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      Museum StudiesSystems ThinkingSystems TheoryArt Museums
The article inquires into the uneasiness of sociological systems theory about culture. Culture alternatively is called the solution to the problem of double contingency (Parsons) and removed from this solution (Luhmann). It is shown that... more
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      CultureSystems TheoryPhilosophy and Religious Studies
Professor Melinde Coetzee, my supervisor, for her kindness, her guidance, her patience and for sharing her knowledge and insight. Martin Nel for his meticulous editing. Chris and Christa Cromhout for their friendship, their support, their... more
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      Emotional intelligenceSystems TheoryDissertation
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      History of ScienceSystems ThinkingSystems TheoryGeneral Systems Theory
The article introduces recursive ontology, a general ontology which aims to describe how being is organized and what are the processes that drive it. In order to answer those questions, I use a multidisciplinary approach that combines the... more
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      PhilosophyOntologySystems ThinkingSystems Theory
This paper explores Mary Catherine Bateson's critique of individualism and argument for the recognition and development of interdependence. Individualism is presented as a cornerstone of American culture, forming a constellation along... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesPsychologySocial Psychology
В статье уточнены свойства трансграничных территорий с позиции системного подхода. В качестве особенностей проявления общесистемных свойств, обусловленных двухзвенной структурой трансграничья, установлены такие черты, как относительная... more
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      Research MethodologyBorder StudiesSystems TheoryUrban Studies
The systematic implications of irrational numbers, for those interested.
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      MathematicsNumber TheorySet TheoryProof Theory
Truth Logic and the Trinity Selfhood
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyLanguages and LinguisticsTheology
From a societal point of view, art has a key relevance: Art is a means to pursue the cultural questions posed about interrelations, perceptions of realities and meanings (critique and value formation) in an aesthetic mode of working. It... more
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      Art TheoryCorporate Social ResponsibilityOrganizational CultureContemporary Art
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      EpidemiologySystems TheoryMortalityMedicine
This chapter re-interprets Polanyi’s substantive institutionalist analysis of market economies, market societies, and state intervention in the light of two later schools, namely, the Parisian regulation approach to contempo- rary... more
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      GovernanceSystems TheoryKarl PolanyiAutopoietic Systems
A very common approach in chemistry and biology is to observe the progress of an experiment, and take the result of this observation as the final output. Inspired by this, a new approach to computing, called system/observer, was... more
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      Software MaintenanceSystems TheoryBiologyDNA computing
After a life-long despiction for math, I have decided finally that I owe a debt of gratitude.
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      MathematicsNumber TheoryPhilosophyLogic
Guided by a family resiliency model grounded in systems theory and social constructionism, we conducted in-depth interviews to explore how 18 Arab American couples living in New York and New Jersey perceived and dealt with the terrorist... more
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      PsychologyFamily TherapySocial WorkSystems Theory
Constructal theory is the view that (i) the generation of images of design (pattern, rhythm) in nature is a phenomenon of physics and (ii) this phenomenon is covered by a principle (the constructal law): 'for a finite-size flow system to... more
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      PhysicsTechnologyDesignOrganizational Change
The present study examined the effects of aging on the execution of a bimanual coordination task in a classical phase transition paradigm in which coordination patterns (inphase and anti-phase) and movement frequency were manipulated. Two... more
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      PsychologyGerontologyAgingSystems Theory
"Purpose – The speed and variety of new business models emerging in the current economy created a disruptive environment that lacks theoretical frameworks and perspectives to help academics, practitioners and policy makers to critically... more
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      Systems TheoryService ScienceBusiness Models
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      ManagementSociologySocial WorkSystems Theory
The pole-zero structure of a transfer function has been analyzed by two distinct approaches:
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      EngineeringSystems TheoryMathematical SciencesTransfer Function
The management of occupational health and safety (OHS) including safety culture interventions is comprised of complex problems that are often hard to scope and define. Due to the dynamic nature and complexity of OHS management, the... more
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      PsychologyOrganizational CultureOccupational HealthSystems Thinking
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      ChemistryPlasticitySystems TheoryBiology
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      MetaphysicsEducationDemocratic EducationMetaphysics of Time
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      Public AdministrationOrganizational TheoryGovernanceSystems Theory
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      Systems TheoryComplexityHealthPublic health systems and services research
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      OntologyEthicsValuesSystems Theory
Accelerometers are often used to measure the output of secondorder systems, such as structural vibrations. Conditions under which these systems are well-posed are obtained. We also establish conditions under which these systems have... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsPartial Differential EquationsSystems Theory
Discrete-event systems (DES) are modeled by Biichi automata together with a means of on-line control. In this setting we extend the concept of a controllable language introduced by Ramadge and Wonham to infinite strings and derive... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsModelingSystems Theory
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      Family TherapyPsychiatrySystems TheoryCurriculum
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      PsychologySocial WorkCognitionSocial Interaction
Many environmental risks are multi-faceted and their health consequences can be far-ranging in both time and space. It can be a challenging task to develop informed policies for such risks. Integrated environmental health impact... more
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      Systems TheoryEnvironmental HealthInternational CooperationRisk assessment
A critical analysis of Neuman's systems model in relation to public health nursing The pubhc health movement is an old discipline bemg given new^ life and meaning based on a recognition of contmumg health problems assoaated with soaal... more
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      NursingSystems TheoryPublic HealthHolistic Health
C . ( 2 0 0 2 ) Journal of Advanced Nursing 37(5), 462±469 Using chaos theory: the implications for nursing Aims of the paper. The purpose of this paper is to review chaos theory and to examine the role that it may have in the discipline... more
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      NursingNonlinear dynamicsScienceSystems Theory
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      SociologyPsychologyCriminal LawSystems Theory
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      Social-Ecological SystemsSystems TheorySocial Systems TheoryFlow Theory
Since the days of Talcott Parsons (1973), Joseph Ben-David (1977) and Burton Clark (1983), higher education research has been deeply rooted in the analysis of individual national higher education systems and in their comparison. For a... more
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      Social SciencesSystems TheoryResearch in Higher Education
Desde Talcott Parsons, a teoria sobre os meios simbolicamente generelizados ocupa um lugar especial na análise sociológica. Suas derivações em Niklas Luhmann e Jügen Habermas têm conseguido manter, por mais de quarenta anos, as reflexões... more
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      Systems TheorySocial Systems TheorySociological TheoryNiklas Luhmann
Thesis of a dissertation
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      EducationSystems ThinkingSystems TheorySocial Systems Theory
Systeme. Wir begegnen ihnen auf Schritt und Tritt, leben ganz selbstverständlich in und mit ihnen und sind sogar selber eines. Doch ist uns eigentlich bewusst, worüber wir sprechen, wenn wir von einem System sprechen? Die meisten von uns... more
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      ManagementSystems ThinkingSystems TheorySystemtheorie
Neorealism is one of the most influential theories of international relations, and its first theorist, Kenneth Waltz, a giant of the discipline. But why did Waltz move from a rather traditional form of classical realist political theory... more
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      International Relations TheoryDecision MakingCyberneticsSecurity
This précis identifies strengths and weaknesses of the idealized design approach and suggests why and how it might be used to better effect.
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      Systems ThinkingSystems TheoryStrategic PlanningDesign Thinking (Business)
This paper is a systems theoretic examination of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy's "cross of reality," a structure that fuses a vertical spatial dyad of inner-outer and a horizontal temporal dyad of past-future into a space-time tetrad. This... more
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      SociologySystems TheorySymbolismSocial Systems Theory
In unserer technisierten und weitgehend durchorganisierten Welt gehen wir im Allgemeinen davon aus, dass die Dinge, die unseren Alltag betreffen, planbar und steuerbar sind. Zwar akzeptieren wir, dass es immer mal wieder zu Überraschungen... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyComplexity TheorySocial-Ecological Systems
Creative Inquiry frames learning and education as a larger manifestation of the creative impulse rather than as the fundamentally instrumental acquisition, retention, and reproduction of information, or Reproductive Learning. Montuori, A.... more
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      Creative WritingSociologyCultural StudiesPsychology
Relying on media archaeology of Friedrich Kittler, this article examines a large-scale installation, Self-Portrait. Structure. Report. 9.6.72 (1972), by Peruvian artist Teresa Burga (b. Iquitos, 1935) in comparison with the structuralist... more
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      Media ArchaeologyLatin American ArtSystems TheoryMedia Art
BORDERS & BELONGING: From Adversity to Diversity in Cultural Child & Family Psychiatry Vincenzo Di Nicola, MPhil, MD, PhD, DFAPA Professor of Psychiatry University of Montreal Abstract: Objectives: To provide a perspective... more
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      Developmental PsychologyDevelopmental PsychopathologyChild and adolescent mental healthChildren and Families
Some thought spent on the sad disintegration of Europe and the termination of democracy. After Brexit and several battles of regions striving for more autonomy in Europe, we now face a horrendously violent crisis in Catalonia, of which... more
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      HistorySociologyPsychologySocial Psychology
Major depression is a debilitating condition characterised by diverse neurocognitive and behavioural deficits. Nevertheless, our species-typical capacity for depressed mood implies that it serves an adaptive function. Here we apply an... more
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      PsychologyDepressionSystems TheoryMedicine