Recent papers in Sublime
Trabajo de tesis doctoral presentado en la Universidad de Salamanca en el año 2015
Aproximación muy general al valor estético de la poesía de Góngora. Sextina de J. Roses
This paper compares the Milky Way in Aratus (Ph. 469–79) and Manilius (1.684–804), focusing on the role of the sublime in both texts. In Aratus, to gaze at the Milky Way is a sublime experience that constitutes an image for reading the... more
This research aims to examine which of the "Sublime" concepts described by Edmund Burke in A philosophical inquiry into an origin of our ideas of the sublime and the beautiful, published in 1757, can help in the interpretation of Edgar... more
La poética de lo sublime y su ejecución en el videojuego contemporáneo Daniel Escandell Montiel 19 agosto 2018 Aproximación al concepto de lo sublime, desde la poética hasta la digitalidad Longino o, en su defecto, quien fuera el autor... more
On September 11, 2001, human bodies fell from some of the tallest buildings in the world and shattered on the pavement below. People jumped from the windows of the World Trade Center to escape fire, and this fire was sustained by the... more
I am not claiming authorship of this document proving historical election fraud.
“I hoard therefore I am”, was the statement that I used to present my self-branding research at Artez in 2014. In the leaflet that I created as a result of my research into Obsessive Com-pulsive Hoarding I imagined myself as a pack-rat... more
Since "Iconoclash" (see the review above), iconoclasm and related terms have been taken as fundamental, general categories for the interpretation of pictures. This essay is part of a project to historicize that interest, which I think... more
The essay argues that the sublime, and especially the postmodern sublime, is an intricate and unresolved concept, and that it is not often coherent or necessary to import it into discourse on contemporary art. This was also published as... more
Mémoire de Master 1 d'Etudes Cinématographiques, sous la direction de Pierre Berthomieu, Université Paris 7, 2008. Ce mémoire retrace les liens entre le genre du 'cinéma catastrophe', souvent décrié par la critique, et ses influences... more
L’articolo affronta il tema della fascinazione indotta dal crimine da un punto di vista culturale ponendo l’attenzione su due aspetti: la dimensione emotiva che la caratterizza e il ruolo che essa assume nella società contemporanea. Dal... more
FROM THE BACK COVER: What is the essential nature of meaning? . . . . . This book answers by examining interpretive theories from the past and present. It finds that an historical struggle with meaning has been underway since the... more
Dark tourism is the act of travel to tourist sites associated with death, suffering or the seemingly macabre (Stone 2006, 146). This phenomenon is object of increasing attention from the scientific community, which has mainly focused on... more
Pol Frau, estudiante de Humanidades UAB, mayo de 2016
This hyperlink takes you to the complete text of LACAN AND MEANING, Chapter 3: Lacan on Meaning
The paper analyzes the imagery of the Gigantomachy in Manilius' Astronomica, in two different functions: the first metaliterary and metascientific, the second in the form of mythical narration, identifying the intertextual relations with... more
"ABSTRACT: This study assumes the subject's pursuit of meaning is generally incapacitating and should be suspended. It aims to demonstrate how such a suspension is theoretically accomplished by utilizing Lacan's formulae of... more
Le sublime ne s’établissant jamais comme la dénomination d’un courant architectural ou stylistique propre, la recherche du terme ou de l’emploi de ses effets ou caractéristiques dans l’architecture se fait dans un contexte historique en... more
La “crisis del arte como ‘ciencia europea’” fue también la crisis de la legitimidad inmanente y transcendente de los referenciales objetivo y subjetivo del fenómeno artístico. La fragmentación de la realidad y la desactualización de la... more
Il mondo ri-vissuto attraverso la mediazione del virtuale e delle sue interfacce. Un percorso che porta ad una nuova scoperta di esso: riscoperta della natura e del sublime in versione HD. L’uomo, oggi, per superare le inquietudini di un... more
Este artigo pretende demonstrar (i) a influência exercida pela obra A philosophical enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful, de Edmund Burke, sobre o ensaio de H. P. Lovecraft, Supernatural horror in literature... more
O presente livro debruça-se sobre o pensamento estético de Theodor W. Adorno (1903-1969) e procura esclarecer aquele que é porventura o seu desafio mais decisivo: a captação e a exploração críticas do «teor de verdade» de obras de arte.... more
This article deals with the philosophical idea of worldmaking pursued through techné, meaning the fusion of the technical means of artistic creation, theorizing, and analysis, but specifically occurring in a feedback loop involving... more
C’est grâce à une Décade de Pontigny, que Curtius, en 1922, a pu faire la connaissance de l’écrivain français Charles Du Bos. Les deux écrivains vont alors entamer une correspondance appelée à durer jusqu’en 1935. Pourquoi Curtius... more
During the early 19th century, the demand for tourism grew enormously in Europe. The city of Naples, already a favored destination for the travels of 18th century intellectuals, artists and aristocrats, prepared to meet the expectations... more
This article reconsiders the politics and aesthetics of aftermath photography. Many critics have argued that the emerging, experimental genre of documentary photography ‘abstracts’ and renders ‘sublime’ the traumatic historical events... more
Il presente saggio intende ricostruire il nesso che unisce il percorso teologico e quello musicale/musicologico di Pierangelo Sequeri, esplicitandone anche le implicazioni pedagogiche nei termini musicoterapeutici elaborati da e in tali... more
Deleuze's relationship to Kant is intricate and fundamental, given that Deleuze develops his transcendental philosophy of difference in large part out of Kant's work. In doing so he utilises the moment of the sublime from the third... more
En el presente texto trato de mostrar el cambio que ha supuesto para el concepto de belleza poner en paralelo los conceptos de lo bello y lo sublime en el mundo moderno. Me centro de modo especial en la pérdida del potencial revelatorio... more
Storia della filosofia moderna, anno 2015/2016. Francesca Giovanna Picardi. L'analisi kantiana del sublime nella Critica del Giudizio.
Philosophy as a method tries to identify – through logical analysis and phenomenological description – the conceptual basis of different modes of knowing and valuing. It is orientated towards constants in human experience, those features... more
Qu’appelle-t-on « poétiser » à l’âge romantique ? Telle est la question que cet essai philosophique sur Gérard de Nerval adopte comme fil conducteur pour interroger la puissance de l’art et le sens de la création au sein d’une modernité... more
We provide a review of the literature concerning aesthetic engagement (especially with literature and film) during times of distress. The objective is to offer a conceptual framework for this fledging research area and to provide a... more
This essay argues that curating brought back a kind of leverage that redressed the otherwise imbalanced relationship between aesthetics and ethics. Curating lends out to art its innocent and aspirational belief in such a balance because... more
La definizione di Sublime applicata alla poetica di P. B. Shelley: una breve analisi della poesia "Epipsychidion", con riferimenti ad altri autori.
The “relation between art and knowledge” in Kant’s and Schopenhauer’s notion of art, which is the main subject in this study includes scrutinizing of opinion that genuine works of art can provide “a kind of” knowledge and distinguishing... more