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Apogee and Break-up of the Thaw Mobilization Project in "Ilyitch Gate" by M. Khutsiyev and "Three Days of Viktor Tchernyshov" by M. Ossepyan «Застава Ильича» (1963) Марлена Хуциева справедливо считается одной из вершин оттепельного... more
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      Soviet FilmSoviet Visual CultureThaw-era Soviet UnionHistory of Soviet propaganda
Özet Rusya' da 1917' deki Ekim devriminin ardından Bolşevikler iktidara geldi. Bolşevikler, ülkede komünist ideolojiyi hâkim kılmak amacıyla; ekonomiden, toplumsal yapıya, eğitimden orduya pek çok alanda sosyalist dönüşüm sürecini... more
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      Soviet HistoryKomsomolSoviet youthRussian and Soviet Youth culture
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Youth StudiesHistory of Childhood and YouthRussian HistorySoviet youth
Болдовский Кирилл Анатольевич, соискатель, Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет (Санкт-Петербург). времени известен ряд справок, направленных КГБ руководителям страны . Публикуемая ниже справка является примером... more
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      Soviet DissidentsProtest and State RepressionKhrushchevPolitical Repressions In the USSR