Recent papers in Sediments
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Recruitment is essential for the maintenance of populations, but far more is typically known about the more easily-observed adult stages than their smaller, often microscopic early life-history counterparts. This discrepancy can be... more
We investigated the sediment-related distribution of both nematodes and macrofauna on the Belgian part of the North Sea (Southern Bight of the North Sea) in order to evaluate whether both faunal groups reflect similar patterns in... more
The European beaver Castor fiber is well-known as an ecosystem engineer that greatly affects landscape structure, biodiversity as well as physical and chemical properties of surface water bodies. Beaver ponds alter surface water bodies by... more
Slit-check dams are widely employed in mountain river control. However an analysis of their performance in the field is still lacking. In the present work a field verification to evaluate the interaction between solid discharge regime and... more
Measurement of seafloor microtopography is rapidly approaching the status as a standardized element of geoacoustic characterization of the sea floor. With the advent of underwater stereo cameras and, recently, multiple-megapixel digital... more
One of the primary challenges of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) of the European Union is to provide a guide for the recovery of surface waters from pollution. However, few studies deal with reference conditions according to the WFD... more
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations in 34 surface sediments along the Susquehanna River were investigated in 2000. The total concentrations of PAHs in the surface sediments of Lake Clarke, Lake Aldred, the upper Conowingo... more
Two high performance flow atomic absorption (HPF-AAS) related techniques were chosen to assess their suitability for the determination of several trace elements in complex environmental and biological samples. The technique selected were... more
This paper reviews research that has taken place on physical oceanography and sedimentology on New Zealand's estuaries and the inner shelf since c. 1967. It includes estuarine sedimentation, tidal inlets, beach morphodynamics, nearshore... more
Widespread drought and record maximum temperatures in eastern Australia produced a large dust storm on 23 October, 2002 which traversed a large proportion of eastern Australia and engulfed communities along a 2000 km stretch of coastline... more
Two related problems of sediment hydraulics are addressed: ͑1͒ Inception of sediment transport for nearly uniform flow of both uniform and nonuniform sediment beds for two different sediment densities and grain sizes ranging from sand to... more
Résumé Le fjord du Saguenay est un laboratoire géoscientifique naturel exceptionnel. Sa physiographie et ses caractéristiques géomorphologiques, révélées par les levés multifaisceaux et de sismique-réflexion ainsi qu’une série de... more
Determination of sediment erosion and deposition fluxes from direct measurements associated with a drifting buoy in a tidal estuary, an application to the Seine (France). A direct evaluation of erosion and settling sediment fluxes, at the... more
Although weakly hydrophobic chemicals such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) tend not to persist in sediments, they may nevertheless be present in some sediments because of recent or ongoing releases. Standard methods are not available... more
A large number of hazardous compounds can be expected to be present in landfill leachates, many of which have not yet been identified. Thus this study screened samples from 12 Swedish municipal landfill sites for 400 parameters and... more
Copyright © 2015 Khoshravan and Jabbari, This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the... more
The quantification and monitoring of sediment dynamics in estuaries has received plenty of attention in recent years due to both economic and environmental interests. Numerical models have been widely applied for predicting the... more
Little information is currently available about water column microbial processes or mortality during Arctic winter. To address this paucity, we used epifluorescence microscopy and dilution experiments to determine the abundance of... more
Samples of intertidal surface sediments (0-2 cm) were collected in 17 stations of the Santander Bay, Cantabric Sea, Northern Spain. The concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 16, were analysed by HPLC and MS detection.... more
Previous studies have provided prima facie evidence that runoff from the MI motorway, UK, affects both the quality of the receiving water and the biota living there, in sites short distances from point sources-i.e., possible worst-case... more
WHAM (Windermere Humic Aqueous Model) is designed to calculate equilibrium chemical speciation in surface and ground waters, sediments, and soils. The model is suitable especially for problems where the chemical speciation is dominated by... more
Multi-proxy approach was used to reconstruct the environmental conditions of remote lakes in the High Tatra Mountains (Slovakia) over the past few centuries (approximately 500-1000 years). Short sediment cores (*30 cm) taken from three... more
A new adsorbent based on the imprinting technique with high retention capacity and pre-concentration factor has been synthesized and tested for retention of inorganic and organotin compounds wtributyltinchloride (TBT),... more
Unsteady two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations and Navier-Stokes type model equations for porous flow were solved numerically to simulate the propagation of water waves over a permeable rippled bed. A boundary-fitted coordinate system... more
River restoration practices aiming to sustain wild salmonid populations have received considerable attention in the Unites States and abroad, as cumulative anthropogenic impacts have caused fish population declines. An accurate... more
The structure of nematode assemblages was investigated in the sediments of two different tourist marinas in the Mediterranean Sea and related to pollution variables. Nematode densities and generic compositions were determined, as were... more
A review of the levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and tributyltin (TBT) in sediments from Mobile Bay, Alabama, shows that overall levels of PAH decrease from the upper bay (RI) to the lower bay (RIV). Analysis of PAH ratios... more
The physical processes that control mineral sediment deposition on a mesotidal salt marsh surface on the Atlantic Coast of Virginia were characterized through a series of measurements of sediment concentration, flow velocity, turbulence,... more
Previous studies have provided prima facie evidence that runoff from the MI motorway, UK, affects both the quality of the receiving water and the biota living there, in sites short distances from point sources-i.e., possible worst-case... more
The present study deals with quantification of accumulated toxic heavy metals in sediments of Mithi River of Mumbai. The study was performed at three different sampling locations along the flow of Mithi River for two years from 2009-12.... more
Microplastics have been reported in marine environmen ts worldwide. Accurate assessment of quantity and type is therefore needed. Here, we propose new techniques for extracting microplastics from sediment and invertebrate tissue. The... more
Urine analysis is one of the most common tests for assessing urinary-tract and kidney diseases. In recent years there have been new developments in the automation of this test. The objective of the present study was to compare the... more
La construction de barrage hydro-agricole demeure une nécessité absolue dans un contexte de sécheresse persistante au Burkina Faso. Le futur barrage de Samendéni devant contenir 1 milliard de mètres cube d'eau se situe dans des formations... more
Oxygen and total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) fluxes at the water–sediment interface were measured using benthic chambers to assess the short-term variations of community respiration (CR) in the back reef sediments of Reunion Island... more
Emissions from combined sewer overflows have detrimental impact on water quality (Verbanck, 1990). Sewer sediments forming regularly increase emitting loads. One alternative to high pressure jetting, the mostly used method for sewer... more