater Archaeology
El presente “Estudio y Plan Director de las vidrieras de la Catedral de Santa María de Vitoria-Gasteiz” constituye un profundo trabajo de investigación sobre las vidrieras de la catedral tal y como las conocemos en la actualidad, así como... more
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    • Restauration and Conservation of Stained Glass
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      American LiteratureReligionHistoryCultural History
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      AestheticsIconographyArt HistoryColour Theory
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      Restauration and Conservation of Stained Glass19TH-20TH Century Stained-Glass Windowsvitralls modernistes
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      Medieval ArtMedieval IconographyRestauration and Conservation of Stained GlassHistory of Stained Glass
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      Archaeological Method & TheoryMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArtMedieval Art History
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyStained GlassMonastic ArchaeologyRestauration and Conservation of Stained Glass
The initial focus of this research was on the development of a general workflow for the documentation and monitoring of historical stained glass windows using structured light scanning. Therefore windows from different churches, time... more
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      Cultural HeritageDigital HeritageStained GlassRestauration and Conservation of Stained Glass
"Abstract – Since almost ten years the Institut Européen d’Archéologie Sous-Marine (IEASM) conducted by Franck Goddio is carrying out underwater excavations in the bay of Aboukir. The two ancient cities of Canopus and Herakleion... more
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      EgyptologyEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyEgyptian ArchaeologyGraeco-Roman Egypt
The multidisciplinary EC VIDRIO project has the purpose of providing a better understanding of the effect of the environment on glass surfaces and paint (grisaille) and to evaluate the efficiency of the protective glazing system, in order... more
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage ConservationCultural Heritage ManagementRestauration and Conservation of Stained Glass
Gotrand Auriane, « De l’esquisse au vitrail : Les processus de création dans l’atelier de Claudius Lavergne », communication à l'occasion du 30e colloque international du Corpus Vitrearum, The concept and fabrication of Stained Glass from... more
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      Stained Glass19th Century Stained GlassRestauration and Conservation of Stained GlassHistory of Stained Glass
Chronique Notre-Dame de Paris. Vitraux. Les douze vitraux modernes à la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris en 1935 (Auriane Gotrand), p. 183. Recension de l'article : Bérénice Vallet, « Le projet de vitraux pour la cathédrale Notre-Dame de... more
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      Art HistoryStained Glass19th Century Stained GlassRestauration and Conservation of Stained Glass
During excavations at Cerrocuquillo archaeological site (Villaluenga de la Sagra, Toledo), conservation processes have been a priority. In this article we make some reflections about conservation criteria, its limits and how it helps... more
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      Restauration and ConservationRestauration and Conservation of Stained Glass
In this work, the decision-making process involved in the restoration of the eighteenth century paliotto ligneo (wooden altar frontal) della chiesa del Santissimo Crocifisso all'Albergheria of Palermo is presented. Earlier research... more
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      Cultural StudiesArt HistoryArt TheoryCultural Heritage
(ITALIANO) Primo catalogo scientifico del corpus delle vetrate rinascimentali lombarde della regione comasca e valtellinese. Consta di 34 schede firmate e datate (2000), incluse nella "Banca ipermediale delle vetrate italiane"... more
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      Stained GlassRestauration and Conservation of Stained GlassHistory of Stained GlassLombard Renaissance Painting
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      Restauration and Conservation of Stained GlassGlass and Ceramics
"Princely windows. Donations of stained glass windows as an instrument of devotion, memory and representation (1419-1519). This article (in Dutch) tries to explain why the Burgundian and Habsburg princes and their wives donated money... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMedieval StudiesGift Exchange
ALUKSI 1920-luku oli suomalaisen kirkollisen lasimaalauksen kultaaikaa. Silloin niitä hankittiin kirkkoihin enemmän kuin yhtenäkään vuosikymmenenä sitä aikaisemmin tai sen jälkeen. Tämän esityksen perustana on pro gradu -tutkielma... more
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      History of ArtStained Glass19th Century Stained GlassRestauration and Conservation of Stained Glass
Abril 2021 ARCOVE no se identifica necesariamente con las opiniones y afirmaciones reflejadas en las distintas publicaciones, sean sus autores o autoras miembros o no de la asociación y, por tanto, corre a cargo de estas personas el... more
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      Stained GlassRestauration and Conservation of Stained Glass19TH-20TH Century Stained-Glass Windows
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      Medieval ArtRestauration and Conservation of Stained GlassMedieval Stained GlassCanterbury Cathedral
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      Art HistoryRestauration and Conservation of Stained Glass
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage StudiesHeritage ConservationCultural Heritage Management
Discussion on the  techniques relating to the construction and restoration of stained glass windows by John LaFarge
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    • Restauration and Conservation of Stained Glass
The multidisciplinary EC VIDRIO project has the purpose of providing a better understanding of the effect of the environment on glass surfaces and paint (grisaille) and to evaluate the efficiency of the protective glazing system, in order... more
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      ArchaeologyPhysicsCultural HeritageHeritage Conservation
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      Stained GlassRestauration and Conservation of Stained Glass
Stained Glass and Restauration and Conservation of Stained Glass
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      Restauration and Conservation of Stained GlassStained Glass Conservation
BBC World Service, 20 May 2015
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval FranceStained GlassGothic architecture