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This review essay of two edited volumes sketches how STS scholars have analyzed scientific representation and visualization in recent work. Several key foci have emerged, among them attending closely to materiality, engaging the digital... more
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      OntologyVisualizationEmbodimentArt and Science
Today, we are in the midst of a rapid development of digital technologies. Following this development in our communicative infrastructure, many far-reaching claims about the promises of multimedia learning have been, and are still, made.... more
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      Information TechnologyEducationScience EducationSociocultural Theory
Economic methodologists most often study the relations between models and reality while focusing on the issues of the model’s epistemic relevance in terms of its relation to the ‘real world’ and representing the real world in a model. We... more
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      Mathematical EconomicsHistory of Economic ThoughtSociology of Economic KnowledgePerformativity
In this essay, I reflect on the significance of 'the turn to practice' for contemporary philosophy of science. After briefly characterizing the practice turn and its inherent challenges, I discuss chemistry's periodic law, drawing on its... more
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      Philosophy of SciencePeriodic Table Of The ElementsScientific RepresentationPhilosophy of Scientific Practice
Representationalism—the view that scientific modeling is best understood in representational terms—is the received view in contemporary philosophy of science. Contributions to this literature have focused on a number of puzzles concerning... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy of SciencePragmatismModeling and Simulation
Representational views of the mind traditionally face a skeptical challenge on perceptual knowledge: if our experience of the world is mediated by representations built upon perceptual inputs, how can we be certain that our... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophy of SciencePerceptionComputational Modelling
In this text I develop the thesis that geometrical diagrams are depictions, not symbols; they depict geometrical objects, concepts or states of affairs. Besides developing this claim, I will defend it against three recent challenges from... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy of SciencePragmaticsPhilosophy Of Mathematics
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      History of Science and TechnologyEarth SciencesDante StudiesMedieval Studies
In his Scientific Representation. Paradoxes of Perspective (2008), Bas van Fraassen offers a pragmatic account of scientific representation and representation tout court. In this paper I examine the three conditions for a user to succeed... more
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      Scientific RealismScientific RepresentationRepresentationBas Van Fraassen
What do the following social practices have in common: children playing with dolls houses or Lego bricks and scientists building and using models to examine how the world works? More than one might think, according to a fascinating new... more
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      Scientific RepresentationIR Theory
"Scientific representation is a currently booming topic, both in analytical philosophy and in history and philosophy of science. The analytical inquiry attempts to come to terms with the relation between theory and world; while... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceModelingScientific RepresentationMathematical Modelling
This paper advances three related arguments showing that the ontic conception of explanation (OC), which is often adverted to in the mechanistic literature, is inferentially and conceptually incapacitated, and in ways that square poorly... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceCausationGeneral Philosophy of ScienceExplanation
In this paper we study Language, Εmbodied Learning and other semiotic systems as an integral means through which students express emotions, reasoning and scientific meanings when they realize scientific theatrical performances. Four... more
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      SemioticsScientific RepresentationAnalogical ReasoningEmbodied Learning
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      Philosophy of ScienceScientific ModelsScientific RepresentationModelling
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      PhotographyAnthropology of ScienceActor Network TheorySocial Representations
In this essay the introduction of quantum mechanics into chemistry serves as a case study of representational innovation in science. Because the basic complexity of quantum-mechanical representations of molecular systems eliminates the... more
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    • Scientific Representation
In the quest for a new social turn in philosophy of science, exploring the prospects of a Vygotskian perspective could be of significant interest, especially due to his emphasis on the role of culture and socialisation in the development... more
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceMarxism
This article provides a state of the art review of the philosophical literature on scientific representation. It first argues that the topic emerges historically mainly out of what may be called the modelling tradition. It then introduces... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceDeflationismModeling and SimulationScientific Models
En este trabajo me ocupo de un viejo tema: el de la carga valorativa del conocimiento científico. A lo largo de la historia diversos autores, como Max Weber y el Wittgenstein del Tractatus, han defendido un ideal, el de la “neutralidad... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceScientific ModelsScientific RepresentationValues in Science
ABSTRACT: The ontic conception of scientific explanation has been constructed and motivated on the basis of a putative lexical ambiguity in the term explanation. I raise a puzzle for this ambiguity claim, and then give a deflationary... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceCausal reasoningCausationRepresentation in science
Models in action – realising abstractions This thesis is about mathematical modelling and technology development. While mathematical modelling has become widely deployed within a broad range of scientific practices, it has also gained... more
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      EngineeringMathematicsComputer ScienceInformation Technology
Idealization is commonly understood as distortion: representing things differently than how they actually are. In this paper, we outline an alternative artifactual approach that does not make misrepresentation central for the analysis of... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceModeling and SimulationScientific RepresentationHodgkin and Huxely Model
The goal of this chapter is to lay some foundational groundwork in the study of epistemic representations in general, and visual epistemic representations in particular. To this goal, I introduce three helpful and closely related... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of TechnologyVisual Studies
In this paper we study Language, Εmbodied Learning and other semiotic systems as an integral means through which students express emotions, reasoning and scientific meanings when they realize scientific theatrical performances. Four... more
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      SemioticsScientific RepresentationAnalogical ReasoningEmbodied Learning
In 1890, in Paris, a text entitled « Des formes extérieures du Cachalot » was published, signed by G. Pouchet and F.-A. Chaves and illustrated with three drawings and three photographs. These are advertised as “the first scientific... more
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      Visual StudiesPhotographyVisual CultureScientific Representation
DSGE models (Introduction) have recently been criticized by P. Romer (2016) as pseudoscientific (Section 1). Their dominance is attributed to the uncritical " deference to authority " that has dominated macroeconomics " for the last 30... more
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      MacroeconomicsPhilosophy Of EconomicsDSGE ModelingScientific Representation
Scientific models share one central characteristic with fiction: their relation to the physical world is ambiguous. It is often unclear whether an element in a model represents something in the world or presents an artifact of model... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceScientific RepresentationPluralismTheory of literature
This is the story of a material translation between architecture and science in postwar Britain in which specific materials were imported from architecture to virus structure research, mediating narratives related to building that... more
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      Design HistoryHistory of ScienceScientific RepresentationHistory of Design
Recent contributions to the philosophical literature on scientific modeling have tended to follow one of two approaches, on the one hand addressing conceptual, metaphysical and epistemological questions about models, or, on the other... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophy of ScienceThermoregulationAgent Based Simulation
points to an analogous understanding for abstract models, which should be regarded neither as fictions nor as abstract objects. I elucidate these views by using the examples of the double-helix model of DNA structure and of the... more
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceMarxism
In this paper we study Language, Embodied Learning and other semiotic systems as an integral means through which students express emotions, reasoning and scientific meanings when they realize scientific theatrical performances. Four... more
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      SemioticsScientific RepresentationAnalogical ReasoningEmbodied Learning
Each revolution in brain science prompts mechanistic explanations of the mind. These are inevitably followed by a “holistic” reaction that argues against a one-to-one correspondence between a brain organ, region, or pro- cess and a... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophy of ScienceScientific RepresentationGestalt Theory
Callender and Cohen (2006) argue that there is no need for a special account of the constitution of scientific representation. I argue that scientific representation is communal and therefore deeply tied to the practice in which it is... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceScientific Representation
In this essay, I shall show that the so-called inferential and interpretational (Contessa 2007) accounts of scientific representation are respectively unsatisfactory and too weak to account for scientific representation (pars destruens).... more
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      PhysicsPhilosophyEpistemologyPhilosophy of Science
The thesis proposes an account of the means of scientific representation focused on similarity, or more specifically, on the notion of “creative similarity”. I first distinguish between two different questions regarding the problem of... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceModeling and SimulationScientific RepresentationSimilarity
Perspectival realism combines two apparently contradictory aspects: the epistemic relativity of perspectives and the mind-independence of realism. This paper examines the prospects for a coherent perspectival realism, taking the... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceScientific RepresentationPerspectivalismPerspectival Realism
Las simulaciones computacionales constituyen el principal campo de pruebas virtual en múltiples ciencias, una práctica distintiva con respecto al Representar e Intervenir que Hacking proponía en 1983. Estas no solamente constituyen una... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of TechnologyDigital Media
Biologists use tree diagrams to illustrate phylogenetic relationships among species. However, both novices and experts are prone to misinterpret this notational form. A difficulty with reasoning with cladograms is that intuitive narrative... more
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      EducationScience EducationCognitionVisual Semiotics
In this paper, I attempt to sketch a dialectical approach on scientific representations and their role in scientific cognition. In my understanding, scientific representations can be construed as ‘tools’ mediating scientific cognition.... more
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceMarxism
This paper is a critical response to Andreas Bartels' (2006) sophisticated defence of a structural account of scientific representation. We show that, contrary to Bartels' claim, homomorphism fails to account for the phenomenon of... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceHistory of Philosophy of ScienceRepresentation in scienceModeling and Simulation
What does it take for a scientific model to represent? Models, as an integral part of scientific practice, are historically and contextually bound in their application. Practice-oriented debates in recent philosophy of science have... more
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      Philosophy of SciencePhilosophy of BiologyHistory and Philosophy of ChemistryHistory and Philosophy of Biology
This thesis starts with three challenges to the structuralist accounts of applied mathematics. Structuralism views applied mathematics as a matter of building mapping functions between mathematical and target-ended structures. The first... more
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      Scientific RepresentationStructuralism (Philosophy)Scientific explanationApplicability of Mathematics
After a brief presentation of what I believe to be the main features of the modelling demarche in science, I will focus on the basic following question: how can an abstract entity – a model – possibly represent an existing observable... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceMetaphysics of ScienceScientific RealismScientific Representation
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      Philosophy of ScienceScientific RealismScientific RepresentationRepresentation
This short paper grew out of an observation—made in the course of a larger research project—of a surprising convergence between, on the one hand, certain themes in the work of Mary Hesse and Nelson Goodman in the 1950/60s and, on the... more
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      Nelson GoodmanScientific ModelsScientific RepresentationExtended Cognition
After a brief presentation of what I take to be the representational démarche in science, I stress the fundamental role of true judgements in model construction. The success and correctness of a representation rests on the truth of... more
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      Scientific RealismScientific RepresentationBas Van Fraassen
This article argues in favour of an inferential role for fictions in scientific modelling. The argument proceeds by means of a detailed case study, namely models of the internal structure of stars in stellar astrophysics. The main... more
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      Stellar AstrophysicsPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of PhysicsHistory and Philosophy of Physics
within the philosophy of science, with many papers published regularly on the topic every year, and several yearly conferences and workshops on related topics. Historically the topic originates in two different strands in 20 th century... more
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      Philosophy of SciencePhilosophy of ArtModeling and SimulationScientific Representation
This paper presents an exploratory study of the representations of science and scientists in online debates about Global Warming between non-scientists. We analysed qualitatively and in an comprehensive manner the exchanges held in two... more
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      Climate ChangeComputer-Mediated CommunicationContent AnalysisScientific Representation