Frantz Fanon
Recent papers in Frantz Fanon
The book Nonidentities. Tillion, Fanon, Bourdieu, Derrida and the Dilemma of Decolonization presents the histories of four French-writing, XXth century intellectuals whose biographies were associated with Independence War-era Algiers.... more
Carrera de Historia - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires
This essay represents a somewhat belated attempt to extend my previous work on curiosity by providing a programmatic overview of some of the roles that curiosity played in various European imperial projects. Here, I begin to think how... more
The work of the Afro-Martinican psychiatrist and philosopher Frantz Fanon is crucial to understanding the psychological and socio-political causes of disorder. Drawing upon his corpus, this article details the radical potential for... more
En este artículo parto de Calibán y la Bruja, obra de la historiadora italiana Silvia Federici, para señalar una serie de insuficiencias en los principales paradigmas teóricos en torno a la modernidad y la opresión. En primer lugar,... more
Рецензія на перший український (і східнослов'янський) переклад класика антиколоніалізму Франца Фанона. В огляді розглянуто як конструктивні аспекти Фанонової візії соціальної емансипації та солідарності, так і проблематичні тези, які... more
Partigiano, scrittore, storico, editore ma soprattutto vulcanico promotore di iniziative politico-culturali: Giovanni Pirelli è stato tutte queste cose e a ripercorrerne oggi la vicenda, appare incontestabilmente come uno dei maggiori... more
The term decolonize has gained a new life in recent art activism, as a radical challenge to the Eurocentrism of museums (in light of Native, Indigenous, and other epistemological perspectives) as well as in the museum's structural... more The name of Frantz Fanon has become a symbol of anti colonial militancy and the struggles of national emancipation against colonial rule. However,... more
This article emerges from one collaboration with Palestinian clinicians while presenting the work of Frantz Fanon to a group of training clinicians in the Maana Center of EMMS Nazareth Hospital in Nazareth (al‐Nasirah). Reading and... more
In Walcott's epic Omeros Major Plunkett is the model of white inclusion in Saint Lucia's national identity-the creative identification and construction that is the underlying principle in the book. All new political structures have the... more
While Sigmund Freud and Maurice Merleau-Ponty both acknowledge the role that spatiality plays in human life, neither pays any explicit attention to the intersections of race and space. It is Franz Fanon who uses psychoanalysis and... more
Resumo: Este artigo discute o "novo estágio" contemporâneo dos estudos de Fanon com foco nas interconexões entre os escritos clínicos de Fanon e a política. A ideia de Fanon de que a revolução anticolonial deve afirmar uma "humanidade... more
In this book, I argue that black atheists reject belief in God more for political than epistemological reasons. The God-concept was frequently used as an ideological instrument for subjugating and violating blacks. Therefore, to make a... more
Se pretende aplicar y analizar el concepto de 'máscara' en relación con el significado que Frantz Fanon le asigna a esta entidad simbólica en Piel negra máscaras blancas (1952). Para llevarlo a cabo se tomará como base teórica el libro... more
La influencia de Fanon en los movimientos de liberación nacional que surgen en toda América Latina desde principios de la década del 60' es obvia e innegable. Sin embargo esta dimensión de dar por sobreentendida su influencia en estos... more
Using the example of the French journal Partisans, this article analyses the reciprocal constitution of a new radical Left and a comprehensive concept of global explanation in the shape of the so-called Third World. In the 1960s,... more
Bruno Gullì -2013 "[E]very citizen of a nation is responsible for the actions committed in the name of that nation" -Frantz Fanon, paraphrasing Francis Jeanson We live in an unprecedented time of crisis. The violence that characterized... more
What it would mean for phenomenology to move in an ontological direction that would render its relevance to contemporary political movement less ambiguous while at the same time retaining those aspects of its method that are... more
Através de uma tomada de posição que visa a considerar a problemática da interpelação ideológica em relação à questão racial, apresento, neste artigo, uma análise discursiva que busca dar consequência a tal relação no modo como ela se... more
Obra incontornável para compreensão das lutas do século XX, "Discurso sobre o colonialismo", do poeta, dramaturgo, ensaísta e líder político Aimé Césaire (1913-2008), acaba de receber reedição pela Veneta, traduzida pelo experiente... more
This chapter argues that biopolitics as engendered in Fanon’s work mobilizes injury, vulnerability, affect, and risk, in order to foreground the possibilities for the reclamation of the black body: a rehumanization. Proceeding from the... more
Youth Gangs, Racism, and Schooling examines Vietnamese American youth gang formation in Southern California, with an emphasis on the experiences of those heavily involved in the 1990s. Lam traces the genealogy of the Vietnamese American... more
This paper examines the decolonization process in Najib Al-Kailani's novel, Nābulyūn fī al -Azhar (Napoleon in Al-Azhar-1980). The study explores the ways the colonized react to the colonizers in order regain liberty, freedom, and... more
This book opens with a meditation on how Africa's fate has long -since Antiquity -been decided from the outside. Its central thesis calls for the continent to move forward in a new way, locating itself at the centre. 'Se penser, se... more
Can humanism be post-colonial? What is Africana Philosophy? Who is Lewis Gordon? This paper presents some typical elements of the Jamaican philosopher Lewis Gordon's thought and relates it to the field of Africana Philosophy. For this... more
The tug of war of both interests and identity-claims between Algeria and France seems to never meet its finalé, even until today. Its menacing yet seminal phenomena remains unclear in terms of not only duality between men and women, but... more
"Two years before I was born, Frantz Fanon’s seminal work The Wretched of the Earth was published at the height of the Algerian War that France was waging against its rebellious colony. Fanon’s text provides a framework for liberation... more
O presente trabalho aborda a gênese e a sistematização da crítica ao colonialismo de Frantz Fanon. A denúncia da autoconsciência racista do colonizado, realizada por Aimé Césaire, e a dialética do colonialismo, estudada por Jean-Paul... more
Nigel Gibson has made a superb and accessible contribution to the study of Fanon. There is no better introductory text and this book is also essential reading for the serious Fanon scholar.
Présentation La pensée décoloniale commence tout juste à prendre place dans le monde intellectuel français, où apparaissent des espaces nouveaux comme la chaire Global South(s) au Collège d'études mondiales de la FMSH créée en septembre... more
Originally delivered to mark the fiftieth anniversary of both Frantz Fanon's death and the publication of his seminal discourse on decolonization, The Wretched of the Earth, these remarks seek to offer a preliminary outline of Fanon's... more
In Freud's Drive (2008), Teresa de Lauretis tries to keep the Freudian concept of the drive together with the Foucauldian category of biopolitics, through the mediation of Fanon's understanding of race. Indeed, according to Jean... more
Şiddet, yaşadığımız yüzyılı tarif ederken dilimizden düşmeyen ve yakıcılığını her geçen gün daha sarsıcı şekilde hissettiğimiz bir gerçeklik. Şiddetin olmadığı bir dünya düşlemenin bile yadırgandığı günümüzde, onu azaltmaya ve son kertede... more
La questione è di sapere a chi e a che cosa serve un libro così. Si risponde: alla scuola e a tutti. È una parabola, si dice. I personaggi scolari e insegnanti sono figure di tutti noi. Un momento. La cosa veramente importante è che... more
In this paper, I examine the Caribbean reparations movement using an intersectional framework that is located within the Black radical tradition. In order to engage civil society in the discourse of reparations, I argue for the movement... more
From the Publisher's abstract: Through an original and close reading of the key literature regarding both revolutionary violence and nonviolence, this book collapses the widely-assumed concepts of violence and nonviolence as mutually... more
Environmental activist and ardent advocate for children’s rights and well-being, Jamaican laureate of the 2008 Jamaican National Literature awards, Diana McCaulay, published her critically acclaimed debut novel Dog-Heart in 2010. This... more