Stop-motion Animation
Recent papers in Stop-motion Animation
This is a book primarily for professionals and lovers of animation, but it can also be employed as a textbook for other fields of audiovisual media. Pikkov is a director of animated films who, in addition to creating animated films,... more
Research about stop motion animation shorts and used as a technique for VFX in movies, done for a Stop Motion workshop given by Bert Brusselman in Córdoba, Argentina.
In this paper a new video-based interface for creating cutout-style animation using magnets is presented. This idea makes room for users of all skill levels to animate. We created an interface which is generally a closed box with a camera... more
Resumen: Segundo de Chomón es sin duda uno de los grandes nombres de las primeras décadas de la Historia del Cine, merecedor de un sentido reconocimiento por sus indiscutibles y revolucionarios adelantos técnicos en materia de trucajes,... more
L'invenzione dei Lumière] è un caso particolare [del cinema d'animazione], una sorta di sostituto industriale a buon mercato 1 .
Abstrak: Teknologi 3D printing sudah mulai banyak digunakan di industri ani-masi terutama animasi stop motion. Penggunaan 3D printer untuk animasi stop motion paling banyak digunakan pada teknik replacement animation. Perangkat lunak yang... more
-Provides a firm foundation in the techniques, elements, and principles of 4D art and design for majors and non-majors alike -Builds upon the basic elements of 2D and 3D design to identify 4D elements as they relate to emerging practices... more
Stop-motion is a technique as old as cinema itself, and objectual nature, while the other animation techniques are purely imagetical. Always dependent history of this hybridization of knowledge is presented here under the concept of... more
Beginning with Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, feature-length animated films have amazed and delighted viewers—to a point. Beyond that point, their appeal fades into predictable, family-oriented adventures with enough music,... more
The article offers a cross-media definition for animation, arguing that animation can be defined across history based on common traits that exist in puppet theatre, flip-books, film, television and digital media.
With the rapid development of digital technologies, although there are still successful examples such as Tim Burton's Corpse Bride, traditional stop-motion animation seems to have lost its popularity, due to the fact it requires more time... more
A pesquisa se propõe a analisar a técnica de animação pixillation como linguagem específica, traçando relações deste tipo de animação com estudos ligados à imagem e ao movimento. Para isto, proponho atribuir ligações do... more
The stop-motion armatures in contemporary times have apparently new and specific solutions to demands of the characters that they allow animate efficiently, but we can trace its heritage to an historically specific project: a 1:8 scaled... more
review of Dimensions of Dialogue, The Ossuary, The Death of Stalinism in Bohemia and Food
O Estranho Mundo de Jack: Algumas referências visuais O longa-metragem de animação stop-motion O Estranho Mundo de Jack (The Nightmare before Christimas, 1993) é um ícone da cultura gótica contemporânea. Seus personagens, em especial Jack... more
Acclaimed Australian animator Adam Elliot dedicated his career to illustrating the experiences of people with disabilities. Elliot’s first trilogy – Uncle (1996), Cousin (1999) and Brother (2000) – is a black and white claymation... more
This dissertation proposes an analytical view on artistic expression rarely addressed in brazilian academic circles: Animation. Considered only a “genre” film, it came before of what is known by “cinema” and is characterized by its... more
This paper seeks to examine the depiction of the evil step-mother Queen in Snow White. The focus will be on examining the characterization of the Queen as both step-mother and evil witch as depicted in the traditional fairy tale and... more
This paper describes a machine learning approach for visual object detection which is capable of processing images extremely rapidly and achieving high detection rates. This work is distinguished by three key contributions. The first is... more
This book explores the Czech composer Václav Trojan (1907-1983) and his compositions for Jiri Trnka's films, a very influential puppet stop-motion animator. Trnka is regarded as one of the finest outcomes of Czech art in the aftermath of... more
Abstract This article examines how animated films re-present and re-interpret real world occurrences, people and places, focusing on an area that has been overlooked to date: the process of performance and how this manifests itself in... more
A tin box belonged to the artist’s mother becomes animated for a movie based on Greek traditional children’s songs and acts as an intermission between two performances of a talking doll, and as an interpretation of the music instruments... more
Este Trabajo Final de Graduación, enmarcado en la modalidad de Práctica Dirigida de Graduación, consiste en la aplicación de una estrategia de mediación pedagógica en III Ciclo de Educación General Básica, para la comprensión lectora del... more
The project of this dissertation is to investigate the way in which Czech animator Jan Švankmajer gives expression to the inner-life of 'objects' and 'things' in his film-work of the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s; although work from outside of... more
Essay exploring the relationship between Indiana Jones and film animation
An overview of stop-motion and pupper animation in Japan with a focus on the works of Tadahito Mochinaga, Kihachiro Kawamoto, and Tadanari Okamoto.
Today facial animation reaches a broad spectrum: from visual to physical, in visual effects (VFX), games, animatronics, robotics, machine vision and forensic science. Whatever the field of study and application, the main concern about... more
La autentica biblia para el animador.
This essay examines the aesthetics and artistic contexts of the majority of the Quays output up to 1998, from Nocturna Artificialia to Institute Benjamenta. The Quay Brothers' striking decors and unique puppets, their attention to the... more
Animation is a technique as old as cinema itself, and objectual nature, while the other animation techniques are purely imagetical. Always dependent history of this hybridization of knowledge is presented here under the concept of... more
Kült Yayın, Eylül 2015, ISBN: 978-605-9894-06-7.
La primera cámara fílmica que llegó a Puerto Rico fue en el 1897, durante la Guerra Hispanoamericana, según la historiadora puertorriqueña, Rose Marie Bernier. El artículo "La llegada del cine puertorriqueño: Nuestro primer acercamiento... more