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(Full Title) Some geographers and sociologists argue that what defines the most advanced forms of global capitalism today is the revitalisation of processes and techniques of primitive accumulation. What is primitive accumulation? And how... more
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      GlobalizationFilm TheoryDavid HarveyPsycoanalytic Criticism
Recensione a 'Espulsioni' di Saskia Sassen
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      Urban SociologyUneven DevelopmentSaskia Sassen
El libro surgió a partir de la materia Sociología Urbana de la FADU-UBA y consta de dos grandes partes. Una primera dedicaba al contexto de surgimiento de la sociología en el siglo XIX y a los clásicos de la sociología urbana como... more
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      David HarveyGeorg SimmelSociologia UrbanaSaskia Sassen
The article attempts to explore and understand the concept of 'global cities' as used by renowned sociologist Dr. Saskia Sassen.
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      Global citiesGlobalisation and DevelopmentSaskia SassenGlobal Economic Governance
Indice Premessa ................................................................................................................................ 3 1. Origini dello Stato neoliberale... more
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      FinanceWelfare StateGovernanceCapitalism
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      Political EconomyDeGrowthTransition TownsLewis Mumford
A distanza di un anno l’uno dall’altro sono stati resi disponibili al lettore italiano gli ultimi lavori di Saskia Sassen: "Una sociologia della globalizzazione" (2008) e "Territorio, autorità, diritti" (2009). Il presente contributo... more
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      GlobalizationContemporary Social TheoryGlobal governance (Law)Saskia Sassen
Shanghai's Pudong financial district is known for its spectacular skyline, which Michelle Huang has referred to as 'a copy of a global city' – a reading that this article pushes further. What does this 'copy of a global city' tell us... more
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      GlobalizationCultural TranslationGlobal CItySaskia Sassen
Texto original em inglês: Saskia Sassen Tradução para o português para o livro Design e Política (ed. Fluxos, 2014): Alemar S. A. Rena Original text: Saskia Sassen (When Clashing Visual Orders Obscure Economic Articulations)... more
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      DesignIndustrial DesignGlobal citiesCIDADE
With the dissolution of the frontiers of the cold war and the erosion of economic solidarity among USA-led countries, in a world dominated by geo-economic rivalries and not by geopolitics, the creation of a global economic market requires... more
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      SociologyInternational RelationsMedia and Cultural StudiesGlobal Governance
This paper presents an overview of my dissertation work at roughly mid-stage. The paper examines the depiction of urban space and its destruction in three significant works of visual culture -- the Metropolis tales – attempting to... more
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      ArchitectureGlobalizationFilm StudiesGlobal cities
Jak przebiegały przygotowania do Euro 2012 w Polsce? Jakie korzyści polityczne, gospodarcze i społeczne widzieli w tym procesie przedstawiciele polskich instytucji? Czy relacje z globalną organizacją sportową miały wpływ na funkcjonowanie... more
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      SociologySociology of SportGlobalizationGlobal Governance
"Technologies for Freedom" is a sentence in Manuel Castells’ "Communication and power"; they are intended as a "material basis and cultural movements in their struggle against capitalist globalization", and against the consequent... more
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      CommunicationWeb 2.0Digital HumanitiesMass Communication
Desde economistas postkeynesianos hasta intelectuales lo han advertido. Las implicaciones de la globalización económica en sus múltiples dimensiones son desalentadoras. Los costos políticos, económicos y sociales del modelo de “injerencia... more
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      PobrezaSaskia SassenGlobalizaciónPobreza y política social en México
Per la Repubblica romana dell’intelletto collettivo. Dalla parte delle madri costituenti di una Roma repubblicana, prodotto dell’intelletto collettivo diffuso nelle pratiche quotidiane di autogoverno, tramite mutuo soccorso, correzione... more
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      HistoryContemporary ArtGuy DebordUrban Studies
In the beginning of the 1970s, Michel Foucault dismisses the terminology of 'exclusion' for his projected analytics of modern power. This rejection has had major repercussions on the theory of neoliberal subject-formation. Many... more
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      Critical TheoryMichel FoucaultNeoliberalismSocial Exclusion
Na atualidade, existem ten dências sistêmicas emergentes, explicadas pela lógica das expulsões de Saskia Sassen, uma forma de compreender o fenômeno da crimigração globalmente, para além das dinâmicas locais ou de um Estado, como a... more
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      Saskia SassenMigraçãoDireitos dos refugiadosCrimigration
As Ulrich Beck noted in « The Risk Society » (1986), the radical change in the threats to contemporary societies implies an equally radical change in the way in which collective action is managed and regulated. The process of... more
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      Political SociologyPublic ManagementHans JonasUlrich Beck
Eles eram muitos cavalos (2001), de Luiz Ruffato, é um romance estruturado em vinhetas, que apresenta diferentes histórias, gêneros e narrativas. Neste artigo, afirmo que a obra rompe com a linearidade geográfica na sua descrição de uma... more
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      TransnationalismPostmodernismFredric JamesonBrazilian Literature
Il volume offre una ricognizione storico-teorica sul concetto di trauma, da meccanismo psichico patologico (individuato sul finire dell’Ottocento in ambito clinico) a dinamica caratterizzante della storia contemporanea, della produzione... more
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      Cultural StudiesTestimonyMedia StudiesNew Media
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      Critical TheorySocial MovementsGeographyGenealogy
Reseña de Expulsiones. Brutalidad y complejidad en la economía global
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      Saskia SassenReseñaCiudadesExpulsiones
To explore how we can take assemblage thinking seriously, this chapter engages the study of images in world politics. Images need to be understood in their own multiplicities, with each requiring fundamentally different methodological... more
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      AnthropologyInternational RelationsPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
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      Ethnic StudiesUrban PlanningGentrificationUrban Studies
While migration scholars often neglect the national and transnational relations of production and exchange within which labor migration occurs, international political economists tend to treat labor migration as a mere side effect of... more
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      Political EconomyRomanian StudiesPost-Socialist SocietiesCritical international political economy
Drawing on recent interventions in political philosophy and globalisation theory (Hardt and Negri 2009; Butler 2006; Sassen 1998), this essay examines the shifting expressions of biopolitical life in the collaborative project Borderless:... more
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      Cultural StudiesCanadian StudiesGlobalizationPolitical Science
La nuova economia politica: formazioni predatorie che espellono ambiente e umanità 1
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      Critical TheoryGlobalizationClimate ChangeSaskia Sassen The authors look at transformations affecting border spaces, by using the concept of the 'mobile... more
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      Critical TheoryControl Systems EngineeringHistoryCultural History
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      GlobalizationLouis AlthusserSocial and Political PhilosophySubjectivity
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    • Saskia Sassen
This work attempts an as far as possible analytical perambulation in the Global City (S. Sassen) and the World City (P. Hall, J. Friedmann) paradigm under the prism of globalisation, development and generally of geography (space/place).... more
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      New Regionalism ApproachGlobal CItySaskia SassenWorld City Network
A differenza degli eventi catastrofici verificatisi in altre epoche, quelli avvenuti negli anni Duemila hanno la peculiarità di essere accompagnati da un’eco mediatica immediata e di enormi proporzioni, dovuta in buona parte alla... more
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      SociologyJapanese StudiesMedia StudiesSocial Sciences
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      Global citiesSaskia Sassen
Conceptualizing the global city as an emblematic frontier zone of contemporary politics and society, Saskia Sassen – in an interview conducted by Elitza Stanoeva – sheds light on a series of dialectical processes at the crux of what she... more
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      Global citiesSaskia Sassen
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      World LiteraturesGlobalizationPolitical TheoryTransnationalism
Whereas migration scholars often neglect the national and transnational relations of production and exchange within which labor migration occurs, international political economists tend to treat labor migration as a mere side effect of... more
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyEuropean integrationRomanian Studies
Il bacino di smaltimento di Haina non ha un tetto. Il piombo scorre libero nel suolo, nell'aria e tra le mani nude degli adolescenti che vi lavorano. Il margine sistemico, la superficie su cui si stagliano i rapporti, le differenze, gli... more
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      Critical TheoryLandscape EcologyGlobalizationGlobal Governance
Designed in 2012 by a group of 30 people and gathering around 800 users, Red de Moneda Social Puma is a local social currency network (1 puma = 1 euro) that emerged within the North historic center of Seville. People involved in the... more
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      Social EconomySaskia SassenSustentabilidadCurrency
Per un nuovo diritto alla e della città. Tradizioni costituzionali, cooperazione sociale e innovazione istituzionale. Primi appunti introduttivi.
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      HistoryPhilosophySocial SciencesBernard Stiegler
Judul buku : Pengusiran: Brutalitas dan Kompleksitas Dalam Ekonomi Global Penulis : Saskia Sassen Penerbit : The Belknap Press Of Harvard University Press Pengantar : Penyortiran... more
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      Saskia SassenResensieResensi Buku
"The liberal state has been hijacked for neoliberal agendas," says Saskia Sassen in interview, and in some cases even for "very modern despotisms". It is necessary to repossess the state apparatus for genuine liberal democracy, and... more
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      GlobalizationSaskia Sassen
Text of my presentation at the Second International Althusser Colloquium "Louis Althusser Today: Strategy and Materialism" Universidad De Chile, Santiago, Chile November 2017.
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      GlobalizationIdeologyLouis AlthusserCharles Taylor
New Urban Management discusses how the logic of economic flows poses a challenge to local governments throughout the world. The book argues that the increased fluidity in economic life must have its reflection in local economic... more
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      ManagementEconomic SociologyUrban GeographyDevelopment Economics
En esta conversación con Paula V. Álvarez acerca del trabajo de Santiago Cirugeda, Saskia Sassen trazr una distinción entre "diseño" y "práctica artística" para explicar esto: el diseño puede ser una mediación entre el hacer arte y el... more
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      Social ActivismArchitecture and politicsCritical and Cultural TheoryActing on the existent (Architecture)
We are living in an age of crisis—or an age in which everything is labeled a crisis. Financial, debt, and refugee “crises” have erupted. The word has also been applied to the Arab Spring and its aftermath, Brexit, the 2016 U.S. election,... more
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      Critical TheoryJean-Luc NancyJacques RancièreRoberto Esposito
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      Creative WritingCreative WritingCreative NonfictionCreative Nonfiction
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyRomanian StudiesPost-Socialist Societies