Recent papers in Rosary
El present treball estudia la contractació de la pintura i la fusteria del retaule del Roser del monestir de Santa Maria d'Amer. La confraria del Roser va contracta al pintor i botiguer de teles de Girona Joan Sanches Galindo, que... more
Pour un protestant la prière du Rosaire représente une forme de piété qui lui est peu familière. Elle peut susciter diverses réactions allant du choc spirituel devant une assemblée compacte priant le chapelet à l’enthousiasme devant un «... more
During the last quarter of the nineteenth century and first thirty years of the twentieth, the Catholic laity was encouraged to pray and meditate on the mysteries of the Rosary to remedy perceived evils caused by the ideology of... more
Reza tersu loron-loron
A history of the development of the rosary in the Christian Church as well as that of the prayer known as the Angelic Salutation, mostly focusing on the Church in the West but with a look at the Church in the East also.
The article deals with the circumstances of ordering in 1632 a painting “The Battle of Lepanto” with Tomasso Dolabella. This work has so far received numerous references in literature, but the proposed manifold interpretations have... more
La Anunciación de San Gabriel a la Santísima Virgen María contiene virtualmente la Historia del Reino de Dios participado a las naciones y la eliminación del pseudopapado contemporáneo.
When Johan Maurits of Nassau, Governor-General of Dutch Brazil (1630-54), sent out expeditions against the maroons of Palmares, he was informed by his intelligence officers that the inhabitants followed the “Portuguese religion,” that... more
Il volume è pubblicato in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Filosofia e Scienze dell'Educazione dell'Università degli Studi di Torino e con la 'Provincia San Domenico in Italia' (Milano), dell'Ordine dei Predicatori. * A norma del... more
This article explores the dynamics affecting the phenomenon of prayer in Jewish life of the First Century, as reflected in the early sources of the Second Temple Period. Publishing Company; all rights reserved. Please visit Eerdmans... more
Rožni venec je katoliška molitev in je predmet – niz jagod na vrvici, ki se uporablja pri tej molitvi. Molitev Rožni venec (tudi roženkranc, molek, paternošter) sodi v skupino molilnih pripomočkov, kakršni so znani iz raznih časov in... more
Nowadays, the rosary is generally considered to be an attribute of the Roman-Catholic faith, whereas Protestants reject it. This dissertation, however, shows that Christian prayer beads in the sixteenth-century were used by members of the... more
"The word paternoster has been applied in a variety of senses. In the Middle Ages paternoster became a synonym for lovemaking. An early instance of this usage appears in the anonymous medieval Latin Prisciano regula. Later it occurs in... more
Today when we speak of Rosary, many think of the Marian Rosary, which originated in the 13th century and traces its origin to St. Dominic. The Rosary is the most popular catholic devotion today. There was, however, an ‘Our Father Beads’... more
This study tries to contribute to the knowledge about the use and working of amber for rosary beads in the late Middle Ages. In this paper the focus lies on the reconstruction of the production process and the degree of specialization in... more
Burials with clay pipes from the era of Thirty Yeas war investigated in West Pomerania during archaeological excavations are illustrated, with examples from Greifswald and Hohendorf near Wolgast. Besides early Dutch clay pipes a rosary... more
The Kupferstichkabinett of Berlin houses the only known impression of a rather large single-sheet woodcut, likely cut in Venice in the 1490s. Extensively damaged, the broadsheet displays an unusual image related to the cult of the Rosary... more
Second part of a trilogy exploring one aspect of the rosary: The Counting of Prayers. This second part is concerned with the circular side of counting prayers. The third and final part has yet to be written, but if the Lord grants me time... more
During revision excavations of the Benedictine Abbey of Saint Michael the Archangel, in Rudina in 2019, a preserved counter was discovered, the oldest known in Croatia, which can be dated to the transition from the 14th century to the... more
First part of a trilogy exploring one aspect of the rosary: The Counting of Prayers. This first part is concerned with the practical side of counting prayers.
Wystąpienie o charakterze popularnonaukowym miało na celu przybliżyć słuchaczom historię oraz oprawę artystyczną kultu św. Jacka i Matki Bożej Różańcowej w poznańskim klasztorze dominikańskim. Rozważania oparto o dotychczasowe publikacje... more
The aim of this study is to show that digital technology now lies at the heart of the evangelizing mission of the Catholic Church. In view of the profound changes brought by the rise of digital communication technologies, the Vatican... more
The aim of this study is to show that digital technology now lies at the heart of the evangelizing mission of the Catholic Church. In view of the profound changes brought by the rise of digital communication technologies, the Vatican... more
Il volume costituisce un commento teologico alla lettera apostolica del Papa Giovanni Paolo II Rosarium Virginis Mariae e risponde al suo invito rivolto ai teologi -in conclusione del documento -perché praticando una riflessione al tempo... more
The aim of this study is to explore experiences and perceived effects of the Rosary on issues around health and well-being, as well as on spirituality and religiosity. A qualitative study was conducted interviewing ten Roman Catholic... more
Sixteenth Century Society Conference 26.-29. October 2016
Panel 152: Crossing, Bridging and Transforming Boundaries - Interconfessionality in Early Modern Europe
Panel 152: Crossing, Bridging and Transforming Boundaries - Interconfessionality in Early Modern Europe
Impossible objects: Bosch's realism 99 STEPHEN J. CAMPBELL Counter Reformation polemic and Mannerist counter-aesthetics: Bronzino's Martyrdom of St Lawrence in San Lorenzo 121 VICTOR STOICHITA Beautiful Helen and her double in the Galeria... more
👁 Drevený ruženec z Nových Zámkov ● ulica T. G. Masaryka (2003) ● novovek (1800 – 1850 n.l.) Pri výstavbe novozámockej expozitúry Národnej banky Slovenska na ulici T. G. Masaryka, vedľa areálu športovej haly Milénium, boli v roku 2003... more
Medieval miracle tales, by definition, make manifest to a doubting world the presence of the divine. They evidence they offer of heavenly intervention is usually visual and often tangible; depending on the requirements of the story, this... more
In: Johann Anselm Steiger (Hg.): Reformation und Medien. Zu den intermedialen Wirkungen der Reformation. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt 2018 (Reformation heute 4), 259–276. Band IV: Reformation und Medien. Zu den intermedialen... more
For more information and download, please see The article offers an analysis of the Mistico Tempio del Rosario (1584) written by the Dominican friar Reginaldo Spadoni, followed by the commented edition of... more
Q & A column in the (Minneapolis) Catholic Servant (February 2006): 4. In this column I outline the biblical and historical roots of the devotion to the sorrows of Mary and then show its connection to the Rosary and give some sense of... more
Proposed 'cultural rosary' or 'meaning mala' Framing the design challenge Design specifics Content and function -- Ethical injunctions | Sustainability initiatives | Physical survival kits | Cultural survival kit -- Conflict resolution... more