Sarah Kane
Recent papers in Sarah Kane
Drama is a genre in literature that recreates not only existing actions but also interprets the different versions of truth put on stage. Sarah Kane, a dramatist, is usually associated with the new theatrical form of writing called the... more
Provocative, superficially shocking, brutal, sensationalist are just some of the terms which have been applied to Kane’s theatre. Her work has been discussed in terms of neo-Jacobean or neo-Classical sensibilities, Antonin Artaud’s... more
Straipsnyje apžvelgiamos šiuolaikinės naratyvo konstravimo tendencijos, glaustai pristatomi dramos naratyvinių epizodų tipai, laiko ir erdvės ypatumai, pjesės naratoriaus ir struktūros pokyčiai. The article is analysing the new drama... more
Numa sociedade mediática em que o espectador é submetido à agressão visual quotidiana, regressa-se ao teatro como janela privilegiada para a observação da violência e dos seus perpetradores. Sarah Kane, uma das mais controversas... more
1 C'est une entreprise infinie que de recenser les mises en scène des textes de Kane et les articles qui, dans le champ académique, lui sont consacrés, sans compter les objets non théâtraux dédiés à sa mémoire : blogs, livres ou... more
Rad se se bavi analizom drame Psihoza 4.48 britanskog dramskog pisca Sare Kejn. Osnovni cilj rada je da ukaže na mogućnost tumačenja nezavisno od biografskih podataka autora i time ispita način konstituisanja subjekta i odnos zdravlja i... more
In examining the notion of entelechy – defined by Aristotle as the ‘final cause’ in drama – Zornitsa Dimitrova shows that depictions of ‘unsavoury’ content are only justified insofar as they are part of larger networks of aesthetic... more
Tragic Seneca has enjoyed a varied reputation. As T.S. Eliot put it, "In the Renaissance, no Latin author was more highly esteemed that Seneca; in modern times, few Latin authors have been more consistently damned". The author of this... more
Anthony Neilson once disparaged the "In-Yer-Face" theatre movement to which his plays have been ascribed, writing that: "As far as I can tell, In-Yer-Face was all about being horrid and writing about shit and buggery. I thought I was... more
Pre skoro jednog veka, Evropa je postala rasadnik brojnih umetničkih pravaca. Impresionizam, fovizam, ekspresionizam, simbolizam, futurizam, ekspresionizam, zenitizam, dadaizam preplavili su Evropu, šaljući u lice zblanute publike uvrede,... more
Las unidades aristotélicas como andamio para la deconstrucción de la dramaturgia clásica y su transformación en teatralidad posmoderna
Kokkini (2013) has recently argued that the destruction of Euripides’ Hippolytus is crucially linked to his absolute rejection of erotic love. She argues that the participation in (or experience of) eros was considered an integral part of... more
Abridged Dramaturg Log on the Japan-Britain Contemporary Theatre Exchange's Hebden Bridge Residency on 4.48 Psychosis by Sarah Kane. August 2019.
This thesis examines how mental illness has been represented in British theatre from c. 1960 to the present day. It is particularly concerned with the roles played by space and embodiment in these representations, and what emerges as... more
This PhD dissertation presents a close analysis of one of the ageless discourses of human life – apocalypse, or the End – within the highly controversial In-Yer-Face drama of the 1990s British stage. The study particularly argues that... more
Ensuing John Osborne's Look Back in Anger in 1956, a new angry young generation has appeared with more provocative and shocking works which have later been called 'in-yer-face' theatre by critic Aleks Sierz. It would not be wrong to say... more
In my dissertation, I analysed two examples of violent, disturbing scenes from the British theatre of the nineties, one concerning interpersonal violence and one self-inflicted violence. They are respectively from Sarah Kane’s Cleansed... more
Explores how gender violence is portrayed on the stage through an exploration of Sarah Kane's work.
Il presente lavoro cerca di mettere in evidenza la violenza che ingloba la scrittura drammatica di Sarah Kane e si concentra sull'esame dell'opera 4.48 Psychosis . Inoltre si esaminerà la violenza dalla prospettiva critica del teatro... more
"This article analyzes the Senecan background to Sarah Kane’s Phaedra’s Love by focusing upon both playwrights’ predilections for graphic violence and sexual content. Kane’s version of the Phaedra story presents sex, death and mutilation... more
Catalizzazioni nell’Opera di Sarah Kane
Catalizzazioni nell’Opera di Sarah Kane
Estudio de teatro comparado sobre la obra Phaedra's Love de Sarah Kane acerca del tratamiento que la autora realiza del mito griego de Fedra tal como aparece en las versiones griega de Eurípides y latina de Séneca.
Sarah Kane’s Blasted (1995) scandalised its early audiences with its staging of sexual violence, war crimes, and cannibalism. One reviewer famously described it as a ‘disgusting feast of filth’, an appraisal which unwittingly captures the... more
Trauma on the Contemporary English Stage: Kane, Ravenhill, Ridley Özlem Karadağ ABSTRACT This study aims to explore personal and collective traumas in three representative in-yer-face plays: Sarah Kane’s Blasted, Mark Ravenhill’s... more
Abstract This chapter studies the relations between the experiential theater of Sarah Kane and Hans-Thies Lehmann’s postdramatic theater theory. Postdramatic theater is a new interpretation of the artful representation of the human-being... more
¿Tiene sentido hablar hoy en día de género trágico? ¿Qué es lo esencial en una tragedia? ¿Qué significa el «sentido trágico»? La tragedia tal y como la expresó magistralmente Sófocles en su Edipo rey se gestó en Occidente, pero Occidente... more
Caryl Churchill's plays thematically embody elements of many-isms such as feminism, sexism, capitalism, and socialism, labeling her dramaturgy as an eclectic combination of social philosophies and political ideologies. Although genuinely... more
Sarah Kane and Mark Ravenhill are two major playwrights of ‘In-Yer-Face Theatre’ which basically aims to shock and shake the audience and to create somehow "cathartic relief" by the extreme use of language, nudity and images of violence.... more
Que veut dire Martin Crimp lorsqu’il explique que, dans ses pièces Attempts on Her Life (1997) et la trilogie Fewer Emergencies (2005), « l’espace dramatique est un espace mental, pas un espace physique » ? Comment comprendre cette «... more
Poglavlje iz knjige "3 + 3, eseji o drami, pozorištu i filmu"
If citing or quoting from this document please reference it as follows: ‘Nina Kane: Artist-in-Residence Daily Log, 29 January - 10 February 2018, Wakabacho Wharf, Yokohama, Japan. Japanese translation by Tomoco Kawaguchi’, Academia. Edu,... more
This paper figures the new principle for British modern theatre in particular, in the frame of ‘post-traumatic’ history which will free all repressed traumas of history and community that is neglected by them, and be taken back to them... more
This thesis intends to show that the work of playwright Sarah Kane has been mislabelled ‘New Nihilist’, a tag that miss directs her audience and diminishes her contribution to British theatre. Each chapter will deal with one of her first... more
This thesis uses the semiotic perspective to deal with cruelty in Sarah Kane’s drama. Stage drama needs specific dramaturgy; it is different from other types of drama in that it is written to be performed and not to be merely read. Thus,... more