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      American StudiesPrint CultureMedia StudiesNew Media
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How to collect silhouettes, paper cuts & co. Where to buy? What kind of style? Where to pay attention.
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      Johann Wolfgang von GoethePortraitureHans Christian AndersenAlltagsgeschichte
The opulent colours and ornamentation, exotic characters and landscapes, as well as astonishing journeys and magic may resemble other European adaptations of Arabian Nights fairy tales. Yet remarkable technical and political innovations... more
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      German StudiesCensorshipAnimationHeterotopia
To Nurith, my mother, who with infinite love taught me how to look at paintings 1. To draw a line by candlelight I n his memoirs, the painter Giorgio de Chirico returns to his childhood with particular attention to the times and events... more
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      Visual StudiesArtPlatoDeath
From Black to Schwarz: Cultural Crossovers between African America and Germany, Jürgen Heinrichs and Maria I. Dietrich, eds. Münster, Hamburg, Berlin, Wien, London: LIT Verlag (German) and University of Michigan Press (English), 2010;... more
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      PhysiognomyAmerican art/ Art of the United StatesHarlem RenaissanceSilhouettes
It is remarkable that art history has paid little attention to the silhouette as an art form. Silhouettes have been cherished only as family likenesses or 'tolerated' as decorative items, all-purpose as illustrations without content,... more
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      Johann Wolfgang von GoetheReception of AntiquityShadow WorkJohann Caspar Lavater
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      PhotographsGreetings cardsQuiz showsComic books
FOR THE FORMATTED VERSION WITH KENTRIDGE'S DRAWINGS GO TO: This is a guide to the iconography of William Kentridge’s Triumphs & Laments, the 500-meter-long frieze of colossal... more
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      ReligionRoman HistoryIconographyArt History
An investigation of the possibility of fashion design of the different type of silhouettes with the use of 3D elements is the main aim of the paper. The silhouettes are non-volumetric and volumetric and 3D elements are more suitable for... more
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      Fashion designSilhouettes
The combination of body and facial animation achieves significant results. While the main actions focuses on body movement and silhouette, the facial animation explores intention and emotion, though there are also emotions related to... more
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      AnimationAnimation TheoryDigital MediaComputer Animation
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      PortraitsPhysiognomyFrench RevolutionPortraiture
This paper examines the role of physiognomy in early film through the theoretical writings of Béla Balázs and the animated films of Lotte Reiniger. Departing from Johann Caspar Lavater’s conception of physiognomy as a science of stasis, I... more
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      Avant-Garde CinemaDance StudiesFilm TheoryAnimation
SUNY Fredonia Cathy and Jesse Marion Art Gallery catalog, "Andrea Dezso: Enchanted Ficions," 2017.
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      AnimationRomanian HistoryInstallation ArtContemporary Art
Human gait, which is a new biometric aimed to recognize individuals by the way they walk have come to play an increasingly important role in visual surveillance applications. In this paper a novel hybrid holistic approach is proposed to... more
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      Spatial AnalysisSpatial ModelingSpatial PracticesPattern Recognition
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      Print CultureArchitectural HistoryFrench Revolution and NapoleonSilhouettes
Clustering is the technique to partition data according to their characteristics. Data that are similar in nature belong to the same cluster [1]. There are two types of evaluation methods to evaluate clustering quality. One is an external... more
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      Clustering and Classification MethodsK-meansClusteringHierarchical Agglomerative Clustering
Random Sampling Silhouettes Reconstructions Figure 1: Left: Our method generates multi-view depth maps and silhouettes, and uses a rendering function to obtain the 3D shapes. Right: We can also extend our framework to reconstruct 3D... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceComputer VisionPerceptionMachine Learning
Article évoquant les planches de silhouettes de l'imagier Wentzel, publiés à partir de 1860 et évoquant les planches d'ombres chinoises éditées par Dembour & Gangel à Metz
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Human gait recognition is moving ahead by the need for automated person identification and verification at a distance in many applications. In this paper our system presented silhouette videos and neural networks based system for human... more
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      Image ProcessingBiometricsDigital Image ProcessingEdge Detection
Tropical cyclones (TCs) in the North Atlantic (NA) basin pose an annual risk to coastal regions, with hurricane Katrina (2005) the costliest TC in US history. This study employs K-means cluster analysis (CA) to detect the distinctive,... more
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      Machine LearningClimatologyHurricanesClustering and Classification Methods
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      Women's StudiesSilhouettesCutouts
It is often assumed that when we see common objects in standard light this is in virtue of seeing their facing surfaces. Here I argue that we should reject that claim. Either we don’t see objects’ facing surfaces, or – if we hold on to... more
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      PerceptionVisual perceptionObject PerceptionFred Dretske
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      Reception of AntiquityShadowsSilhouettesCutouts
»Weder in der Nacht, noch bey Tage transpirirte Kant«; 1 so verrät der Königsberger Diakon Ehregott Wasianski -Sekretär und Testamentsvollstrecker des Philosophen -in seinen Aufzeichnungen über dessen letzte Lebensjahre. Dieser Hinweis... more
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      PhilosophyKantSelf and IdentityPhotography
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      PortraitsJewellry DesignSilhouettes
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