Philip Johnson
Recent papers in Philip Johnson
In the reading, "People Who Live in Glass Houses: Edith Farnsworth, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Philip Johnson" the author, Alice T. Friedman, examines the Farnsworth House by Mies van der Rohe and Glass House by Philip Johnson from... more
Undergraduate Student Research Paper written for the capstone seminar "Garden History" taught by Dr. Robert Neuman, Fall 2016. Categorized here as "Draft" because it is unpublished, student material.
Esta historia podría empezar con una carta del Archive photographique Gomis-Prats a James Johnson Sweeney, que trata sobreJoan Miró, con fecha de febrero de 1946: Desde los inicios de la última guerra hemos sido los únicos en fotografiar... more
In this essay, I analyze the extreme right-wing political philosophy developed and promoted by Philip Johnson between 1932 and 1940 and compare It to the Nietzschean architectural politics he promoted in the postwar period. Johnson's... more
The Rothko Chapel is known in Houston and throughout the art world as a non-sectarian, ecumenical sanctuary, open to all, dedicated to Art, Spirituality and Human Rights. Opened in 1971, it is an internationally renowned institution that... more
This is the text to the 20-minute video presentation available elsewhere on this site. It is from the 2021 US DoCoMoMo's National Symposium on May 27 (delayed from 2020 in Chicago). It explores the history and cultural situation of what... more
Le sublime ne s’établissant jamais comme la dénomination d’un courant architectural ou stylistique propre, la recherche du terme ou de l’emploi de ses effets ou caractéristiques dans l’architecture se fait dans un contexte historique en... more
The idea of transparency is first introduced in modern architecture at the dawn of 20th century. From theoretical texts to buildings, the various meanings attached to this ambiguous materiality are in direct connection with the given... more
The purpose of this paper is to examine the life and constitution of Eric Kuhne in the context of Bluewater Shopping Centre. This is done to deduce the specific elements of Kuhne’s pre- and mid-Bluewater life that afforded the project... more
(from the cover) Scenario di quotidiana relazione fra le persone, luogo prediletto di autodeterminazione e sopraffazione nel quale si riflettono le tensioni e le gerarchie sociali, l'ufficio costituisce fin dalla nascita del mondo... more
This paper considers the relationship between the emerging profession of lighting design and the experience and promotion of modern architecture in the United States during the post-war era. Forming the core of this study is the... more
In this essay, I analyze the extreme right-wing political philosophy developed and promoted by Philip Johnson between 1932 and 1940 and compare it to the Nietzschean architectural politics he has promoted in the postwar period. Johnson's... more
The Museum of Modern Art opened the Architecture Room in February 1933 as a dedicated exhibition space for its newly created Department of Architecture, headed by Philip Johnson. Its inaugural display consisted of two concurrent... more
La mostra “Michelangelo e il Novecento” si è tenuta a Casa Buonarroti a Firenze e alla Galleria Civica di Modena tra il giugno e l’ottobre 2014 ed è stata dedicata alla fortuna micheangiolesca nella cultura visiva e progettuale del XX... more
ABSTRACT: The article argues that the present dominance of the modernist design idiom, and the general aesthetic inferiority of existing non-modernist stylistic alternatives, is a consequence of the fact that design schools have for... more
The Christ Cathedral is the main church of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange County. The Christ Cathedral is the former Crystal Cathedral, the building designed by Philip Johnson in Garden Grove (Orange County, California,... more
This is the text to the 20-minute video presentation available elsewhere on this site. It is from the 2021 US DoCoMoMo's National Symposium on May 27 (delayed from 2020 in Chicago). It explores the history and cultural situation of what... more
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, in Washington, DC, is an institute of Harvard University dedicated to supporting scholarship internationally in Byzantine, Pre-Columbian, and Garden and Landscape Studies through... more
The small, delicate pavilion intended for the expansion of Dumbarton Oaks Museum has been a work forgotten or feared by critics whose author, brilliant architect Philip Johnson, stood out at that moment as a strong advocate of the... more
How do we understand the oeuvre of Philip Johnson? A philosophical perspective
This essay is the first in a three-part series about ideology and space on AMC's lauded television show "Mad Men." See the attached link to "Flow"'s website, where the article was published, for embedded videos intended to be viewed... more
In the first half of the twentieth century the dematerializing of boundaries between enclosure and exposure problematized the conventions and traditional expectations of the domestic environment. At the same time, as a space of escalating... more
Uno más en la masiva e ideológicamente filtrada migración intelectual provocada por el triunfo de los fascismos en Europa y la consiguiente Guerra Mundial, la trascendencia de Kaufmann en su destino americano seguirá un sorprendente... more
Philip Johnson vuelve a escena con la reconstrucción de una exposición que en 1932 introdujo el Estilo Internacional en EEUU y lo consagró como el gran inventor y promotor de tendencias.
At a serene Harvard outpost, scholars find fertile ground for Byzantine, pre-Columbian, and landscape studies.
La relación entre Mies y Johnson en las décadas centrales del siglo pasado configurará la arquitectura en su presente y futuro. Una relación tormentosa, que combina admiración y desprecio, compañerismo y competencia, pero que siempre... more
Review of the masterplan for the JVC Cultural-, Convention- and Business Center in Guadalajara, Mexico, initiated by Jorge Vergara Madrigal (Grupo Omnilife). Featuring designs by Jean Nouvel, Teodoro Gonzales de Leon, Carme Pinos, Thom... more