Writing in the Disciplines
Recent papers in Writing in the Disciplines
Using National Study of Writing Instruction data as a baseline, I examine typical practices of writing in math and posit a theoretical framework, a blueprint for writing in math, that has potential for achieving Applebee’s vision for... more
This article reports on a case study of a Writing in the Disciplines intervention for doctoral students in science education held at Coventry University in May 2010. Differences between this event and previous ones are described,... more
This poem was written for a collection of expressions for and memories of Art Young, put together by the staff of the Pearce Center for Professional Communication for Art Young, Campbell Chair of Technical Communication and Professor of... more
"This study gathers and interprets the earliest extant references to architects in ancient Greek philosophy, as found in select works of Plato and Aristotle. Throughout this review, Plato and Aristotle [are] shown to consistently present... more
WRDS 350 is an advanced scholarly research and writing course that allows students to build on their existing knowledge of academic research and writing practices by studying specific features of scholarly writing relevant to their own... more
Time is a product of the human mind, and it does not exist in a real sense. Perception of time varies from time to time and from space to space; it has never had a single apprehension. It is the human experience that gives time a sense.... more
Discourse-based interviews (or DBIs) have long been used in writing research to investigate writers’ tacit genre knowledge, including their rhetorical motivations for sentence-level wordings. Meanwhile, researchers in English for Academic... more
Developed from presentations at the 2018 International Writing Across the Curriculum conference, this collection documents a key moment in the history of WAC, foregrounding connection and diversity as keys to the sustainability of the WAC... more
The current study drew on evolving theories of transfer, with a particular interest in studying writing-related transfer. Major theories of transfer come from several perspectives: behaviorist, cognitive, dispositional, curricular, and... more
Conference: Fourth Biennial Conference on Threshold Concepts: From personal practice to communities of practice, At Trinity College, Dublin, 2012 The workshop will first report and comment on the outcomes of preliminary explorations into... more
Im Kapitel Wissenschaft und Studium erlernen Sie Handwerkstechniken der Wissensaneignung. Sie werden befähigt, Lernprozesse und die damit in Verbindung stehenden Anforderungen einzuschätzen und eine effektive Studien-und Arbeitsmethodik... more
The expression of stance--defined broadly as expression of attitudes, epistemic judgments, and interactional involvement--is increasingly recognized as an important, though hidden, feature of both expert and student academic writing, one... more
This dissertation project examines patterns of stance in essays written by high- and low-performing students in two upper-level undergraduate courses, one in political theory and the other in economics. It employs methods of linguistic... more
Expressing an authorial stance in contextually valued ways may be especially challenging for English as a Second Language (L2) writers (in addition, certainly, to many L1 writers), as the subtle ways that writers in the disciplines go... more
Simandan D (2005) "New Ways in Geography" Timisoara, Editura Universitatii de Vest/ West University Press, 230 pp. The first part of the volume - "Old Ways" - addresses the question whether geography as we know it is worth keeping. The... more
The main concern of this research was assisting postgraduate students when they write in the disciplines. Therefore, the efficacy of some ideas for supervising novice writers in Geotechnical Engineering were qualitatively investigated. To... more
En este capítulo nos proponemos definir los retos actuales del estudio de la alfabetización académica analizan- do su carácter situado, social e interdisciplinar y su impacto en las situaciones educativas que se promueven en la... more
Geography means earth writing, and so it is perhaps fitting that writing itself has become a primary intellectual battleground in contemporary geographical thought. This paper advocates for metaphorical earth writing, arguing that it... more
As academic disciplines have advanced the integration of disciplines interdisciplinary collaborative structures have become increasingly important and desired. In particular, wholly interdisciplinary disciplines such as environmental... more
Resumen En este texto introductorio del monográfico se definen algunos de los conceptos fundamentales que se relacionan con el constructo de escritura académica. En primer lugar, el concepto de género y su relación con el de sistema de... more
In an increasingly interconnected world, learning how to think anthropologically-learning how to think with difference-should be an essential part of the process of higher education. Yet many students may never take a single anthropology... more
La escritura es la base para la construcción y difusión del conocimiento en la Educación Superior, aunque todas las disciplinas tengan formas particulares de hacerlo. Este artículo de reflexión contextualiza un movimiento pedagógico poco... more
Understanding the linguistic and rhetorical patterns of an academic discipline strengthens students' abilities to write in professional settings. Data-driven learning and corpus-linguistic methods can increase this understanding and... more
Abstract: In this article, I discuss dynamics between the profession, the discipline, and the performance of technical communication. I use a historical perspective to describe the development of the oacademic discipline, and both to the... more
Pour consulter l'argumentaire et la présentation du programme du séminaire en 2020-2021, voir https://calenda.org/804792?utm_source=lettre Pour l'ensemble du programme 2021-2022, voir... more
Understanding the linguistic and rhetorical patterns of an academic discipline strengthens students' abilities to write in professional settings. Data-driven learning and corpus-linguistic methods can increase this understanding and... more
La trayectoria de Bourdieu dentro del campo científico parecería mostrar un tránsito desde su formación inicial en filosofía, pasando por la antropología, hasta arribar finalmente a la sociología. Empero, un escrutinio más atento de su... more
A literary-archival study of Filipino writer Carlos Bulosan and his writing process.
WRDS 350 is an advanced scholarly research and writing course that allows students to build on their existing knowledge of academic research and writing practices by studying specific features of scholarly writing relevant to their own... more
This volume focuses on new trends in different theoretical perspectives (social, cultural, and cognitive) and derived practices, as relevant to the situated nature of the activity of writing in higher education. These perspectives are... more
For nearly fifty years, Writing across the Curriculum (WAC) has been growing and evolving, from disparate composition-related activities run by individual instructors to coordinated efforts across institutions that involve both writing as... more
Drawing on the appraisal framework from systemic functional linguistics (SFL), this article examines patterns of stance in a corpus of 92 high- and low-graded argumentative papers written in the context of an upper-level course in... more
This study reports about a yearlong study of the initiation of novice grant writers to the activity system of National Institutes of Health grant applications. It investigates the use of cognitive apprenticeship within writing classrooms... more
The idea of competition is so fundamental that we often take it for granted as a natural good. Nearly every aspect of our lives involves competition: we compete in school, we compete for jobs, we compete at work, we compete socially, we... more
Situated in the literature on threshold concepts and transfer of prior knowledge in WAC/WID and composition studies, with particular emphasis on the scholarship of writing across difference, our article explores the possibility of... more
This dissertation explores the reciprocal nature of teaching and learning in a disciplinary writing course on a university campus. The study draws on qualitative, ethnographic case study methodology to examine how an instructor and... more
In this dissertation, I use qualitative research methods to study relationships between compositionists and faculty in other disciplines in the context of cross-curricular literacy (CCL) work. Drawing on a two-year CCL project in the... more
This article examines the function of expertise in relationships between WPAs and colleagues in other disciplines who co-develop disciplinary writing curriculum and/or writing pedagogy. I argue that scholarship on interdisciplinary... more
Reforming and modernizing higher education has recently become an important goal in the national vision of several Middle Eastern countries. To move toward this goal, a common strategy has been the emulation of models from abroad—mostly... more