Recent papers in Essenes
In theological research of The Christian Community and in anthroposophical circles, there is a tendency to follow the chronology of John rather than the synoptics. Questioning this tendency initially, this paper follows research by Andrew... more
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The period between the Old Testament and the New Testament is usually called as the Intertestamental period. It was a time in which many of the theological ideas and religious practices found in their New Testament were developed. One of... more
Hallelujah! The last pages of the Essene Academy textbook used at the Salt Sea academy of the Essene priesthood has been made available online thru, where several of my manuscripts are made available right now. At the... more
The wisdom of the Essenes and the 19 chapters of the Book of the Wisdom of Solomon, appear to be a work in progress on a third Book of Proverbs. The decyphered numbering codes of the ancient Levitical scribes helps put the pieces of... more
For centuries scholars have grappled with the fact that many of the Shakespearean characters are members of the Bassano family, but few have considered them as serious candidates for the dramatists of the Shakespearean works, until I... more
This book offers a novel approach for the study of law in the Judean Desert Scrolls, using the prism of legal theory. Following a couple of decades of scholarly consensus withdrawing from the "Essene hypothesis," it proposes to revive the... more
From the Dead Sea scrolls....
Featuring the books of the Dead Sea scrolls library at the Essene Colege for priests and monks.
o s m a n uscritos d o m a r m o r t o Uma introdução atualizada
INÍCIO OS MANUSCRITOS DO MAR MORTO EVENTOS E LANÇAMENTOS BIOGRAFIA CONTATO Fernando Mattiolli Vieira Os marcos historiográficos internacionais O progresso das pesquisas em nível mundial esteve sujeito a determinadas conjunturas que... more
RE: Facades, illusions & ideological concepts created & promoted by ancient royalty out of necessity; effective creation of an alternate version of reality. It is only by knowing this information that the true nature of ancient texts may... more
The study of the legal texts found among the Dead Sea Scrolls benefits from a theoretical framework that is informed by contemporary legal scholarship. This dissertation undertakes a shift from the comparative approach, which focuses on... more
A nearly completed college textbook at a Graduate/PhD level the main thrust of this book is how pagan early religions, Judaism and later Christianity collided in the 4th century to form what we know as the Bible. Unlike most books on the... more
According to Josephus, the Essenes were one of three major Jewish philosophies. The other two were the Pharisees, who were mostly lay people, and the Sadducees, the aristocratic and powerful priestly class of Jerusalem. Josephus says... more
The logos was an ancient Greek speculation used by the Stoics from Persian arta. No modern believer, Jew or Christian, will doubt that the bible preceded the Greek philosophers, but it did not. Heraclitus wrote about logos a century... more
There are so many areas which need to be studied when it comes to the First and Second Centuries of the Common Era, and so much more to learn about that time in history. If you read this paper and still wonder about various parts of it,... more
With the international pandemic, it must be asked if the Creator GOD has laws that are violated bringing judgements upon the world. A series of visions were given with the emphasis given asking Who are the Sadducees, the Pharisees and... more
A letter from the secret Essene elder in Jerusalem to his brethren in Egypt, 7 years after the cross, in AD 40. A remarkable historic text recovered in the late 1700s at a Greek Orthodox monastery in Alexandria, Egypt. Written in ancient... more
The article continues the publication, for the first time, of a book left in manuscript by the Romanian orientalist Constantin Daniel. The last chapters of the book, included in the article, expose an exaggeratedly spiritual perspective... more
This essay covers six decades of scholarly analyses of the relation between the Qumran writings and the Gospel of John. It performs the analysis using punctuation marks as categories of analysis--from exclamation points to question marks... more
Ritual baths (miqwa’ot) built adjacent to winepresses and olive-presses have been unearthed at about twenty sites dating to the Second Temple period, most of them in Judea and the environs of Jerusalem. While much has been written in... more
Quando le tenebre mi avvolsero prendesti le sembianze di un cucciolo e mi venisti a salvare
La collection des Instruments pour l'étude des langues orientales anciennes (IELOA) rassemble des grammaires, dictionnaires, concordances et éditions de textes pour l'étude des langues du Proche Orient ancien et, en particulier, pour les... more
in Z. Rodgers (ed.), Making History: Josephus and Historical Method (Leiden: Brill, 2007), 219-61.
Markers of a sharply defined group identity among the sectarian Scrolls as well as in the archaeology relating to the site of Qumran indicate that the sectarian Hebrew and scribal practice should be labelled as "Essene". It is important... more
Je donne ici quelques extraits de textes gnostiques coptes de Nag Hammadi, tels que je les ai trouvés traduits en français au début 2022, sur le site de la Bibliothèque Copte de Nag Hammadi, hébergé par l'Université Laval au Canada. Ces... more
Professor Geza Vermes, one of the translators of the Dead Sea Scrolls and an important voice in contemporary Jesus research, died after a prolonged battle with cancer in May, 2013. He was born in the town of Makó in southeastern Hungary... more
Dos tendencias con respecto a la figura mesiánica estuvieron presentes durante el periodo del Segundo Templo: en una, el Mesías restaurará las glorias anteriores a Israel y reinará sobre todas las naciones; en la otra, el Mesías traerá... more
I present an eclectic reconstructed critical edition of the War Scroll. The introduction is adapted from a blog on the project.
Pochi personaggi hanno avuto un impatto tanto decisivo quanto misconosciuto sulla nascita del cristianesimo come Giovanni Battista. Figura tutt'altro che marginale nello scenario politico-religioso giudaico del i secolo, paradossalmente... more
Initially, I will reveal Rapoport’s close involvement in Flesch’s sweeping project of translating Philo’s writings into Hebrew. I will then discuss the links between Rapoport and Krochmal as they pertain to the examination of Philo’s... more
3 main traditions have been preserved historically for the Pentateuch: the Masoretic Text (MT), the Samaritan Pentateuch (SP), & the Septuagint (LXX). But for the rest of the OT, there are really only 2 main traditions that have been... more
During the second temple period, the Jews had various ways of seeking to actualize the kingdom of God. These were the paths of the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Essenes, and the Zealots. God chose none of them. He chose the path of Jesus... more
The Lead Mystery recently illegally looted from Jordan and today slightly in some kind of limbos are surrounded by heavy controversy. Nothing new actually. We had the same problem with the Dead Sea Scrolls. The point is that there are... more