Shakespeare's Rosicrucian Sources
Recent papers in Shakespeare's Rosicrucian Sources
The complex manuscript of Sir Thomas More written by Bacon was produced in his literary workshop in a process that saw him direct its various scribes and copyists as it evolved over a period of many years which accounts to a large extent... more
In an attempt to produce a reconstruction of the genealogy of the sources, this essay investigates the relationship between Measure for Measure and the Gospel of Matthew, examining in particular the possibility that the episode related to... more
Shakespeare's Measure for Measure comprises moral issues concerning corruption, virtue, justice, and purity. Angelo, a conspicuous character of the play, holds the position of Deputy and representative of the law but his conscience is... more
In 1623 Francis Bacon with his scriptorium or literary workshop housed at Gorhambury staffed by his good pens among them the poet George Herbert and the poet and dramatist Ben Jonson, were busy working on the Shakespeare First Folio which... more
Holy War CRAIG M. RUSTICI J ames Bonwick, a nineteenth-century historian of Tasmania, notes that when "Dr Wardell of Sydney defended an Englishman charged with the murder of a Black, he argued from Lord Bacon, Pufendorf, and Barbeyrae,... more
The Special Baconiana edition commemorating the 400 Year Anniversary of the 1623 Shakespeare First Folio On this day on 8 November 1623 the greatest secular book in the history of the world was entered on the Stationers' Register as the... more
Approaching classical music as a sacred art form has proved therapeutic and enjoyable for residents of a Canadian retirement home, allowing individual seniors in a group setting to experience great beauty and harmony within themselves.... more
For the renowned German mystic Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624), the principle of love or divine harmony is the triumphant result of a Cosmic process whose building blocks originate in desire, will, pain, and anguish. Boehme’s cosmology begins... more
In ordinary circumstances this contemporary manuscript document named the Promus of Formularies and Elegancies would be well known to every Bacon and Shakespeare scholar and student of English literature around the world. Bacon’s unique... more
Από την παρουσίαση στο οπισθόφυλλο του βιβλίου) "...Ένας αρχετυπικός μύθος. Μια εσωτερική παράδοση αιώνων που επιβίωσε και εξελίχτηκε παράλληλα με την επίσημη Ιστορία. Ένα μοναδικό στο είδος του βιβλίο που είχε εξαντληθεί και τώρα... more
One of the less familiar dramas in the Shakespeare canon Measure for Measure has at its heart the God-like Rosicrucian figure of Duke Vincentio one akin to Prospero in The Tempest described by Dr Yates as a Rosicrucian manifesto. The role... more
A Morten St. George Investigation. This essay will provide a hundred instances of multiple thematic parallels between short segments (typically a range of five to thirty words) of the plays of Shakespeare and Marlowe on the one hand and... more
Now, in the 21st century, we can decipher the clues left for us in paintings, suspicious death reports, poetry, plays, and 20th century analyses of 16th century documents. They are like a time capsule intended to be discovered at a... more