Society of Control
Recent papers in Society of Control
Accelerationism is a theoretical movement that seeks to mobilise reason and technological development as a strategy for moving beyond capitalism. The first wave of accelerationism took the effects of capitalism at their most pernicious... more
Hunting stories will always glorify the hunters, since it is the hunters who write the stories. In this book, Dénètem Touam Bona takes up the perspective of the hunted, using the concept of marronage to highlight the lives and creativity... more
This thesis is about the rapid expansion of a new mechanics of power and its implementation in relegated areas, such as the chosen case study: the favela da Rocinha, after the installation of a Center of Command and Control at UPP... more
Within the contemporary articulation of the Society of Control, online-platforms such as Facebook have vastly extended the breadth of surveillance and depth of control exerted by capital, used to guide our subjectivation within circuits... more
A popularização da internet e das tecnologias digitais, e em especial de dispositivos móveis como smartphones, permitiram que sistemas algorítmicos se tornassem cada vez mais presentes no cotidiano. LinkedIn, Pinterest, Flickr, Youtube,... more
How do urban security assemblages evolve? Scholars inspired by Deleuze's Control Thesis detect profound shifts in the ways security operates. Different to Foucault's disciplinary logics, they argue, security assemblages now rely... more
Using Fredric Jameson's category of the "hysterical sublime," this chapter asses the Black Mirror episode, Playtest, and how it addresses, conceptually, anxieties about new media technology and how they relate to our experiences of... more
Ina Blom's 2007 book On the Style Site: Art, Sociality, and Media Culture is the most sustained and sophisticated attempt so far to analyse, from the perspective of post-autonomist debates concerning biopolitics and immaterial labour, the... more
Society is a collectivity consisting of free individuals living with harmony, solidarity, and order. Yet, the "freedom" of the individuals is questionable. For the continuity of the order, human beings have to be kept under control.... more
Japan has often been considered by the rest of the world as an orderly country without much civil unrest. As evidence of that, Prime Minister Abe speech promoting Tokyo for the 2020 Olympic Games emphasized the fact that the city was... more
How does architecture operate as a security technology? This contribution sets out how reflexive security research and urban studies approach built environments as political inclusion and exclusion instruments. It first presents how this... more
This article analyses the culture of the criminal control in a current days. In such a way, examines the electronic monitoring of prisoners in Brazil for study the complex change in the field of the control of crime. If, throughout the... more
We are surrounded by walls that we don’t notice. We are pierced by invisible walls. We have walls within us. Today’s walls are multiple and present, open and constant. Sometimes we sense them being “built”, but for the most part their... more
The present paper investigates the attempt of Japanese Universities to internationalize, and to promote multicultural spaces. During ethnographic investigations and interviews involving students and professors from six different... more
aufgebracht): Seid ihr noch nicht am Ende? Kommt ihr nie zum Ende? (Plötzlich wütend) Es nimmt also kein Ende!
Este artigo busca traçar algumas procedências espaço-siderais que contribuíram para a emergência das sociedades de controle, que segundo o filósofo Gilles Deleuze, surgem a partir da segunda metade do século XX. Para tanto, a exploração... more
This article proffers a critical reading of multiliteracy pedagogy and a materialism of the multimodal and machinic. A critical stance is taken against the mesmerising modes of representation that run rampant across our ocular... more
In the context of ongoing debates about the distinctive temporalities associated with contemporary regulative regimes, this paper explores the interpretive trajectories initiated in contrasting conceptualisations of the politics of time.... more
C'è una spaccatura dentro l'organismo umano, la spaccatura o fessura tra i due emisferi; quindi ogni tentativo di sintesi resta irrealizzabile in termini umani (…) Una parte è scivolata dentro una incontaminata innocenza senza tempo.... more
Ecologists and environmentalists have tried to interfere in the debate about the COVID-19 pandemic with the aim of transcending the approaches of virologists and epidemiologists. While the views of virologists and epidemiologists are... more
La privacidad se transforma debido a la circulación de la información personal mediante redes. Sin embargo, el uso que el mercado hace de dicha información privada pareciera ser menos problemático que un impulso similar a manos del... more
A ubiquidade do acesso à Internet traz consigo mudanças no modo como nos relacionamos com a tecnologia. As formas aceleradas de produção e consumo de dados nas plataformas tecnológicas colocam-nos hoje perante um desafio crítico no que... more