Storm Surges
Recent papers in Storm Surges
During the storms of February/March 1978 and December 1981, data from eight tide gauge stations, on the portuguese coast, (Viana do Castelo, Leixões, Aveiro, Cascais, Lisbóa, Tróia, Sines and Lagos) were analised. During these storms the... more
This chapter presents details on a number storms surge cases: along the Southern Baltic sea coast, the estuary of the Elbe in Germany and the East China Sea coast at Qingdao. These case studies feature storm surge characteristics,... more
Servicio Meteorológico de la Armada de Chile.
Assessment of vulnerability to storm surge flood is not only significant for the survival of the exposed communities but also for adaptation. Defining vulnerability as the function of exposure, sensitivity and resilience capacity, we... more
Chronological history of cyclones in Bangladesh suggests that storm surges are the dominant reasons for cyclonic destruction. Prediction of storm surge height is a vital issue for Bangladesh whereas the current practices are time... more
2017, Kolaiti E., Papadopoulos G. A., Morhange C., Vacchi M., Triantafyllou I., Mourtzas N. D., Palaeoenvironmental evolution of the ancient harbor of Lechaion (Corinth Gulf, Greece): Were changes driven by human impacts and gradual... more
Bangladesh, one of the most disaster-prone country in south Asian region experiences tropical cyclones, storm surges, coastal erosions and floods almost every year. Very recently, tropical cyclone ‚Roanu' has caused extreme devastation... more
As standards of living generally improve across the globe, there is a corresponding change in people’s perception and acceptance of risk. The impact of natural hazards is an emerging threat to industrial facilities, pipelines, offshore... more
Climate change is having an undeniable influence on coastal areas. This chapter describes the growing threat of climate change on the Baltic Sea coastline, with an emphasis on field research focused on storm surges and coastal retreat.... more
Schon immer siedelten Menschen im natürlichen Gefahrenbereich – an der Nordsee somit auch in den potentiell überfluteten Gebieten der Seemarschen, die seit dem 12. Jahr hun dert von Deichen geschützt werden. Trotz eines seitdem immer... more
Books from Dirk Meier
Storm waves and tsunamis have been responsible for the movement and deposition of boulders located near or at a shore. Nott [1,2] proposed a set of formulas to calculate the minimum incident wave velocities required to dislodge... more
This paper presents an assessment of the performance of a shoreline revetment; M. Ali Seawall, placed to protect the land behind against flooding and overtopping at coastal site, within Abu Qir Bay, East of Alexandria along the Nile Delta... more
As hurricanes continue to threaten coastal communities, accurate storm surge forecasting remains a global priority. Achieving a reliable storm surge prediction necessitates accurate hurricane intensity and wind field information. The wind... more
On 8th November 2013, Typhoon Haiyan, local name Yolanda, made landfall in the central Philippine islands region. Considered one of the most powerful typhoons ever to make landfall in recorded history, the 600 km diameter Typhoon Haiyan... more
Storm surge induced by tropical cyclones (TCs) has become a global concern due to its catastrophic and expensive impacts on many coastal and tropical areas. It is also evident that global sea level rise (SLR) is expected to amplify... more
Este artigo apresenta resultados de um experimento de campo realizado para avaliar a resposta morfológica de uma praia arenosa durante um evento de ressaca do mar. O estudo foi realizado na Praia do Icaraí, localizada no litoral da Região... more
Washover-Prozesse und -Ablagerungen sind weltweit an vielen Küsten verbreitet und gehören zum geomorphologischen Formenschatz vieler Dünen- und Barriereinseln. Auf den Nordseeinseln Sylt und Amrum sind rezente Washover-Areale besonders im... more
Energy systems can be vulnerable to climate change. This paper summarizes the contribution of their authors to a few strategic studies, research workshops, development forum and international conferences related to Climate and Energy. It... more
Two distinct microtidal estuarine systems were assessed to advance the understanding of the coastal dynamics of sea level rise in salt marshes. A coupled hydrodynamic-marsh model (Hydro-MEM) was applied to both a marine-dominated (Grand... more
In present day Polish coastal dunes' development, heavy storms and human activity play a significant role. Natural or almost natural dune processes and accumulation of the coast is observed only in a few places, such as the S ´ wina Gate... more
It was the objective of this study to characterize erosional and depositional sedimentary features caused by overwash events at barrier islands. Investigations took place at the East Frisian Island of Norderney as well as at the North... more
This paper presents a summary of observations from the author's many decades in evaluating storm surge damage to thousands of buildings. Contains many images from Hurricanes Ivan and Katrina.
Сахалинская область – единственная область в Российской Федерации, которая расположена на многочисленных островах в Японском, Охотском морях и в Тихом океане. Область является уникальным для России морским регионом, географическое... more
The flood of 1607 was the worst natural disaster ever recorded in the British Isles. The flood affected most of the South Wales coast from Carmarthenshire in the west to Monmouthshire in the east. On the other side of the Bristol Channel... more
Storm surges are behind the geophysical risk of short term and abrupt inundating low‐lying coastal regions known along most coasts of the world. They are related to meteorological phenomena, mostly wind storms. Storm surges represent a... more
A state-of-the-art forecasting system (WaveForUs: Wave climate and coastal circulation Forecasts for public Use) is implemented, delivering 3-day forecasts of spectral wave characteristics, hydrodynamic circulation and storm surges for... more
Several impacts of high-energy marine events – tsunamis and storms – which have occurred along the Mediterranean coasts, have determined boulder displacements in different ways, spanning from sliding and overturning to saltation. The... more
Characterization of scour due to free fall of water during storm surge is important for transportation related structures. The roads and streets behind levees are the most typical structures, which are vulnerable to storm surge. A... more
After a hurricane strikes areas where tourists are located will have issues that will need to be addressed if tourism is to remain sustainable. The various factors are reviewed here, with specific reference to hurricane Dorian which... more