Strategic Hrm
Recent papers in Strategic Hrm
Briefly describing each of the following methods of performance appraisal.
Few firms can be said to be truly resilient by sustaining high performance for a long time. We draw on a case study of a large U.S.-based retailer to explore how an organization develops resilience -the ability to recover quickly from... more
A közigazgatás alapvetően minden államban az egyik legnagyobb foglalkoztató. Mint munkáltatónak, az alkalmazottak foglalkoztatására, munkajogi helyzetére – magától adódóan – egységes elveken alapuló rendszert szükséges kidolgoznia. Erre... more
Developments in the field of HRM are now well documented in the management literature when writers like Drucker and McGregor stressed the need for visionary goal-directed leadership and management of business integration (Armstrong,... more
This paper aims to introduce the technology's role and the final demand in the textileclothing industry's growth path (TCI) of Bangladesh. Methodology: This study applies structural decomposition analysis in the input-output framework to... more
This paper aims to examine the effect of strategic alignment of Sales and Human Resources Management (HRM) in creating a corporate sustainable competitive advantage. Our paper notes that a product of such a collaborative/competitive... more
The aim of this study was to explore the impact of work autonomy and organizational commitment on organizational communication. To this end, a questionnaire was designed by using the scales of work autonomy and organizational commitment... more
This paper presents the first empirical evidence on the nature and effects of human resource practices (HRM) in the Finnish manufacturing sector. In the analysis, we use the novel survey on HRM practices, based on a representative random... more
Going Global means either converting the parent or a local company into a global entity by expanding its business beyond the frontiers of its local existence thus bringing the foreign and local human resources together, blending and... more
The aim of this paper is to determine whether Australian small and medium enterprises (SMEs) could be described as 'bleak houses' or whether they have developed over the last decade into 'bright prospects' typified by human resource... more
How do HR professionals, Line Managers and non-HR Senior Executives view HR strategies? What are the main deliverables of HR activities as viewed by the different groups? What level of importance is placed on HR practices by the... more
Pakistani IT industry is nascent and is less than 25 years old with most growth occurring at Dotcom boom in the 90's. Initially the industry was small and offering lucrative packages to the workforce due to which a lot universities and... more
Results of a survey amongst 2000 Dutch HR Professionals, about their priorities as well as the impact of Covid-19
Human resource is the most valuable asset for a company to operate and continue its business activities successfully. Even though a business organisation has other resources such as money, material and machines, its business operations... more
Article on Money as a motivator
ISM Vadybos ir ekonomikos universitetas E. Ožeškien÷s g. 18, Kaunas There is an ongoing debate in research over the source of organisational competitive advantage. Strategy theorists have looked for it in both external and internal... more
The globalization of business is having a significant impact on human resource management practices; and it is has now become more imperative than ever for business organizations to engage in human resource management practices on an... more
How do HR professionals, Line Managers and non-HR Senior Executives view HR strategies? What are the main deliverables of HR activities as viewed by the different groups? What level of importance is placed on HR practices by the... more
This dissertation contains the findings of a research project that investigated the relationship between employee benefits and employee satisfaction at Google. The performance of an organization highly depends on how motivated the... more
The Agile approach proved to be effective in building self-managed software development teams that can quickly respond to rapid changes and adapt to ambiguous and complex business environments with fast-changing requirements. After the... more
Family firm human resource (HR) research focuses largely on examining differences in HR practices between family and nonfamily firms or between family and nonfamily employees within family firms. Few studies, however, attempt to explain... more
Preface Training Managers Manual strikes a balance between research and real practices. It provides students with a solid background in the fundamentals of training and development such as needs assessment, transfer of training, learning... more
Setting the stage for future work leaves us with great uncertainty but preparing for future work is still inevitable. New demands and challenges such as automation, digitisation and millennials are some of the major considerations in this... more
The purpose of this study was to determine and examine the effect of Work Family Conflict and Job Stress on Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance. This study uses quantitative methods that are used to meet research objectives other... more
To be successful, a functional strategic plan needs to offer more than a list of projects to be completed within a specific period of time. Yet, like most staff functions , human resources (HR) often does a poor job of aligning its... more
Organizations nowadays are going through a massive competition as well as a rapidly changing technology and business climate. In addition to that, globalization and unlimited customer demands have brought additional challenges to... more
Diversity and diversity management in multicultural workforce is increasingly becoming an important issue for the business in the era of globalization. It affects the productivity and efficiency of the workforce in general. The purpose of... more
The beauty of the strategic decision making is not only critically scan the current business environment but also consider the major foreseen shifts in business dynamics to remain competitive. Responding too slowly or too earlier to such... more
Il Giappone è di gran lunga la prima potenza mondiale della robotica e dell’automazione. Secondo l’International Federation of Robotics il Giappone è il maggiore esportatore mondiale di robot per un valore di 1,6 miliardi di dollari,... more
This paper focus is on how Management and Leadership affects senior employees in the modern public sector. Thereby evaluating questions such as what is the modern public sector and its goals? what is the role of senior employee's in... more
Management development practices involve the use of both formal and informal approaches. Discussing with examples, these formal and informal approaches practiced in an organisation.
Critically evaluating the existing performance management system of an organisation and discussing its positive and negative features
This qualitative research aims to study an initial process to adapt Human Resource Analytics and to study each process according to the HR Analytics cycle. Informants are large organizations, which a registered capital of approximately... more
Process of performance management According to A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance(Amira El-Deeb,DBA) performance management is the systematic process of planning work and setting expectations continually monitoring... more
There has been much literature explored on the concepts of culture and ethnicity in multicultural corporations, and some of it with individual regards to employee training, motivation or performance, very little studies have comprised all... more
Este manual de gestão de recursos humanos surge na sequência do concurso público para Professor Catedrático, na disciplina de Gestão de Recursos Humanos (GRH) no Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas da Universidade Técnica... more