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This note on the interpretation of some Danish Romanesque frescoes was originally without an English summary. Because the text may contain some information of wider interest I have supplied an extensive summary with some additional... more
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      HagiographyHistoriography (in Art History)Romanesque ArtDanish History
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      Art HistoryArtMedieval HistoryCultural Heritage
In 1899, part of the floor of the church of San Tommaso collapsed, revealing a Medieval mosaic pavement. Arthur K. Porter believed that it was the only surviving part of the ancient Benedictine abbey, but he also asserted that it was «the... more
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      IconographyPatristicsRomanesque ArtMedieval Art
The Romanesque decoration of the church of San Tommaso in Acquanegra sul Chiese (Mantua, Lombardy), formerly a Benedictine abbey church and now a parish church, is the result of a single project that can be attributed to the long-lived... more
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      IconographyMedieval ArchaeologyRomanesque ArtMedieval Art
This note describes a lipsanotheca (a small container of relics, placed within an altar) from the church of Santa Maria de Cap d’Aran. The container, now preserved in the Museu dera Val d’Aran, is of blown glass, and it has relief-cut... more
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      LiturgyMedieval StudiesMedieval IslamRomanesque Art
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      Romanesque ArtRomanesque SculptureAbruzzoAbruzzi
La cattedrale di Traù ha i due portali, il principale all’Occidente nell’atrio conosciuto anche come il portale di Radovan, secondo il nome del maestro la cui firma ci si trova, e l’altro portale meridionale dalla parte della piazza. I... more
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      Romanesque ArtRomanesque SculptureDuecento
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    • Romanesque Art
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      Romanesque ArtRomanesque SculptureMedieval Iconography
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      Romanesque ArtEarly Medieval MetalworkRomanesque architectureCamino de Santiago
Real, Manuel Luís; Sá, Pedro – O mosteiro de Roriz na arte românica do Douro Litoral, sep. de “Actas do Colóquio de História Local e Regional”, Santo Tirso, s.e., 1982.
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      Romanesque ArtRomanesque architectureArquitectura medievalArte Medieval
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      Romanesque ArtManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Author Portraits
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval Iberian History
La tradición del hallazgo del considerado sepulcro del apóstol Santiago el Mayor, originada en el noroeste peninsular en el siglo IX, dio impulso a la consolidación de los territorios conquistados a los musulmanes por las incipientes... more
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      Romanesque ArtSantiago de CompostelaRomanesque SculptureArte románico
LA CATEDRAL DE SOLSONA ÉS UN COM-PLEX CONJUNT ARQUITECTÒNIC iniciat al segle XII, que comprèn un gran nombre d'estils arquitectònics que han transformat el seu aspecte original al llarg del temps.
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      Heritage ConservationHistory of MuseumsRomanesque ArtConservación y Restauración
SANTOS, Aline B. 'Ornamentalidade e função simbólica nas esculturas do
claustro de Sant Benet de Bages'. In: PEREIRA, Maria Cristina C.L. (org.) Encontros com as Imagens Medievais. Macapá : UNIFAP, 2017, pp. 181- 198.
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      Romanesque ArtHistory of OrnamentRomanesque SculptureCatalan Medieval Art
La croce di Santa Maria Maggiore, di pietra aurisina, restaurata e ricomposta nei suoi frammenti da Giovanni Giannelli, direttore tecnico del Laboratorio di Restauro Ottorino Nonfarmale S.r.l., e collocata su una colonna di pietra gialla... more
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      IconographyArt HistoryArtMedieval History
Capitel con aves de la Catedral de Módena
[Catedral de Módena]
Maestro de la Porta dei Principi
Piedra calcárea
20 ✕ 23 ✕ 22 cms
Museo Lapidario del Duomo di Modena,
Módena, Italia
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      Romanesque ArtRomanesque SculptureToulouseMedieval pilgrimage
Mosaic carpets have long been associated with their woven counterparts by both artists and scholars, as well as thinkers and the general public. This connection exists both in terms of function and placement, as well as in terms of... more
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      TextilesMedieval ArchaeologyRomanesque ArtMedieval Art
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    • Romanesque Art
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      Romanesque ArtMedieval ArtMedieval Art HistoryRomanesque Sculpture
SALTO NEL TEMPO - "Il Giro del Castello di Serravalle (TI 626) è la nuova escursione illustrata da Svizzera Mobile. Percorribile nei due sensi tutto l’anno, conduce dal fondovalle al versante destro del Brenno. Punto saliente è la rocca... more
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      Medieval HistoryRenaissance StudiesCultural LandscapesMedieval Archaeology
Fondé sur une double approche iconographique et textuelle, ce livre situe pour la première fois les sirènes antiques et médiévales au sein d'une histoire globale. Cette mise en perspective qui inclut aussi une approche anthropologique,... more
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      Romanesque ArtClassical MythologyAncient Greek and Roman ArtPatristic Exegesis
Résumé (then Abstract) Après l’évocation de quelques représentations d’époque romane directement inspirées d’œuvres antiques, il sera question des principaux médias – littéraires et artistiques – qui permirent à la figure du centaure de... more
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      Cultural HistoryRomanesque ArtMedieval BestiariesMedieval Herbals
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      Romanesque ArtRomanesque architectureRomanesque SculptureRomanesque pictorial arts
Publicación con motivo de la exposición "San Martín de Frómista y Cluny: 900 años de la europeización de un monasterio hispano", que resume el contenido de la misma, celebrando la efeméride de la donación del templo de Frómista a San... more
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      Medieval HistoryRomanesque ArtHistory of MonasticismArchaeology of Medieval Monasteries
Diffusion : Éditions A. & J. Picard, 18 rue Séguier, 75006 Paris Tél. librairie 01 43 26 96 73 -Fax 01 43 26 42 64 Toute reproduction de cet ouvrage, autre que celles prévues à l'article L. 122-5 du Code de la... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyArt HistoryArchitecture
The publication in 2013 of the first volume in this series, "Games-Makers to the Empire: Roberts Brothers of Gloucester, 2890 - 1950" has been referenced on Amazon as "5.0 out of 5 stars. The best history of any games manufacturer". The... more
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      Romanesque ArtBoard GamesEnglish Civil Wars
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      Romanesque ArtRomanesque architectureRomanesque ArchaeologyHIST.SZT.POL
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    • Romanesque Art
Signum Leonis, Signum Arietis Ca. 1100 [Basílica de Saint-Sernin de Toulouse] Mármol gris de Saint-Béat 134 ✕ 69 ✕ 14,5 cms Musée des Augustins, Toulouse, Francia SI/G/NU[m]/L/E/O/NIS/ /S/I/G/NU[m]/ARI/E/TIS/... more
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      Romanesque ArtRomanesque SculptureCamino de SantiagoIconografia Romanica
In the end of XI – XII centuries Irish monks Scotti or otherwise Gaels went on pilgrimage to Germany and founded Benedictine monasteries during the Hiberno-Scottish mission which started in 563 by the Irish monk Columbanus (540 – 615).... more
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      Romanesque ArtRomanesque architectureRomanesque SculptureCamino de Santiago
Le chevalier occupe une place de choix dans les différentes manifestations de l’art roman. Il apparaît sur tous types de supports et sur des œuvres de nature diverse. Cette prolifération de la figure du noble guerrier pose un certain... more
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      Medieval StudiesRomanesque ArtMedieval ArtChivalry (Medieval Studies)
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      Romanesque ArtMedieval IconographyPavement Mosaics
The corpus of ornaments from the Andrija Buvina's doors of Split’s Cathedral consists of ten motifs. The research comprehends its formal and iconographic value. The question of models that inspired Andria Buvina in the elaboration of his... more
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      IconographyArt HistoryRomanesque Art
pieza #183
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      Romanesque ArtRomanesqueMedieval mosaicsMedieval Painting
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      Romanesque ArtRomanesque Wall PaintingBenedictine Monasticism
[avec Anne Péchou, illustratrice]
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      Monastic StudiesRomanesque ArtRomanesque SculptureMedieval Iconography
Nueva revisión sobre el monasterio de San Juan de la Peña, acompañada de nuevos descubrimientos. Entre las novedades destaca la identificación del taller que llevó a cabo la primera fase del claustro, que dejó otras muestras de su trabajo... more
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    • Romanesque Art
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      Romanesque ArtRomanesque SculptureConservation and Restoration of Historic Buildings and Monuments
Venice and Hungary had an intensive but frequently changing relation in the Middle Ages. The second king of the country originated from the Orseolo family. The rivalry between Venice and Hungary led to conflicts from the 12th century... more
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      Romanesque ArtMedieval HungaryVeniceMedieval Goldsmith`s Art
In the dictionaries there is a common definition of art as ‘‘the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for... more
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      Art HistoryRenaissance HumanismRenaissance ArtScholastic Philosophy
Af de danske middelalderlige døbefonte med figurativ udsmykning udgør de østjyske løvefonte en altdominerende gruppe. 1 Der er tale om ca 180 fonte, som hovedsagelig falder i to ulige store grupper: en meget stor, hvor løverne par-vist er... more
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      Medieval ScandinaviaRomanesque ArtLions in artEarly State Formation
The paper focuses on the Romanesque wooden Crucifix of the church of Sainte-Marie at Cherier Le Vieux Bourg (Loire, Rhônes- Alpes, France). It is stylistically related to some other sculptures originating in the Massif Central region and,... more
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      Romanesque ArtMedieval Sculpture (XIII-XVth Century)Romanesque SculptureAuvergne
La Puglia del XII secolo fu il fulcro di un pellegrinaggio «circolare» che coinvolgeva Compostella, Roma, Bari, Monte Sant’Angelo e Gerusalemme. Questa rete comportava una concorrenza tra i santuari, che tentavano di offrire ai pellegrini... more
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      Romanesque ArtSantiago de CompostelaRomanesque SculptureSphynx
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      ArchitectureRomanesque ArtRomanesque architecture
Con la fusione dei due capitoli in una et eadem matrix ecclesia Pergamensis, nel 1189 si concludeva la controversia de matricitate che da tempo opponeva a Bergamo le canoniche di San Vincenzo (in regime di chiesa doppia con Santa Maria) e... more
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval ArchitectureRomanesque ArtLombard Art
Nell’effervescente contesto culturale del secondo XIX secolo, la coscienza nazionale dell’Italia unifi cata riscopriva la propria identità storica e le radici artistiche; si incrementavano i cantieri di scavo archeologico e di... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchitectureRomanesque Art