Richard Sennett
Recent papers in Richard Sennett
For several decades, the concept of narcissism has been used to criticize society and culture(s). This paper discusses the achievements and limits of such approaches. In a first step, it sketches controversies within psychoanalysis around... more
The paper attempts to situate Sennett philosophically by placing him in the tradition of ontological hermeneutics. This way of reading Sennett is justified not only by the core principles that govern Sennett’s social anthropology. It is... more
På spissen Denne boken kom ut første gang i 1962 i da forfatteren var 33 år gammel. Det dreier seg om en litt utvidet utgave av et såkalt habilitasjonsskriften postdoktoravhandling som normalt er nødvendig for å kunne bli professor i... more
The concept of public space has a long history and very different meanings. In particular, the conceptions of political theory and philosophy differ from those heralded by urban planners and sociologists, fueling some confusion about the... more
Films use architecture as visual shorthand to show viewers what they need to know about characters in a short amount of time. Using a phenomenological approach to look at a diverse range of international, historical and contemporary... more
Richard SENNETT (2009), Zanaatkâr (Çev. Melih Pakdemir) (İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları, 395 s.). Zanaatkârlık, Endüstri Devrimi ile tahtından edilmiş bir üretim biçimi gibi ya da geçmişe ait maddi kültürü üreten eski bir yaşam tarzı olarak... more
Dentro de la Trilogía "Existencias al unísono" Este epígrafe se puede citar del siguiente modo: José Miguel Valle, Los sentimientos también tienen razón. El entramado afectivo en el quehacer diario, Editorial CulBuks, Sevilla, 2017,... more
¿Qué puede querer decir que la experiencia sea un oficio, tal y como lo son la alfarería, la música, o la programación, por ejemplo?". La pregunta es imprecisa. En su libro El Artesano, Richard Sennett no piensa la experiencia como un... more
Presentatie voor het seminar in het kader van Social Work Day, University of Curaçao, 19 maart 2019
Karakter Aşınması, birbirleriyle bağlantılı 8 ayrı bölümde kapitalizmdeki esnekliğe yönelen dönüşümün çalışanlar üzerinde yarattığı psikolojik, sosyolojik, kültürel, finansal ve yaşamsal etkileri inceliyor. Geçmişte "serbest" ya da "özel... more
Theories of post-industrial society have since their earliest formulations had a questionable relation to actual processes of social change. This article explores why they nonetheless continue to hold influence. Drawing on Mannheim, it... more
A Critique on Contemporary Urban Spaces| 2 Neelakshi Rathore | UD 7712
We are living through a period of mature neoliberal governance in which the disorientation of working-class politics in affluent liberal democracies has reached a critical state. A salient feature of neoliberalism is the devaluation and... more
Today (5.12.2018) we dealt with a short text from Richard Sennett's 'Flesh and Stone' - Sennett explains in here the ghettoization process that took place more than 500 years ago in Venice. Jews were at the core of this urban segregation;... more
The Stonemason (1995), Cormac McCarthy’s first published play, is a sustained meditation on the values of the ethic of craft as opposed to mere work, as well as on the difficult application of such values to reality. On the one hand,... more
with texts by: Dirk Baecker, Tobia Bezzola, Daniel Binswanger, Elisabeth Bronfen, Kathleen Bühler, Dolores Denaro, Diedrich Diederichsen, Anselm Franke, Marcy Goldberg, Walter Grasskamp, Peter Gross, Boris Groys, Jürgen Häusler, Vinzenz... more
In metamodern culture, handicraft is everywhere. As I argue, the ‘artisanal turn’ is not just a symptom of postmodern nostalgia, i.e. past ‘options’ or ‘instances’ allowed to make a second appearance. Rather, it is our very experience of... more
Our history carries great responsibility in the foundation of who we truly are. Without our history, we wouldn't find ourselves in this particular place, because the past brought us to where we are standing right now in the present. This... more
İletişim teknolojilerinde yaşanan gelişmeler, gündelik yaşamı doğrudan değişime uğratmıştır. Kamusal ve özel alan arasındaki sınırlar yeniden biçimlenmektedir. Toplumsal yaşamı anlamada, yeni medyanın gündelik hayattaki yeri gittikçe önem... more
With the rise of the Internet, skills, patterns, and ideas are being shared more widely among people engaged in the crafts, which seems to break with some of the underlying assumptions about the lone genius craftsman. Much discourse... more
QTS, 20(1-2), 2020 Ambrogio Santambrogio, Editoriale MONOGRAFICO Forme e spazi della Teoria critica A cura di Luca Corchia, Walter Privitera e Ambrogio Santambrogio Luca Corchia, Walter Privitera, Ambrogio Santambrogio, Presentazione... more
This research is intended to investigate Cooperation and to understand how we can stop the self-interested behaviour of the individual from damaging the long-term interests of the group. Indeed, it is reasonable to think that following... more
The article discusses two accounts of tyranny of intimacy. The first one is provided by Richard Sennett, and the second one is presented by Eva Illouz. Although, both approaches explore two various phenomena that occurred in different... more
This paper provides an introduction to the enduring friendship between Hannah Arendt and Karl Jaspers. It shows how their intellectual development as public educators was sustained by their ongoing dialogue which flourished not in spite... more
Reiterative art, art that remakes art, is a significant strand of twentieth and twenty-first century practice, encompassing the work of artists as diverse as Marcel Duchamp, Elaine Sturtevant, Kate Davis, and Yann Sérandour. Prevailing... more
(Français : Ci-dessous) What is the meaning of craftsmanship in the era of digital production? Applied Arts as Implied Art is a critical reflection on artistic creativity and its cultural significance today. In the light of a... more
Note: for an up to date and fully referenced version of this paper, please read Chapter 5 of my book 'Negative Capitalism: Cynicism in the Neoliberal Era' (Zero Books, 2013). For an updated position on the same arguments, please read my... more
En el Centro Universitario del Sur (CUNSUR) de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala se realizó una investigación de enfoque cuantitativo, no experimental– transaccional y con un alcance correlacional-explicativo para establecer el... more
Tesis doctoral (defendida en 2013. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). Se plantea la importancia de la materialidad en objetos que tienen relevancia para pensar y analizar procesos de economización. Se recurre a la noción de... more
The Presence of Rural Instruments in Serbia Today: The Case of Gajde, in: Studia Instrumentorum Musicae Popularis, II, ed. Gisa Jähnichen, Verlagshaus Monsenstein und Vannerdat OHG Münster, 2011, 61-69
After speaking at Wimbledon College of Art, followed by a long Q+A session with students, I was scheduled to formally interview Briggs. We decided instead to initiate the following correspondence. I have removed the salutations and so on... more
Le Néo-baroque est devenu un canon de la littérature hispano-américaine. Comme Omar Calabrese (1988), entre autres, a si bien montré, le Néo-Baroque se déploie petit à petit à différentes expressions artistiques et pratiques discursives.... more
Rögglas Frage ist essentiell: Was kann politisches Theater heute sein? Sie hofft auf »eine gesellschaftliche Veränderung«. Theater ist für sie »nicht reines Spiel, nicht reines Ereignis, kein kritikloses Dabeisein mit der Wirklichkeit«.... more
l l l Quando provò a presentare se stesso in quella Autobiografia romanzesca che per colmo di sberleffo titolò I fatti, Philip Roth ribadì di non avere mai voluto mettere in piazza la sua vita «nuda e cruda», e si collocò in una via di... more