Character Design
Recent papers in Character Design
This piece is a personal observation focused on specific features concerning the character design in "Persona 5."
The viscosity of activated sludge plays a major role on oxygen transfer and mass transport and consequently influences the hydrodynamic regime and the system performance of a membrane bioreactor (MBR). Yield stress is an important concept... more
Crowds of non-player characters improve the game-play experiences of open-world video-games. Grouping is a common phenomenon of crowds and plays an important role in crowd behaviour. Recent crowd simulation research focuses on group... more
“Illustrators embody their experiences. The personification of experience is a fundamental device in the way illustrative imagery and visual communication perpetuates ideologies, metaphors, mythologies, and in particular the... more
A criação de personagens virtuais para cinema de animação implica com frequência a necessidade de adaptação gráfica das personagens de forma a dotá-las de maior expressividade ou de maior capacidade de criar empatia no espetador.... more
What can be done and what is being done to alter the depictions of fat characters as evil, negligible or comedic in fantasy fiction? Despite being a genre in which almost anything is possible, fantasy fiction is still yet to embrace fat... more
Title in Japanese: 日本(人)のアイデンティティと美意識の境界におけるゆるキャラと人類とその境界線の不思議な不安定感 Japan has become overrun by friendly critters: (typically)soft, furry mascot-suited characters known as yuru kyara (wobbly mascot characters)or gotôchi kyara (local... more
This article compares contemporary Japanese entities known as kyara ("characters") with historical anthropomorphized imagery considered to be spiritual or religious. Yuru kyara ("loose" or "wobbly"... more
Figuren sind ein zentrales Attraktionsmoment aktueller Computerspiele, doch ihre medienwissenschaftliche Erforschung ist bislang nur in Ansätzen erfolgt. Diese Arbeit schließt diese Forschungslücke, indem sie allgemeine... more
يناقش البحث العلاقة الثنائية بين الفن والتقنيات الرقمية والتي يمثلها فيلم الهوبيت لعام ٢٠١٤ الذي قدم فيه المخرج بيتر جاكسون تطوراً فنياً وتقنياً كبيراً في صناعة المؤثرات الخاصة. مما جعل البرمجيات تتحول من عامل مساعد الي العمود الفقري... more
Stop-motion is a technique as old as cinema itself, and objectual nature, while the other animation techniques are purely imagetical. Always dependent history of this hybridization of knowledge is presented here under the concept of... more
Draw manga the basics of character
THESIS ABSTRACT Contemporary Character Design At the Intersection with Emerging Technologies and Activism Angela Alcerro November, 2006 There is a wealth of documentation identifying the problem of middle school girls losing... more
Regular characters in episodic television series do not change, develop or transform. At least this is the way these characters are commonly understood. In television series, the plot focuses on episodic adventures, and the core cast of... more
Una riflessione sul character design del grande maestro giapponese con l'occhio dell'art director.
Peking Opera has been the quintessence of traditional Chinese theatre. Known for its adherence to strict stylistic conventions, Peking Opera has undergone several reforms since the 1960s Cultural Revolution. Met with declining popularity... more
DoTA2, a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) video games, is a power struggle game involving two teams using heroes as their avatars. DoTA2 shows limitation in the role of female heroes, but they are more widely used and have a high... more
In recent years the use of computer technology and multimedia in education increased because it offers many benefits. The situation is different for the Orang Asli schools because they still rely on the conventional method of teaching and... more
Character design is one of significant element and process in making stories, such as narrative text, picture book, comic, even animation. A good character can be measured on how a character influences the audience through the story... more
This thesis examines a Japanese children's fantasy story, An-Pan Man. an animated television cartoon. The cartoon employs stereotypical characterizations that are a) defined by language use, especially politeness markers encoded in... more
The study of violence in media is not new. A number of theories have been formulated to discuss the violence in media content. Interestingly, most of these theories appear to be quite apprehensive about the effects of media violence.... more
De todos os elementos que distanciam o cinema moderno da estrutura romanesca que fundou o filme narrativo clássico, é provável que nenhum tenha sido mais importante para Rogério Sganzerla que a concepção de personagem...
ABSTRAK Wayang mendapatkan pengakuan sebagai warisan budaya dunia dari Indonesia oleh UNESCO pada tahun 2008. Wayang Beber Pacitan, merupakan salah satu jenis Wayang yang membawakan lakon Jaka Kembang Kuning (Repertoar Panji), yang jika... more
The research is all about creating illustrations of Noli Me Tangere characters. The researcher's aim is not only limited to recreating designs of the novel's characters, but also to identify what factors to consider and how these factors... more
Japan has become overrun by friendly critters: (typically) soft, furry mascot-suited characters known as yuru kyara, or gotochi kyara, who exist in order to make their locality or sponsoring agency beloved and famous. Of special interest... more
This thesis explores ways of integrating a costume professional to the character art team in the game industry. The research suggests, that integrating costume knowledge into the character design pipeline increases the storytelling value... more
This article provides a summary of a book that lays the foundation for a stylistical and rhetorical approach of narratology whose aim is to describe with the greatest possible precision the mechanism of immersive and intriguing literary... more
With ever increasing visual quality and details in computer games, expectations for character animation are also evolving. Simple movement cycles alone are not enough anymore to satisfy the gamers, and the increasing emphasis on... more
Throughout history people have been traumatized by war. This trauma is not the exclusive domain of the obvious victim but also makes its mark on the lives of those considered to be heroes. Movies, with their poetic reflection of... more
The development of Animation is greatly thanks to the information & visual communication technology. One of the successful animation today is Kung Fu Panda. Although panda is as we know lazy and fat animal, it’s become paradox when we... more
Visual stylization and its impact on different aspects of the perception of digital human beings are commonly debated. This study investigated how fictional and non-fictional characters are represented in various media from the... more
Esta dissertação reflete sobre os processos implicados na construção ficcional de personagens de Memorial do Convento, de José Saramago – D. João V, Bartolomeu Lourenço de Gusmão, Baltasar e Blimunda. Apreciam-se sobretudo os processos... more
Mainstream animation reaches audiences worldwide and contributes to the creation and reinforcement of certain social concepts. These are usually a reeection of the societal views at the time of production, but they can also be new... more
Animation is a technique as old as cinema itself, and objectual nature, while the other animation techniques are purely imagetical. Always dependent history of this hybridization of knowledge is presented here under the concept of... more
Title in Japanese: 日本(人)のアイデンティティと美意識の境界におけるゆるキャラと人類とその境界線の不思議な不安定感 Japan has become overrun by friendly critters: (typically)soft, furry mascot-suited characters known as yuru kyara (wobbly mascot characters)or gotôchi kyara (local... more
ABSTRAK Character Archetypes merupakan salah satu teori yang diperkenalkan oleh Carl G Jung untuk mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri karakter dan personaliti terhadap seseorang. Penyelidikan ini mengaplikasikan teori Character Archetypes dalam... more