Recent papers in Tragedy
A consideration of melancholy and its connection to genius in 'Melencolia I' and 'Hamlet'.
Jordan, Mandy M. Building Resiliency: The Role of Faith-Based Organizations in the Trauma-Affected Community of Santa Fe, Texas. Master of Science (Applied Anthropology), August 2021, 205 pp., 2 tables, 15 figures, 8 appendices,... more
Nel trattare il mito dell'incestuosa Mirra, perdutamente innamorata di suo padre, Vittorio Alfieri menziona esplicitamente le Metamorfosi di Ovidio (Libro X, vv. 295-531), ricordando la commozione prodottagli da quei versi.
This dissertation will argue that the early modern theatre and the early modern church were both concerned with keeping the attention of their audiences, and that one of the ways that dramatic interest in Christopher Marlowe's and William... more
Just a good review of a thoroughly depressing play.
Richard Wright's Native Son has often been read as a socially-oriented text, seemingly neglecting its existence as a literary construct. Such readings gear towards identifying the text with such societal ills as racism and... more
Warum erzählt Hugo von Hofmannsthal um 1900 Geschichten noch einmal, die die Welt seit über 2500 Jahren kennt? Diese Frage führt ins Herz dieser Untersuchung, die einen neuen Zugriff auf Hofmannsthals Poetologie anhand seiner irritierend... more
In this short essay, I outline the coincidence of phenomenology and tragedy, starting with its origins in the romantic thought of Friedrich Schelling and the coincidence of dialectics and the tragic in Hegel.
While the tragedy of Enduring Love's plot might seem obvious, the significance of Ian McEwan's novel's tragic elements is that they could be found in several layers and do not merely lie in the unfortunate incident with which the first... more
This article reads the problem of trespass within William Shakespeare's King Lear. I draw upon eighteenth-century jurist William Blackstone's notion of trespass, sixteenth-century jurist Jean Bodin's notion of sovereignty, in order to... more
Discipline : Littérature française Présentée et soutenue par : Nina HUGOT le : 24 novembre 2018 « Une femme peut bien s'armer de hardiesse » La tragédie française et le féminin entre 1537 et 1583 Sous la direction de : Mme Dominique... more
Human violence has generated a lot of discussion and led to so many attempts, both scientific and philosophical, to understand its prevalence. Why do human beings inflict voluntary suffering or death to others? This is the eternal problem... more
Članek o odkritju Linhartovega portreta in o sprejemanju Linhartovih komedij v srednješolska berila.
Phil Callaway says, "I have a fear of speed bumps, but I'm getting over it." Janice gave Ed a birthday present of Phil Callaway's newest book 'Laugh Again like a Child'. Reading this book caused us to laugh and chuckle deeply. We hoped... more
In 1968, Aimé Césaire travelled to Cuba to participate in the Havana Cultural Congress, a mass international meeting where delegates discussed the place of culture in the struggle against imperialism, neo-colonialism, and... more
Représenter la mort sur la scène classique ne va pas de soi, a fortiori quand elle résulte d'un suicide. Au spectacle de la mort s'opposent trois obstacles majeurs : la bienséance, la vraisemblance et la morale. Racine, pourtant... more
This paper makes an initial attempt to redescribe the failure of racial equality in America by making use of the idea of tragedy. I offer a reading of Antigone to stabilize the appropriateness of three ideas in support of reading the... more
El presente artículo se enfoca en la idea de lo trágico en Marx. Efectúa una comparación entre El Capital y los Manuscritos de economía y filosofía para concluir que la comprensión de lo que sucede con el ser humano bajo el capitalismo... more
Surveys Shakespeare's use and adaptation of Roman history in his plays. (Forthcoming in The Oxford Handbook of Shakespearean Tragedy, ed. Neill and Schalkwyk)
William Shakespeare was one of the famous English poets and writers. He considered to be the greatest English play writer. Most of his work has been translated into many languages. In this research paper I will try to talk about... more
RESUMO: As tragédias gregas apresentadas e encenadas no século V a.C. faziam parte do calendário religioso, político e social de Atenas. Com o objetivo de perceber as maneiras as quais os gregos lidavam com os ritos fúnebres na Atenas de... more
This paper considers the beauty in tragedy that leads us to transcend the story we are told. This paper expounds Tolkien's vision of story and applies it to tragedy. Originally published here:... more
Shakespeare Bulletin 39.2 (2021): 286-90. Print.
La proposition consiste à rechercher les catégories indiquées dans le cadre de conditions déterminées d’énonciation. Il s’agit de réfléchir autour de la notion d’agent en considérant deux figures singulières : le héros tragique et le... more
Una lettura del saggio di De Sanctis sulla Fedra di Racine, contro Wilhelm Schlegel, fra Hegel e Blanchot / A Reading of De Sanctis's Essay on Racine's Phèdre, against Wilhelm Schlegel, between Hegel and Blanchot / Une lecture de l'essai... more
Macbeth - Flash Study Guide - Context -- James I, Witchcraft, Religion, Patriarchy, Treason; Themes -- Good vs Evil, Order vs Disorder, pathetic fallacy; Key Quotes
There is a long history of the uses of the term 'catharsis'. Nowadays the term usually designates a process by which the production of strong emotions by adequate representations (literature, cinema, videogames, etc.) or by real events... more
Titanic was the most famous ocean liner in its time. It became more famous when it sank in April 1912. It inspires many authors to write literary works. One of them is Thomas Hardy who wrote "The Convergence of the Twain." It portrays a... more
Eberhard argues convincingly in his 1923 volume, Das Schicksal als poetische Idee bei Homer that fate is a narrative device in the Iliad and Odyssey which guides the narration towards resolution. As an example of fate at work, he cites... more
Contemporary critique of trope of sexual liberation in African literature is mostly replete with analysis of prostitution narratives, giving rise to an assumption and monolithic view of what sexual freedom or self-determination could... more
Créée en 1765, la tragédie nationale s’affranchit mal de la référence antique, à la fois modèle et repoussoir. Ce nouveau genre est conçu selon une analogie avec l’univers gréco-romain néoclassique dans une dialectique d’imitation et de... more
This article discusses the first series of performances of Joost van den Vondel’s Brothers in Amsterdam in 1641. The drama focuses on the heart-rending decision king David has to take to follow God’s will to ratify the executions of... more
"Carter's music poses struggles of opposition, for instance in timbre (Double Concerto), space (String Quartet No. 3) or pulse (String Quartet No. 5). His preference for the all-interval tetrachords, 4–Z15 [0, 1, 4, 6] and 4–Z29 [0, 1, 3,... more
Thesis: Edward Albee claims in the subtitle of his drama, The Goat or Who is Sylvia?, that the play falls within the category of tragedy. In this abstract of my final thesis, I review this claim, by applying Aristotle's famous definition... more
Didactic presentation.
First English translation of a tragedy by Vittorio Alfieri after 1815.
This article revisits the early realist understanding of tragedy in international relations in order to highlight its debt to continental philosophical thought and tragic theology. Far from sharing a view of tragedy as objective... more
Through the lens of Maria Irene Fornes’s play Mud, I interrogate the spatial dynamics of theatre in the context of Los Angeles as a historical singularity arising from financial speculation in the late 19th century. The intention is to... more
“Animal Sacrifice in Albee’s Plays and Its Influence on the Contemporary Stage,” Edward Albee: Influence, New Perspec-tives in Edward Albee Studies 4. Edited by Natka Bianchini and John M. Clum (Leiden: Brill, 2021) 46–73.
O presente artigo tem como objetivo principal discutir, a partir da ékphrasis do casarão da família Maia, presente no início do romance Os Maias (1888) de Eça de Queirós, elementos que, estruturantes, convertem o espaço em alegoria que... more