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Capra exposes the negative behaviour and manipulations of society elites and tries to educate people into ways of dealing with these problems through solidarity and political means. Although Capra’s own politics may have been more... more
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      ClassCinema StudiesFrank CapraSocial realism
For over four decades, Basil Bernstein researched 'the internal organisation and educational context of the school' specifically, and educational systems generally. In particular, he was interested in the powerful forms of knowledge... more
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      BernsteinCompetency based trainingSocial realism
Lässt sich die politische Problemlage unserer Zeit literarisch erfassen? Was ist die Rolle von Literatur im globalen Kapitalismus? Lässt sich ein dauerhafter Arbeitszusammenhang von Autorinnen und Autoren organisieren? Diesen Fragen... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesGerman StudiesComparative Literature
Social Realism, an artistic movement introduced in the second quarter of the twentieth century, influenced an entire generation of artists all over the world. It explores the themes ranging from poverty to anti-state demonstrations, and... more
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      EkphrasisUrdu PoetryContemporary Visual ArtsInequality
This course surveys the novel in Britain at the nineteenth-century height of its formal development and confidence. The vast majority of our books are 'household names', with well-known characters and plots that have been treasured for... more
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      British LiteratureHistory of the NovelSocial realism
El arte es un claro reflejo del entorno en el que se produce. La función de este recurso ha sido múltiple ajustándose a las necesidades de cada época; en la actualidad, es utilizado como medio de expresión crítico. Sin embargo, por... more
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      Art HistoryArtContemporary ArtFreedom Of Expression
Revisiting QHY over 30 year later...
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      Spanish CinemaPedro AlmodóvarSocial realism
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      GlobalizationMarxismGlobalisation and cultural changeUrban Studies
This anthology chapter provides a rich iconographic, spatial, and stylistic analyses Diego Rivera's mural cycle at the Secretaria de Education Publica in Mexico City (1923-28).
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      MarxismModernism (Art History)Mexican MuralismFresco
Youssef Chahine, Alexandrian film maker(1926 -2008) was pioneer film director, who had several masterpieces and discovered Omar Sheriff in 1954.
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      AfricaEgyptCinemaSocial realism
In this article, we examine a case of innovation in curriculum and pedagogy at a new school in the UK. We begin by outlining the 3 Futures model, which we use as a methodological heuristic in the case study of the school that appears to... more
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      Curriculum DesignInterdisciplinaritySociology of KnowledgeCurriculum
Exhibition catalogue of the Julius Bloch retrospective held at the Philadelphia Museum of Art in 1983.
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesSocial realism
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American ArtModernism (Art History)Modernism
The year 1967 was a transitional moment for the rehabilitation of activist art and the formation of black identity. It was likewise significant for Faith Ringgold, who was preparing the solo exhibition that would introduce her to the New... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican Diaspora StudiesCritical Race TheoryHistory of Art
James Joyce is widely known for his radically experimental sense of style. What makes his works so difficult and complicated is rooted in the fact that he is one of the most prominent figures of literary modernism. Marking his transition... more
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      PublishingTranslation StudiesLiteratureJames Joyce
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      Art HistoryLatin American and Caribbean HistorySocial IdentityModern Art in Latin America
kırılmaların ve çok boyutlu değişimlerin yaşandığı dönemdir. Toplumsal değişimleri sanat eserlerinden takip etmek ve ‘sanat’ın kendisini kurmaca bir yansıma alanı olarak görmek de mümkündür. Sanat eserlerinde ne kadar imalı bir yapı... more
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      Art HistoryArtPaintingBiography
Selected poems by Simon Jenko, Simon Gregorčič, Anton Aškerc, Ivan Cankar, Dragotin Kette, Oton Župančič, Josip Murn, Alojz Gradnik, Srečko Kosovel,  Tone Seliškar, Mile Klopčič,  Matej Bor and Karel Destovnik.
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El presente volumen de ensayos titulado Convergencias sobre la cultura ecuatoriana representa el último paso de un riguroso ejercicio intelectual de los críticos de la cultura ecuatoriana incluidos aquí. Cada uno de los textos se inició... more
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      Afro Latin AmericaEcuadorian literatureSocial realismLiteratura Ecuatoriana
The period which took long time before Yeşilçam was not so productive in terms of detective movie. During the genesis of Yeşilçam period (1948-1959), five dominant film genres (melodrama, historical, comedy, detective and village... more
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      Film StudiesGenre studiesNational CinemasFilm Genre
Parts of this have since appeared in publications elsewhere. Posting the file because it contains additional detail/ ideas/ correspondence on various topics. Discussion of Lennon, McCartney, Duchamp & Stockhausen is unique to this, though... more
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      Cultural StudiesAvant-Garde CinemaPopular Music StudiesPopular Music
АННОТАЦИЯ Сенчило Н. А. Социальная турецкая новелла первой половины XX века: жанровые особенности, типология героев. – Рукопись. Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата филологических наук по специальности – 10.01.04 –... more
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      Critical RealismGenreTurkish LiteratureSocial realism
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryEuropean CinemaSpanish Cinema
Hunger and starvation is the theme of many an Indo-Anglian novel, particularly post-Independence novel. Kamala Markandaya in brief have tried to draw a lively picture of the modern Indian society. The theme of social injustice is... more
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      PovertySocial realism
Adding nuance to the accusation of sustained caste blindness against Indian cinema, this article situates Nagraj Manjule’s Marathi blockbuster Sairat (2016) within the trajectories of Marathi cinema, and vis-à-vis the historical traffic... more
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      MelodramaHabitusPierre BourdieuIndian Cinema
A.K.Ramanujan is a well noted expatriate poet of twentieth century who was brought up in a multilingual environment and mastered the languages like Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Sanskrit and English. He was a scholar, philologist, folklorist,... more
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    • Social realism
Bu makalenin amacı, Kemal Tahir’in 1957 yılında yayınlanmış ve bir Anadolu köyünde geçen “Rahmet Yolları Kesti” romanını toplumsal gerçeklik yansımaları açısından incelemek ve bu sırada esere ilişkin literatürün kapsamlı bir taramasını... more
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      Sociology of LiteratureTurkish LiteratureSocial realism
It is very difficult to define political art. Views on what makes art political can range from the idea that all art is political (i.e. it either implicitly supports or explicitly opposes the status quo) to pointing out, for example, the... more
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      Art HistoryWorking ClassesPopular CultureCritical Realism
The current research has systematically endeavoured to explore the social aspects of modern men i.e. identity crisis, capitalism, official suppression and warfare in the poems of W.H. Auden from Marxist perspective. The investigator has... more
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      Modernism (Literature)MarxismModern PoetrySocial realism
Why Reality? 'In an era where shock experiences have become the norm of city life, Benjamin refers to montage as the strategy that fit the mission of the medium best, in this vein, he prefers constructed reality over the plain realism... more
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      Walter BenjaminGeorg LukacsBertolt BrechtDocumentary Photography
This study probes the ethics-oriented reflexive deliberations of three novice environmental education practitioners in South Africa. Two of the cases examined work in a local government context, and the third in an environmental... more
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      Environmental EducationEnvironmental EthicsReflexivity (Sociology)Workplace Learning
" The communities represented in fiction are, necessarily, imagined communities; but if a novel is a representation of an imagined community then so, as many recent writers have argued, are our ideas of nationhood. The nation, that is,... more
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      ModernismColonial ModernityNations and nationalismMalayalam Literature
Bu karşılaştırmalı edebiyat çalışmasının amacı, John Steinbeck’in “Gazap Üzümleri” ile Orhan Kemal’in “Bereketli Topraklar Üzerinde” eserlerinde göç ve insan olgusunu karşılaştırmalı edebiyat bilimi yöntemleri yardımı ile karşılaştırarak... more
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      Migration StudiesJohn SteinbeckSocial realismOrhan Kemal
Au milieu des années 1930 au Portugal, un pays éminemment rural et sous-développé, se dessine le mouvement néo-réaliste, sous l'influence de la pensée matérialiste dialectique et de l'action de l'Internationale communiste, malgré la... more
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      Portuguese ArtSocialist RealismNeo-realismoPoverty Studies
In this essay, I analyze a dominant generic style in contemporary Indian cinema/web series that I call cynical realism (think, as an analog, Mark Fisher's notion of capitalist realism). Through a close reading of the recent, critically... more
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      Political TheoryIdeology and Discourse AnalysisIndian CinemaCognitive Mapping
A quasi-panic underlies Guttuso’s Boogie Woogie in Rome his single envoi to 1954 Venice Biennale. It depicts teenagers dancing frenetically in front of Mondrian’s eponymous painting, its kinetic, neoplasticist language absorbed into their... more
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      IntermedialityCold War and CultureArt and Aesthetics of the Cold WarRussian & Soviet Art
The late nineteenth century was a period of tremendous change as political empires broke up, nationalism arose, the power of the middle class replaced that of the aristocracy, and colonialism flourished.The Industrial Revolution greatly... more
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      RealismSocial realismArtistic movementLiterary movement
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      SemioticsItalian CinemaCinemaPeirce Pragmaticist Semiotics
Between 1935 and 1952 seven films were made based on the novels of Charles Dickens (7 February 1812-9 June 1870). [1] They were filmed in the social realist style, a style that was popular after the Great Crash and reflected the hardships... more
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      English LiteratureMarxismRealism (Political Science)Cinema Studies
Die Mustererkennung relationaler Soziologie erfolgt entlang von zwei Fragen: 1. Wie werden Relationen überhaupt erkannt (Erkennen als ein Tun im Sinne von enactment)? 2. Wie verdichten sich Muster von Relationen zu Identitäten? Auf die... more
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      SociologyConstructivismPattern RecognitionIdentity (Culture)
Taong 2009 nang ipinalabas ang Kinatay sa 62 nd Cannes International Film Festival sa France. Ito ang unang pagkakataong nanalo bilang Best Director ang isang Pilipino, si Brillante Mendoza. Nagsunod-sunod ang pagkasali ng iba pang... more
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      Film AnalysisIndependent FilmmakingSocial realismPhilippine Independent Films
Bericht zum 80. Geburtstag von Reiner Kunze bringt einen Überblick über sein lyrisches und übersetzerisches OEuvre samt bisher kaum gestreiften Momenten der Editionspolitik in der DDR aufgrund persönlicher Zeugnisse (am Beispiel der... more
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      Johann Wolfgang von GoetheMilan KunderaStunde NullGeorg Trakl
Focusing on a series of pioneering radio ballads produced for the BBC between 1958 and 1961 by Ewan MacColl, Charles Parker, and Peggy Seeger, this article explores representations of industrial working-class culture in folksongs of the... more
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      Gender StudiesMarxismRadioMass culture
This essay has benefited from the thoughtful comments of Alan Wallach and the responses of audiences to earlier versions presented at the World Congress of Jewish Studies, the University of Miami, and the Association for Jewish Studies... more
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      Abrahamic ReligionsJewish StudiesModern ArtAmerican art/ Art of the United States
A tribute, soon after his death, to American social realist Jack Levine.
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryAmerican art/ Art of the United StatesMidrash
This contribution to the symposium on Michael Young’s article ‘Overcoming the crisis in curriculum theory: a knowledge based approach’, supports his contention that curriculum theory has lost sight of its object – ‘what is taught and... more
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      Higher EducationCritical RealismVocational And Adult EducationEducation Policy
Disparities in educational outcomes between Māori and non-Māori students remain a pressing concern in New Zealand. Recent policy documents framed through notions of 'effectiveness' champion culturally responsive pedagogies (CRPs) to... more
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      Cultural StudiesEducationSociology of EducationSpecial Education
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      Art HistoryJewish StudiesGreat DepressionNew Deal (U.S. history)
Realism can be casually defined as the practice of observing things in their truest and most natural form. In a cinematic sense, it is defined as a representational method of 'real life' as we know it through the medium of film. Cinematic... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheorySocial realismBritish Social Realism
MedieKultur | Journal of media and communication research | ISSN 1901-9726 Article Published by SMID | Society of Media researchers In Denmark | The online version of this text can be found open access at 40
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      Social realismRealist Film Theory