Romanesque Revival
Recent papers in Romanesque Revival
This is a listing of 75 buildings from Western Australia in the Romanesque Revival style. The buildings are arranged chronologically, to provide an overview of the development of this architectural style in the state. Basic information... more
This is a listing of 70 buildings from South Australia in the Romanesque Revival style. The buildings are arranged chronologically, to provide an overview of the development of this architectural style in the state. Basic information... more
lanak govori o dvojim orguljama danaπnje -akovaËke katedrale, ranijima iz 1882., izraenim kod bavarske tvrtke Steinmayer s kuÊiπtem izraenim prema projektima beËkog arhitekta Friedricha Schmidta i njegovog uËenika Hermana Bolléa, koje... more
A presente dissertação incide sobre o estudo do Templo-Monumento de Santa Luzia, sobranceiro á cidade de Viana do Castelo. O seu objectivo primário é estabelecer o estado da arte no que concerne ao que se tem escrito sobre o objecto de... more
A Companion to Medieval Art: Romanesque and Gothic in Northern Europe, Blackwell Companions in Art History, 2nd ed. (Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, 2019) (a collection of thirty-nine original essays from leading and upcoming scholars in the... more
Au moment où J. Puig i Cadafalch élaborait sa géographie du « premier art roman », la Croatie se situait non seulement à la périphérie de ses intérêts, mais à celle de toute l'histoire de l'art. La rareté des monuments d'Istrie et de... more
This is a listing of 200 buildings from Victoria in the Romanesque Revival style. The buildings are arranged chronologically, to provide an overview of the development of this architectural style in the state. Basic information (including... more
Tekst govori o arhitekturi i prostornom planiranju groblja u Hrvatskoj od vremena vladanja Josipa II do danas. Obrađeni su najvažniji primjeri grobljanskih kompleksa, te važnije grobljanske kapele i mauzoleji.
Toward the end of the eighteenth century the finances of the Holy Apostolic and Metropolitan Church of Santiago de Compostela were seriously threatened when the Duke of Arcos brought a suit before the High Court of Castile against the... more
"This article examines two developments in Scottish architecture hitherto considered unrelated: a late medieval Romanesque revival in ecclesiastical architecture and the arrival of Italian Renaissance motifs. The first part sets... more
Il volume raccoglie gli studi che numerosi storici dell'arte italiani e stranieri hanno voluto dedicare ad Anna Maria Segagni Malacart, a lungo professore ordinario all'Università degli Studi di Pavia, le cui ricerche sull'arte medievale,... more
Già da qualche tempo si è ritenuto opportuno proporre per la scul-tura ad incrostazione di mastice, tecnica di decorazione basata su un consapevole e schietto approccio coloristico e polimaterico, l'adozione di un vocabolario che non... more
Ab etwa 1480 realisiert Hofbaumeister Ulrich Pesnitzer unter Herzog Georg von Bayern-Landshut mit der Burg von Burghausen an der Salzach ein Ausbauprojekt nach modernsten Maßstäben. Nach einem durchdachten Gesamtkonzept werden hier... more
Članak govori o povijesti neobizantske arhitekture na području Hrvatske od sredine 19. stoljeća do početka Prvog svjetskog rata. Najveća pozornost posvećena je arhitektonskim rješenjima pravoslavnih crkava. Analiziraju se ostvarenja u... more
This is an alphabetical listing of the architects and architectural firms represented in the first six parts of this checklist of Romanesque Revival architecture in Australia.
Riječ je o monografiji o đakovačkoj katedrali čiji je sadržaj usredotočen na njezinu opremu - freske, skulpture, oltare. Sadržaj dijela fresaka u katedrali odražava onodobne političke stavove biskupa Strossmayera.
Architectural atlas of Zagreb contains overview of the history of Zagreb architecture and 900 entries on buildings from all parts of the city. The buildings are grouped according to Zagreb’s neighborhoods: Upper Town, Kaptol, Lower Town... more
The content of this monograph on the Djakovo cathedral is concentrated on its interior - frescoes, sculptures, altars, furnishings. The content of some frescoes in the cathedral reflects the political ideology of Bishop Strossmayer. The... more
This is a listing of 280 buildings from New South Wales in the Romanesque Revival style. The buildings are arranged chronologically, to provide an overview of the development of this architectural style in the state. Basic information... more
In a paper published in 1995, I explored Romanesque revivalist features in Scottish architecture from the late fourteenth to the early sixteenth centuries, and , by comparing them to contemporary Italian examples, conclude that cultural... more
In the years 1913-1917 the canon Ferdinando Manzini directed the restoration of the abbey church of Nonantola. He accompanied the work with the publication of some articles. Here is the complete photographic reproduction of one of them,... more
Kapela Majke Božje Snježne na Tekijama kod Petrovaradina jedan je od povijesno najslojevitijih spomenika arhitekture Srijema. Istodobno radi se o ključnom spomeniku vezanom za prijelomni trenutak političke povijesti ne samo Habsburške... more
Jack P. Donoghue practised as an architect in Brisbane from 1924 to 1959 and was principal partner in the firms Donoghue and Fulton, and Donoghue, Cusick and Edwards. He designed many churches, schools, convents and presbyteries for the... more
This is a listing of 70 buildings from Queensland in the Romanesque Revival style. The buildings are arranged chronologically, to provide an overview of the development of this architectural style in the state. Basic information... more
While the Neo-Byzantine style was in 19th-century architecture in Croatia exclusively used for architectural projects funded by the Serbian Orthodox Church, in the period shortly before the WWI, it also started to be used in the... more
This is a listing of 25 buildings from Tasmania in the Romanesque Revival style. The buildings are arranged chronologically, to provide an overview of the development of this architectural style in the state. Basic information (including... more
Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 19 avril 2019. Les contenus du Bulletin du centre d'études médiévales d'Auxerre (BUCEMA) sont mis à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution-Pas d'Utilisation... more
The romantic fascination with the Middle Ages developed by the 19th-century European intellectual elites, theretofore interested primarily into Ancient art and architecture, turned their attention to medieval architectural monuments. They... more
Anche a Verona, nel corso dell’Ottocento, non mancarono protagonisti e diffusori di quel particolare clima culturale che, propagandosi verso la metà del secolo, affiancava a un rinnovato interesse storiografico l’idealizzazione e... more
Brojnim temama koje je u hrvatskoj povijesti umjetnosti otvorila ili se njima bavila Olga Maruševski pripada i povijest arhitekture romantizma. Tragom njezinih istraživanja u ovom će se izlaganju pokušati dati sintezan uvid u jedan... more