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      Organizational BehaviorImprovisationEnvironmental EducationOrganizational Change
Preface by Regina Miranda. Collaborators: Jackie Hand, Júlio Mota, Melina Scialom, Rosel Grassmann, Susanne Schlicher. This comprehensive book will serve as a step-by-step guide to Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis, updating and... more
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      Performing ArtsMovement analysisSomaticsLaban Movement Analysis
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      ImprovisationSocial SciencesDance StudiesCognition
Feldenkrais methods emphasize individualization, freedom, and ease. Ballet methods emphasize perfection and hierarchy, and this can lead to injuries. This paper asks how Awareness Through Movement (ATM) and ballet-two practices that seem... more
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      Critical PedagogySomaticsDance PedagogySomatic Education
This chapter weaves the embodied voices of three of the four women who make up the Somaticats 1 -four women who meet regularly in the southern Irish city of Cork to 1 See the Somaticats blog at:
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      Performance StudiesSomaticsPerformance ResearchEmbodied knowledge
This paper suggests potential areas of dialogue between Body-Mind Centering® (BMCsm) and contemplative photography from a practitioner’s perspective. I begin with an overview of the embodiment process in BMC, and discuss some... more
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"Although numerous books and articles have recently talked about the gut instincts as valuable in giving us useful hunches in the decision-making process, "What's Behind Your Belly Button?" goes much further and explains how gut feelings... more
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      IntuitionSomaticsDepth PsychologyMInd-Body Medicine
Building on C. G. Jung's early understanding of dance as a form of active imagination, Dreamdancing (Stromsted 1984) brings together the inner world of body sensation, feelings, dreams and images; moving through dreams can help us... more
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      Dance/Movement TherapyPsychotherapy and CounselingSpiritualityJungian psychology
This is the programme of a two-day praxical symposium that took place at East 15 Acting School, London (19-20 July 2019). It was the culminating event of a wider research project, the main outcome of which will be a volume for Routledge... more
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      SomaticsVoice Studies
Sin duda podríamos alegrarnos de que “el cuerpo” se haya vuelto últimamente un objeto de estudio para nuestras ciencias sociales o humanas, y en mi caso la filosofía. Pero estas mismas disciplinas aprendieron a sospechar de las grandes... more
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      SomaticsDance and SomaticsDance and Philosophy
Abstract: Movement improvisation is an embodied, transformational practice that can aid in understanding complex systems and relationships. When practiced in groups, it can develop a capacity to respond to complexity with increased... more
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      Human EcologyPsychologyImprovisationBehavioral Sciences
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      Transformative LearningEmotional intelligenceLeadershipIntegral Theory
Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more
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      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryCritical TheoryCritical Theory
In this chapter I show how awareness plays a role in reshaping ideas of physical pain. By awareness, I mean the natural ability that each one of us has to imagine, visualise, and focus into the sensations, feelings and emotions that occur... more
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      AnthropologyChronic PainEmbodimentSomatics
The expression of music comes through the instrument as an extension of the body. contended that the body is "vital in the generation of expressive ideas about the music." (p. 237). A musician spends years training his or her body to play... more
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      MusicMusic PsychologySomaticsPhenomenology of the body
O objetivo é explorar conexões entre yoga, processos de criação em dança, improvisação, performance e o que denomino de ‘in-ex-corporação’, uma proposta artístico-investigativa com ênfase na complementariedade, que busca unir ao invés... more
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      ImprovisationPerforming ArtsDance StudiesCreative processes in contemporary dance
Part I established that chairs are health hazards and that status concerns have blinded most people in our civilization to their physiological inappropriateness. Part II explores the possibilities for more rational, body-based designs.
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      ErgonomicsFurniture DesignAlexander TechniqueSomatics
Certain trends in the recital of Western art music composition and performance have embraced indeterminacy through an emerging sonic aesthetic that seeks to redefine the notion of failure. From Charles Ives' adoption of bi-tonality in the... more
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      Creative processes in contemporary dancePhenomenologySomaticsPerformance Studies (Music)
Gestalt therapists are uniquely positioned to address issues of gender and sexuality in authentic and empowering ways. However, gender has been a relatively neglected territory within Gestalt therapy theory and professional discourse.... more
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderGender and SexualityGestalt Therapy
This paper is a reflection on the spring 2022 semester at the California Institute of Integral studies, specifically for a class titled, "The Somatic Psychology of Exceptional Human Experiences". This paper includes both personal and... more
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      Transpersonal PsychologySpiritualitySomaticsSomatic Psychology
Note: please go to and scroll down to subscribe to emails, if you would like to stay in touch and learn about updates and applications of this work. This chapter presents a framework for understanding the knowledge,... more
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      Cognitive Behavioral TherapyAnthropologyMedical AnthropologyDance Studies
From: IFF Feldenkrais Research Journal, 2004, volume 4

Review of types of Feldenkrais Method case studies and value of case appraoch for studying the practice of the Feldenkrais Method.
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      Qualitative methodologySomaticsMixed Methods ResearchThe Feldenkrais Method
TRADUÇÃO de artigo original de Jill Green: "Moving in, out, through, and beyond the tensions between experience and social construction in soMatic theory". Este artigo é uma análise reflexiva dos movimento da autora através dos... more
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    • Somatics
Este trabalho reflete sobre a tentativa de desenvolver uma metodologia de ensino para o balé clássico sob uma perspectiva epistemológica construtivista. Ele é fruto da pesquisa de Mestrado em Artes Cênicas pela Universidade Federal da... more
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      PedagogySomaticsTeaching MethodologyDance
The lived experience of the body–that is, our bodily sensations, perceptions and behaviors–is the essential ground of human identity. Developmentally, our visceral impulses serve as the foundation for personal agency, guiding us as we... more
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      Social WorkSocial JusticeSomaticsSocial Justice in Education
Extends the 1992 theoretical work of comparing human motor development from two somatic movement perspectives - Bartenieff Fundamentals and Body-Mind Centering. Comprehensive review of the distinctions and similarities of each approach... more
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      Dance StudiesMotor DevelopmentSomaticsHuman Movement Science
This paper traces the history of queer dance genres to the late 1800s and the beginning of sound/visual recordings in the African American community. Written with Christopher Davis as lead author.
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      Queer TheorySpiritualitySomaticsElectronic Dance Music Culture (EDMC)
Learning scientists have been considering the validity and relevance of arguments coming from philosophy and cognitive science for the embodied, enactive, embedded, and extended nature of individual learning, reasoning, and practice in... more
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      Learning SciencesMathematics EducationEmbodied CognitionEmbodiment
It’s an interesting topic and how I dance with that depends on how I interpret the word ‘drives’ I suppose. I could talk about Freud’s aggression and sexual impulses in drive theory, but I’d rather address one of my main drives; as... more
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      PsychologyPsychiatryDance/Movement TherapyPsychotherapy and Counseling
Les défis écologiques que soulèvent nos rapports aux mondes non-humains et les défis politiques lancés par les désirs et nécessités d'un vivre ensemble qui s'inventerait dans les interstices du capitalisme écocidaire traversent autant... more
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Mindful Movement: The Evolution of the Somatic Arts and Conscious Action is a masterful book that traces the complex spider web of somatic influences on American and European contemporary dance, with a focus on the integration of somatic... more
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      Dance StudiesAnthropology Of DanceSomaticsDance History
This theoretical study is part of my doctoral research on the history and development of the psychodynamic theory movement, the Kestenberg Movement Profile (KMP). This paper attempts to introduce the KMP within the historical context of... more
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      Movement analysisHistory Of PsychoanalysisEmbodimentSomatics
Introduces the role of neuromaturational and dynamical systems theory in child development and ensuing adult movement behavior. Highlights the work of physical therapist, Irmgard Bartenieff (1900 - 1982) and occupational therapist Bonnie... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPhysiotherapyNeurologyDance Studies
Over the years my work has taken me into a deeper investigation of how to re-inhabit ourselves and live a life guided by embodied wisdom, responding to the question: "Once we have experienced wounding, trauma, or loss that has resulted in... more
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      PsychotherapyDance/Movement TherapyTranspersonal PsychologySpirituality
The focus of this integrative thesis project is to diversify the scope of somatic education to serve research, performance art and life and to develop a fused epistemology of theory and practice to bridge the gap between... more
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      PhenomenologySomaticsDanceDance Education, Dance Performance and Somatics
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      PsychotherapyDance/Movement TherapyTranspersonal PsychologySpirituality
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      Dance StudiesAnthropology Of DanceDance and Politics (Anthropology)Somatics
Phronetic organizational research is an approach to the study of management and organizations focusing on ethics and power. It is based on a contemporary interpretation of the Aristotelian concept phronesis, usually as ‘prudence’.... more
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      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurship
The human embryo creates a body without a brain. Just how it does this, remains mysterious. While advances in science and technology afford scientists a privileged view of developmental changes in vivo, the embryo's dynamic growth... more
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      EngineeringEmbryologySomaticsPhenomenology of the body
Until the second half of the 20th century, publications on breathing techniques for woodwinds have been scarce and often failed to adequately address this aspect of performance and pedagogy. It is through various sensory experiences and... more
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      YogaWoodwindsSomaticsInstrumental Technique
Aim: To identify therapists’ views on sexual boundaries and the strategies they employ to manage them in therapeutic practice. Method: In-depth qualitative interviews were conducted with a sample of 13 accredited, experienced... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Behavioral TherapyFamily Therapy
Many scholars suggest that the primary reason for our current state of socio-ecological crisis is the persistent social construct of human-nature dichotomies. This dualism implies that humans are separate from and superior to nature,... more
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      Dance StudiesAnthropology Of DancePhenomenologySomatics
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      PsychotherapyDance/Movement TherapyTranspersonal PsychologySpirituality
“Being Ma” lives at the nexus of ma and the lived body. (1) Of Shinto Zen origin, 'ma' concept of spacetime permeates traditional forms of Japanese Fine Arts. (2) The essence of 'ma' reappears in the contemporary Butoh dance philosophy,... more
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      Cultural StudiesJapanese StudiesDance StudiesParticipatory Research
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      Critical PedagogyEmbodimentSocial JusticeSomatics
Abstract This study examines the treatment outcome of a 10 weeks dance movement therapy intervention on Quality of life (QOL). The multicentered study used a between subject-design with pre-test, post-test, and six months follow-up test.... more
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      Clinical PsychologyDomestic ViolencePsychotherapyDance/Movement Therapy
Many parallels exist between clinical practice and research practice in somatic psychotherapy, creating rich possibilities and cross-fertilizations. In this article, the authors introduce and discuss these parallels, and examine how they... more
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      EmbodimentSomaticsSomatic PsychotherapySomatic Psychology
Research is a crucial element in advancing our collective knowledge of somatic psychology, but body and movement psychotherapists often struggle to engage in meaningful relationships with the psychology research literature and the... more
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      Dance/Movement TherapySomaticsSomatic PsychotherapySomatic Psychology