Recent papers in Shorelines
1] The Maldives experience seasonal shifts in monsoon winds from the west-northwest to northeast. The morphologic response of reef island beaches and shorelines to these predictable shifts in climate was examined on eight islands in South... more
High rates of coastal retreat characterise the weakly cemented Plio-Pleistocene rocks and sediments which form much of the cliffed coastline of East Anglia, southern North Sea. The accurate establishment of sediment losses from these... more
The Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) is used to systematically investigate equilibrium conditions and seasonal variations of the Benguela system at a resolution of 9 km, including both the large-scale offshore flow regime and the... more
Between Point Grenville, Washington, and Point Conception, California (1500 km distance) 21 dune fields record longshore transport in 20 littoral cells during the late Holocene. The direction of predominant littoral transport is... more
This paper reviews historical methods for estimating surge hazards and concludes that the class of solutions produced with Joint Probability Method (JPM) solutions provides a much more stable estimate of hazard levels than alternative... more
Una de las principales amenazas a las cuales está expuesta la franja costera ecuatoriana son los tsunamis, en atención a los escenarios de desastre que pudieran ocasionar. Para el caso ecuatoriano, las probabilidades de ocurrencia de... more
The viscosity of pantelleritic melts from the Khaggiar lava flow (5.5 ka -Pantelleria Island) was investigated as a function of temperature and water content. High (1673-1323 K) and low (973-613 K) temperature dry and hydrous liquid... more
This contribution describes the development, calibration and verification of a 1-D behaviour-orientated shoreline prediction model. The model primarily encapsulates shoreline displacement forced by wave-driven cross-shore sediment... more
, and the origin of unconformity-bounded depositional sequences. Mar. Geol., 97: 35-56. Unconformity-bounded depositional sequences represent the fundamental building blocks of sedimentary successions. They are typically characterized by... more
Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper imagery (ETM) of 2002 and aerial photography of 1955, combined with published charts and field observations were used to interpret geomorphological changes in the coastal zone between Kitchener drain and... more
Sea-level changes - North Sea - N Germany - Transgressions - Regressions - Holocene - Shore lines
Coastal vulnerability in barrier island systems is extremely high. The barrier island shoreline is exposed to many threats, such as storm erosion, reductions in sediment longshore drift and sea level rise. Many of these threats to coastal... more
DAVIDSON-ARNOTT, R.G.D., 2005. A conceptual model of the effects of sea level rise on sandy coasts. Journal of Coastal Research, 21(6), 1166-1172. West Palm Beach (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
Throughout the history, public spaces of Istanbul were developed near the seashores. By the end of the 20th century Istanbul's relation with the sea was severed by new transformations. Especially the Coastal Line Project, which was... more
This paper presents an evaluation of Formal Safety Assessment framework for cargo ships at coasts and open seas of Turkey. Based on Turkish Under secretariat of Maritime Affairs casualty reports, this study identifies risk factors that... more
A numerical method for non-hydrostatic, free-surface, irrotational flow governed by the nonlinear shallow water equations including the effects of vertical acceleration is presented at the aim of studying surf zone phenomena. A vertical... more
"This thesis has had its focus on ceramic shards found in a trench by the late neolithic western shore of the Ajvide site. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate if there are changes in the pottery between the test trench and the... more
The aim of this study is to provide new data on relative sea-level changes and neotectonics of the northeastern Aegean Sea region (Eastern Mediterranean) through the analysis of the coastal geomorphology of Lesvos, the third largest Greek... more
The Eocene Sant Llorenç del Munt fan-delta complex lies on the southeastern edge of the Ebro Basin in NE Spain. Alluvial fans and fan deltas prograded northwestwards from the Catalan Coastal Range to form a series of clastic wedges that... more
Morphostratigraphic and sedimentological studies were undertaken in the Cap Bon peninsula, north-eastern Tunisia. These studies have identified a series of middle to late Pleistocene–age marine deposits discontinuously cropping out on... more
The tsunami waves generated during the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake of 26 December 2004 devastated the coastal area along Trinkat Island, causing sudden changes to the morphology of the landforms. This study uses a series of satellite... more
Differentiation of natural process units is promoted as a means of better understanding the interconnected nature of coastal systems at various scales. This paper presents a new holistic methodology for the identification of littoral... more
A methodology was developed to reconstruct the Roman topography and environmental features of the Sarno River plain, Italy, before the AD 79 eruption of the Somma–Vesuvius volcanic complex. We collected, localized and digitized more than... more
Keywords: phreatomagmatic tuff ring tuff cone maar volcanic island basalt rift scoria sideromelane accretionary lapilli base surge Ambae Island is a mafic stratovolcano located in the northern Vanuatu volcanic arc and has a NE-SW... more
La végétation et le climat du sillon sud rifain au Miocène supérieur sont très peu connus. Pour résoudre ce problème, sept coupes datées avec précision par les foraminifères planctoniques du Tortonien moyen à supérieur au Messinien ont... more
La erosión litoral y su consecuente retroceso de la línea de costa, representan una de las principales amenazas para los asentamientos poblacionales e infraestructuras ubicadas en diversos sectores del margen costero ecuatoriano. En este... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
The Lake Lahontan basin has been the site of numerous pluvial lakes during the Pleistocene. We address the question of whether or not the highest remnant shoreline features around the perimeter of the lake were produced during the most... more
The scale of groundwater upwelling on Mars, as well as its relation to sedimentary systems, remains an ongoing debate. Several deep craters (basins) in the northern equatorial regions show compelling signs that large amounts of water once... more
During a cruise on the R/V Kilo Moana in 2004, we mapped 12 debris avalanches from volcanoes in the Bismarck volcanic arc, estimated their sizes and computed the size of potential tsunami run-up in major local population centers from... more
Bangladesh, at the confluence of the sediment-laden Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers, supports an enormous and rapidly growing population (>140 million in 2011), across low-lying alluvial and delta plains that have accumulated over the past... more
Editorial handled by W.M. Edmunds a b s t r a c t
We calculated the expected impact on the Italian coast of the Adriatic Sea of a large set of tsunamis resulting from potential earthquakes generated by major fault zones. Our approach merges updated knowledge on the regional tectonics and... more
The Zambezi River is the fourth largest river in Africa (after the Congo, Nile, and Niger), and it is the largest African river flowing into the Indian Ocean. The lower Zambezi in Mozambique is influenced by the presence of two very large... more
a surtseyan eruption occurred around Hunga Ha'apai Island, Tonga. A series of observations from the high-spatial resolution Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER), and the high-temporal resolution Moderate... more