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Introducción: Las razones y preguntas de la presente tesis.
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      Sociology of ViolencePolitical Violence and TerrorismViolencia PolíticaGuerrilla Warfare
Yep, fuck it. Neoliberalism sucks. We don't need it.
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      Critical TheoryManagementMarketingHistory
The massacre of almost 50 Maidan protesters on February 20, 2014 was a turning point in Ukrainian politics and a tipping point in the conflict between the West and Russia over Ukraine. This mass killing of the protesters and the mass... more
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      SociologyCriminologyPolitical SociologyEastern European Studies
This paper seeks to examine the relation between democracy and violence. It will first offer an historical overview of the emergence of democracy in relation to three major political events: the English civil war from 1640-1660; the... more
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      Sociology of ViolenceViolenceHuman RightsDemocratic Theory
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural HistorySociology of Violence
hame and denial: aging mandated men M ark kilken s, O lin ic al P :rycl nla gist, an d L,lizabeth \Yheeler, Ilerl' I ree ConnLlting Mark is a Clinical Psychologist working in private practice on the rural fringe of Melbourne. In 1997 he... more
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      Sociology of ViolenceDomestic ViolenceViolenceSexual Violence
Рецензія на перший український (і східнослов'янський) переклад класика антиколоніалізму Франца Фанона. В огляді розглянуто як конструктивні аспекти Фанонової візії соціальної емансипації та солідарності, так і проблематичні тези, які... more
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      Sociology of ViolencePolitics and Post-Colonial TheoryFrantz FanonNeomarxism
Abstract: What accounts for low-intensity intergroup violence? In this paper, we explore the micro-level determinants of low-intensity sectarian violence in Northern Ireland, which has marked the post-1998 peace agreement period. We use... more
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      European StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesSociology of ViolenceViolence
Final commentary on the exciting papers in the new volume on Gender and Violence in Archaeology.
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      Gender StudiesArchaeology of GenderSociology of ViolenceSexual Violence
David Scott responds to the UK government's white paper Prison Safety and Reform, published 3 November, with his article Failing Prisons: Carnage, Bloodbaths and Numbers of Prison Staff.
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      Sociology of ViolencePrison Industrial ComplexCritical Prison StudiesSociology of prison life
Programa de curso "Violencia y política".
Segundo semestre 2015. Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, sede Viña del Mar.
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      Political PhilosophySociology of ViolencePolitical TheoryViolence
En este trabajo nos proponemos discutir la relación entre desigualdad y violencia para el caso de Venezuela. Si bien una vasta literatura ha establecido una estrecha vinculación entre ambas variables, en el caso venezolano, donde durante... more
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      CriminologySocial PolicySociology of ViolenceViolence
Points out how religion is power; power will be used by others--even the non-religious; when things go awry, then, religion is then blamed, often by the same ones who have exploited its power. This calls for critical and wary analysis of... more
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      ReligionChristianityPolitical PhilosophyEthics
"When I Wear My Alligator Boots examines how the lives of dispossessed men and women are affected by the rise of narcotrafficking along the U.S.-Mexico border. In particular, the book explores a crucial tension at the heart of the “war on... more
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      Cultural StudiesHuman GeographyCultural GeographyAnthropology
Critical incidents often result in amplified social solidarity among the members of a traumatized community. Some argue this solidarity accelerates recovery and supportive social environments decrease the likelihood of PTSD and other... more
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      Community PsychologySociology of ViolenceViolenceCommunity Resilience
The links between social constructions of sexuality and gender are theoretically and politically problematic. A contemporary social movement understanding of violence against gay men and lesbians as ‘homophobic’ suggests a solid basis for... more
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      Gender StudiesSociology of ViolenceSociology of Crime and DevianceSexuality
En el siguiente link, se encuentra la exposición de esta teoría, que tuve el honor de realizar en el evento TEDx USMA, Ciudad de Panamá, en el mes de mayo de 2015.
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      Sociology of ViolenceViolenceWar StudiesDiscursive Social Psychology
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      Sociology of ViolenceViolencePolitical ViolenceGewalt
Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich aus prozesssoziologischer Sicht mit der Frage, wie Gewalt in sozialen Situationen möglich wird und aufrechterhalten werden kann. Er schließt an die von Randall Collins entwickelte Mikrosoziologie... more
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      Sociology of ViolenceViolenceGenocide StudiesSociology of Organizations
“We possess art lest we perish of the truth.” Friedrich Nietzche “Abolish art, abolish daily life abolish the separation between art and daily life.” This is what the Surrealist movement swore upon as they rallied for the segregation... more
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      HistorySocial PsychologyArt HistoryMedia Studies
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesSociology of ViolenceConflictPolitical Violence and Terrorism
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      Sociology of ViolenceViolenceFrench RevolutionPolitical Violence and Terrorism
Today, it is hard to believe that some ten years ago Grozny lay in ruins. The broad avenues, the well-lit streets with carefully sculptured flower beds, the impressive contours of the shiny skyscrapers, dominating the city center, along... more
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      Cultural StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesSociology of ViolenceViolence
Kadına yönelik şiddetin nedenlerine bakıldığında; stres, depresyon, düşük gelire sahip olma ve maddi güçlükten kaynaklanan bunalımlar, yeni bir çocuk için destek harcamaları, evlilikte çatışma yaşama, çocukların eğitimi ve bakımı... more
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      Sociology of ViolenceDomestic ViolenceViolenceChildren and Families
2017 publizierte Michael Stausberg einen Artikel über die unterschiedlichen Verwendungsweisen der Begriffe des «Sakralen» und des «Heiligen» bei Autoren wie Émile Durkheim, Marcel Mauss, Roger Caillois, Nathan Söderblom und Rudolf Otto. 1... more
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      Sociology of ViolencePolitical TheoryGeorges BatailleSacrifice
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      Social MovementsGender StudiesQueer StudiesSocial Work
DANGERS AND RISKS OF OVEREXPOSURE IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY: REFLECTIONS ON CYBERVIOLENCE The work reflects about the cyberviolence as a result of the overexposure of individuals in the information society using four arguments: (1)... more
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      Information ScienceSociology of ViolenceViolenceCybercrimes
Neuere Gewalttheorien haben mit Nachdruck die besondere Beachtung von Gewaltsituationen eingefordert. Die dabei entstandenen Arbeiten sind insofern tatsächlich innovativ gewesen, als sie einen neuen und präzisen Blick auf das... more
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      SociologyCultural SociologySociology of ViolenceFootball (soccer)
El de Las Hurdes ha sido, desde sus primeras apariciones documentales, un territorio en disputa. Bajo la jurisdicción feudal de la vecina villa salmantina de La Alberca, los hurdanos se han visto sometidos a un largo proceso de dominación... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural GeographyTheatre StudiesSociology of Violence
The subject of this article is the military institution, with particular reference to the training and the military culture. The approach to the subject is through the results of micro-sociological research, which mostly refer to the... more
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      EducationSociology of ViolenceEthnographyWar Studies
الثأر نمط من أنماط ممارسة العنف الأولى الذى يحدث بين البشر من منطلق الحفاظ على توازن المكانة والقوة بين البشر والذى يظل مرهونا بتحقيق السلام والعدل الاجتماعى بين جماعات البشر. انه الشكل الأولى للعنف الذى يستوجب الرد ويعيد الأمور الى... more
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      SociologyCriminologyAnthropologySociology of Violence
The Quran: A New Translation I s lam ,T e r r o r is m and Jihad (18 A ug 2014 Ne w A g e I s lam .C o m )
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      ReligionPolitical SociologySociology of ReligionArea Studies
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      HistoryInternational RelationsSociology of ViolenceArmenian Studies
Italian Futurism praised violence as a means of leaving behind imitations of the past in order to project itself most efficiently into the future. ISIS overcomes the postmodern, pessimistic futurism of “cyberpunk” and links itself to the... more
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      AestheticsSociology of ViolenceTerrorismPolitical Violence and Terrorism
To speak the ‘language of state violence’ is for penal abolitionists to insist that irrespective of the conditions, architecture, or general resources available, the prison will always be a place that systematically generates suffering,... more
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      Sociology of ViolenceViolenceSociology of Ethics and MoralityPrison Industrial Complex
Firearms are a crucial link in the chain of violence, but they are also part of a bigger picture of social inequality in the US.
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      AnthropologySociology of ViolenceViolenceSuicide
Focusing exclusively on external forces risks producing an over-generalized account of a ubiquitous neoliberalism, which insufficiently accounts for the profusion of local variegations that currently comprise the neoliberal project as a... more
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      SociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical SociologyGeography
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      Sociology of ViolenceViolenceWar StudiesCold War
This paper focuses on the urban graffiti painted with a political message by different movements of the Italian political radicalism in the cities of Rome, Florence, Massa, Carrara, Verona and Udine. For the purpose of this article,... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSemiotics
A number of scholars, civil, and human rights activists have expressed concern about the negative impact restrictive housing may have on the physical and mental well-being of inmates. Rigorous, theoretically informed outcome evaluations,... more
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      SociologyCriminologyPsychologyCriminal Law
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      SociologySociology of ViolenceMuay Thai
Gender research, although becoming increasingly present in Egyptology, is only rarely found in studies of war and violence in ancient Egypt. Adopting gender theory in researching military violence in New Kingdom Egypt can provide us with... more
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      ArchaeologyEgyptologyGender StudiesQueer Studies
We live in a surprisingly violent world. We experience physical assault, emotional and psychological attack, and even the intellectual violence of manipulation and indoctrination. Psychology is becoming increasingly aware not only of the... more
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      SociologyPsychologyPersonality PsychologySocial Psychology
In 1983 Benedict Anderson famously claimed that the ethnic fraternity enabled millions of people to kill, and more so to die, over the past two centuries, in the name of their perceived community. While plenty of subsequent research... more
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      Gender StudiesSociology of ViolenceViolenceSexual Violence
The aim of this paper is to provide a starting point for a better understanding of an alternative approach to the study of modern barbarism as proposed by Meštrović. Namely, in order to advance contemporary understanding of modern... more
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      Social TheorySociology of ViolenceCritical Social TheoryEthnic Conflict and Civil War
T he problem of violence poses such a monumental challenge that it is surprising that such an intelligent species has addressed it so inadequately. Much has happened since the publication of the first edition of this encyclopedia. The... more
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      CriminologyInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesSociology of Violence
This study analyzes the recruitment process of the DHKP-C. In particular, the study analyzes individual characteristics, family background, and political characteristics of the families, and explores these factors and tries to find out... more
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      SociologyPsychologyCriminal JusticeSocial Sciences
This collection of thirteen articles from the Journal of the Sind Historical Society concentrates on precolonial and colonial Sind. These articles reveal much about Sindh’s past and historically showcase the region’s broad socio-cultural... more
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      AnthropologyHistorical AnthropologyHistorical SociologySocial Anthropology
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      CriminologySociology of ViolenceSociology of Crime and Deviance
Gewalttätige Ausschreitungen von Fußballfans zwingen mittelbar und unmittelbar Betroffene zu Reaktionen. Sie haben informelle Erlebnis- und offizielle Polizeiberichte zur Folge, sie aktivieren sport- und strafrechtliche... more
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      Sociology of ViolenceFootball (soccer)Sports Fans