Recent papers in Rus
У п р а в л і н н я к у л ь т у р и В о л и н с ь к о ї о б л а с н о ї д е р ж а в н о ї а д м і н і с т р а ц і ї В о л о д и м и р-В о л и н с ь к а м і с ь к а р а д а В і д д і л к у л ь т у р и і т у р и з м у в и к о н а в ч о г о... more
The eastern sources of IX–X centuries mentioned three centers of rus’: Kujaba, Arta and Slava. The question of the location of these centers has been the ma er of controversy for 200 years. Researchers usually identifi ed Slavia with... more
The article explores the place of visual culture in the intellectual networks that bound Kyiv to other medieval centres. It takes as its subject the mid to late-twelfth-century Church of St Cyril of Alexandria, one of the two most... more
The paper provides new data for the presence of Jews from Rus’ in medieval England and contextualizes this presence based on the evidence of contacts between England and Rus’, as well as on the known patterns of Jewish migration between... more
Tematem pracy jest wyprawa Rusów na Konstantynopol, zorganizowana w 860 roku, przedstawiona w "Powieści Minionych Lat" pod rokiem 866. Autor podjął próbę całościowego przedstawienia problematyki związanej z wyprawą, ze szczególnym... more
18. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Devleti açısından bir önceki yüzyıldan getirdiği ağır anlaşmanın etkileri ile başlamıştır. Ancak yüzyılın ilk başlarında toparlanma belirtileri göstermiş olsa da 1768-1774 Osmanlı Rus savaşı ile artık eski gücünden çok... more
The year 927 brought a peace treaty between Byzantium and Bulgaria, which ended many years of military struggle between both the states. On this occasion Theodore Daphnopates delivered a speech praising the newly concluded agreement. The... more
A Study of an apocalyptic work known in Slavonic only. The most important conclusions are the following: 1. The available Slavonic work The Twelve Dreams of Shahaisha originated in the Old Bulgarian literature . 2. It was translated... more
"""The author of the study correlates the narrative of the panegyric (entitled On the military deeds of the renowned protostrator) composed by Manuel Philes, the Byzantine court poet active at the end of the 13th and at the beginning of... more
The article analyses the statistical indicators of the Ruthenian-Hungarian marriages during the 10 th –14 th centuries, in the context of the matrimonial policy of the Rurik dynasty. The long tradition of the marriages of Ruthenian... more
Between 1185/86 and 1393 Tărnovo was the capital of the Bulgarian State (from mid-14th century of the Tărnovo Tzardom). Different factors were decisive for its history in different decades. When it became a city in the 12th century, its... more
In Medieval Rus the Legend of the icon of Maria Romaia was a popular reading for the first Sunday of the Great Lent, which is the Triumph of Orthodoxy, the feast of the victory over Byzantine iconoclasm (843). The Slavonic text which... more
Förord För att förstå den gutniska handelsrepubliken, dess historia och dess medeltida kyrkor, måste man helt inse att Gutland var en självständig handelsrepublik, navet i Östersjöområdet, som sedan urminnes tider haft sina... more
A study of written and archaeological sources makes it possible to suggest that the Hungarians had a significant impact on the history of the Carpatho-Dniester region in the second half of the 9th-10th century. lt was the location of... more
Historycy zajmujący się dziejami wczesnośredniowiecznej Bułgarii, zwłaszcza tej okresu przed oficjalną chrystianizacją (czyli w wiekach VII-IX), przyzwyczaili nas do postrzegania Bułgarów li tylko jako ludu koczowniczego, złożonego z... more
""The article is a detailed analysis of two basic source reports describing the role of the Haemus in the military campaigns conducted in the year 967 by Nicephorus Phocas and in the year 971 by John I Tzimiskes, i.e. fragments of the... more
ÖZET 1834 yılı başlarında Eflak üzerinden İstanbul'a, oradan da İzmir limanına, daha önce Türkçeyi çok iyi öğrenen bir Rus subay ayak basıyor. Çok geçmeden Ege şehrini üs olarak kullanarak at sırtında bütün Anadolu topraklarını enine... more
Науковий збірник В ипуск 9 М атеріали IX м іж народної наукової конференції, м .Л уцьк, 31 жовтня -1 листопада 2002 року Л у ц ь к 2002 ББК 85, 143 /4 У KP/ С -15
En analysant les campagnes marines particulières des Byzantins, ou leurs alliés, contre la Bulgarie, on peut préciser, par rapport aux certaines d’elles, des plusieures questions de recherche discutables. Pour les buts des actions... more
The article aims at identifying the Byzantine sources of an Old Slavic homily, entitled Homilia de tormento and ascribed to John Chrysostom. The study reveals that it is a compilation based on eleven smaller or larger extracts from... more
This review discusses Reimagining Europe by Christian Raffensperger in the context of the evolution of academic history writing during the past few decades. It notes relations between the current political agendas and historical... more
Through the centuries, on the basis of the ancient legacy and their own experiences, the Byzantines developed effective methods of fighting in the mountains. Numerous works on polemology included detailed instructions how to act in such... more
2 Книгата се финансира от Фонд "Научни изследвания" при Министерство на образованието, младежта и науката (договор № ДНИ 01/34) БЪЛГАРСКА АКАДЕМИЯ НА НАУКИТЕ ИНСТИТУТ ЗА ЛИТЕРАТУРА
In many real-world binary classification tasks (e.g. detection of certain objects from images), an available dataset is imbalanced, i.e., it has much less representatives of a one class (a minor class), than of another. Generally,... more
C. rc. Teuvuu 9ren nt crAH o B nEHvtfl cnAB.fl H c Ko IZ f H M H o r pAo I4 14 (863-oK. 1097 rr.)-B ucropun craHoBJIeHVfl craBqHcKr,tx fllMHorparfnuecKlrx KHr,rr (863or. 1097 rr.) uoxHo BbrAenr{Tb nsrb srarroB: 1) naHHoHcxnit, unn... more