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The main aim of this paper is to provide some practical guidance to researchers on how statistical power analysis can be used to estimate sample size in empirical design. The paper describes the key assumptions underlying statistical... more
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      Sport PsychologyHealth SciencesSports MedicineStatistics
X-ray fluorescence microscopy (XFM) facilitates high-sensitivity quantitative imaging of trace metals at high spatial resolution over large sample areas and can be applied to a diverse range of biological samples. Accurate determination... more
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      EngineeringFluorescence MicroscopyTrace MetalsTitanium
In this article, we consider Bayesian inference procedures to test for a unit root in Stochastic Volatility (SV) models. Unit-root tests for the persistence parameter of the SV models, based on the Bayes Factor (BF), have been recently... more
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      StatisticsBayesian InferenceMarkov Chain Monte CarloStochastic Volatility
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      Earth SciencesCommunity DevelopmentCoral ReefsBiological Sciences
Observational studies indicate that routine measurements of access blood flow and use of Doppler ultrasound improve vascular access outcomes in hemodialysis patients, but randomized trials reached conflicting conclusions.
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      UltrasoundResource useDoppler UltrasoundHemodialysis
The history of developments in atomic physics and its applications follows the decisive input provided by Maxwell and subsequent discoveries by his successors at the Cavendish Laboratory. In medicine the potential applications of particle... more
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      Particle PhysicsTreatment OutcomeCancer treatmentClinical Practice
Objective: To evaluate the value of alternative monotherapy versus adjunctive therapy in partial epilepsy refractory to single antiepileptic drug (AED) therapy. Design and methods: In a multicentre, parallel-group, open-label study,... more
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      EpilepsySurvival AnalysisAdolescentProspective studies
Arterial spin labeling (ASL) perfusion fMRI data differ in important respects from the more familiar blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) fMRI data and require specific processing strategies. In this paper, we examined several factors that... more
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      Cognitive ScienceBiomedical EngineeringData AnalysisMagnetic Resonance Imaging
This paper tests traditional capital structure models against the alternative of a pecking order model of corporate financing. The basic pecking order model, which predicts external debt financing driven by the internal financial deficit,... more
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      Financial EconomicsTime SeriesCorporate FinanceCapital Structure
Recent developments in ecological statistics have reached behavioral ecology, and an increasing number of studies now apply analytical tools that incorporate alternatives to the conventional null hypothesis testing based on significance... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyResearch DesignEcology
Ovarian neoplasms Obesity Body mass index
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Background: Statistical power calculations are a critical part of any study design for gene mapping. Most calculations assume that the locus of interest is biallelic. However, there are common situations in human genetics such as X-linked... more
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      Computer ScienceHuman GeneticsBiologyMedicine
Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is an established revascularization procedure for the treatment of advanced atherothrombotic coronary artery disease.1 The National Center for Health Statistics estimated that 427,000 procedures were... more
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      English languageHealth CareSelection CriteriaStatistical Power
A potentially serious disadvantage of association mapping is the fact that marker-trait associations may arise from confounding population structure as well as from linkage to causative polymorphisms. Using genome-wide marker data, we... more
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      GeneticsPolymorphismPrincipal Component AnalysisPopulation Dynamics
Consistent data arc available to suggest that children who have been breast fed are, on average, intellectually more able than their formula-fed contemporaries. This has been shown in eight of 10 population studies and all three studies... more
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      Cognitive ScienceCognitionChild DevelopmentVisual acuity
Over the last decade, criticisms of null-hypothesis significance testing have grown dramatically, and several alternative practices, such as confidence intervals, information theoretic, and Bayesian methods, have been advocated. Have... more
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      PublishingDecision MakingResearch DesignConservation Biology
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      Animal BehaviourBiological SciencesStatistical Power
To effectively evaluate medical literature, practicing physicians and medical researchers must understand the impact of statistical tests on research outcomes. Applying inefficient statistics not only increases the need for resources, but... more
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      Nonparametric StatisticsMonte CarloClinical EpidemiologyHealth Services Research
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      PharmacologyPsychologyEmotional/Behavioral DisordersClinical Practice
Survival analysis statistics have been used to estimate shelf life of foods based on consumers' acceptance or rejection of samples with different storage times. The interval censored nature of the data does not allow regular methods to... more
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      MarketingSurvival AnalysisSHELF LIFEInterval Censoring
A nonsignificant result may be obtained in a study despite that there is an ecologically important and strong effect and difference. This lack of significance may be due to a small sample size and low statistical power of the test.... more
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      Plant BiologyVegetation EcologyStatistical PowerSample Size
Survival analysis statistics have been used to estimate shelf life of foods based on consumers’ acceptance or rejection of samples with different storage times. The interval censored nature of the data does not allow regular methods to... more
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      MarketingSurvival AnalysisSHELF LIFEInterval Censoring
Previous twin studies attempting to assess the origins of psychopathic personality traits have mainly focused on an overt behavioral conceptualization of the syndrome as defined by a history of chronic antisocial behaviors. This... more
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      GeneticsPsychologyCognitive SciencePersonality and Individual Differences
Neuroimaging studies with positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have begun to describe the functional neuroanatomy of emotion. Taken separately, specific studies vary in task dimensions and in... more
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      Anterior CingulateMagnetic Resonance ImagingPositron Emission TomographyEmotions
We assessed scientists' ability to detect declines of marine mammal stocks based on recent levels of survey effort, when the actual decline is precipitous. We defined a precipitous decline as a 50% decrease in abundance in 15 yr, at which... more
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      ZoologyDecision AnalysisMarine Mammal ScienceStatistical Power
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      EconometricsStatisticsBiometricsUrban And Regional Planning
The Coral Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program (CRAMP) of Hawai'i was established in 1998 to monitor long-term changes in coral reef benthic communities around the state. Development of the methodology involved analysis of results from... more
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      Wave EnergyMultidisciplinarySampling methodsCoral Reef
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      EconometricsStatisticsBiometricsUrban And Regional Planning
Well-Being: Method, Mode, and Measurement Effects. 2006. Social Science Research 35) tested one key aspect of the validity of Ryff's six-factor model of psychological well-being (RPWB), namely, whether there is substantial independent... more
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      MultidisciplinaryPsychological Well BeingMeasurementConstruct Validity
Breve descripción de los conceptos de poder estadístico, tamaño del efecto e intervalos de confianza, así como de su importancia en los reportes de investigación.
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      PsychologySocial SciencesEffect sizeConfidence intervals
Participants are not always as diligent in reading and following instructions as experimenters would like them to be. When participants fail to follow instructions, this increases noise and decreases the validity of their data. This paper... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceMethodologyScreening
This work tackles the problem of whether the dissociation between two performances in a single-case study should be computed as the difference between the raw or between the standardized (e.g. z) scores. A wrong choice can lead to serious... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyNeuropsychologyPsychometricsReliability (Measurement and Evaluation)
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      BioinformaticsPsychologyStructural Equation ModelingLife Sciences
One of the causes of the underuse of the Solomon four-group design may be that the complete details for the statistical analysis have not previously been presented. The primary issue previously unaddressed was how to combine an analysis... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive ScienceStatistical Analysis
Objectives: To describe a method using confidence intervals (CIs) to estimate the sample size for a pilot randomized trial. Study Design: Using one-sided CIs and the estimated effect size that would be sought in a large trial, we... more
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      Research DesignEvidence Based MedicineClinical EpidemiologyMathematical Sciences
This chapter summarizes the principles of fractionated radiotherapy and altered fractionation approaches. Clinical reirradiation examples and isoeffect calculations are provided. The vast majority of published reirradiation series consist... more
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      Statistical PowerRandomized TrialRadiation DoseProspective Study
The present review introduces the notion of statistical power and the hazard of under-powered studies. The problem of how to calculate an ideal sample size is also discussed within the context of factors that affect power, and specific... more
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      Research DesignCritical CareSeptic ShockStatistical Power
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common internal malignancies in Western society. The cause of this disease appears to be multifactorial and involves genetic as well as environmental aspects. The human colon is continuously exposed to... more
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      GeneticsAnimal StudiesPolymorphismMutagenesis
The authors examined whether individuals can fake their responses to a personality inventory if instructed to do so. Between-subjects and within-subject designs were metaanalyzed separately. Across 51 studies, fakability did not vary by... more
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      PsychologySocial DesirabilityEffect sizeStatistical Power
Recently it was shown that the design changes from the ABG-I to ABG-II hip stem resulted in a better, although not significant, proximal bone preservation. Our hypothesis was that by matching patients for preoperative bone quality,... more
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      OrthopaedicsFemurStatistical SignificanceFollow-up studies
Micronuclei (MN) are small, extranuclear bodies that arise in dividing cells from acentric chromosome/chromatid fragments or whole chromosomes/chromatids lagging behind in anaphase and are not included in the daughter nuclei at telophase.... more
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      ArchivesRisk assessmentCell DivisionCell line
Optimization (LO) approaches to production planning. The OPT game was used as the experimental instrument. The subjects were given hint sheets based on MS, TOC/OPT and LO approaches. The results show that production planning by MS and... more
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      MarketingManagement ScienceProduction PlanningTheory of Constraints
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      EconometricsStatisticsBiometricsUrban And Regional Planning
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      Cognitive ScienceCzech RepublicGender DifferenceStatistical Power
A simulation study was performed to investigate the statistical power of the revised US Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. <905> and Bergum's revised test acceptance limits for 95% confidence. In this simulation exercise, relatively small... more
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      Supply ChainSimulationProbability Distribution & ApplicationsStatistical Power
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate FinanceEmerging MarketBusiness and Management
When experimental designs are infeasible, researchers must rely on observational data to discern differential impacts of social services on treated and untreated clients. More generally, when assignment to conditions is nonrandom,... more
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      Social WorkChild WelfareExperimental DesignEvent history analysis
The development of disease-modifying treatments for Alzheimer's disease requires innovative trials with large numbers of subjects and long observation periods. The use of blood, cerebrospinal fluid or neuroimaging biomarkers is critical... more
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      Cognitive ScienceClinical TrialDrug developmentMolecular Mechanics
Natural radiation is the major source of human exposure to ionising radiation, and its largest contributing component to effective dose arises from inhalation of (222)Rn and its radioactive progeny. However, despite extensive knowledge of... more
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      RiskLung CancerLow DoseStatistical Power
The present paper aims at identifying and assessing indicators of the effects of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in coral reef regions, based on a bibliography review in ecology, economics and social sciences. First the various effects... more
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      Coastal ManagementEcological EconomicsMarine Protected AreasBiological Sciences