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A sample of how I use technology to help students engage with the Bible
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      GeographyHistorical GeographyPhysical GeographyEducational Technology
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      Educational TechnologyTeaching Hebrew as a Foreign Language
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      Jewish EducationTeaching Hebrew as a Foreign LanguageHebrew Language PedagogyNatural Language Learning
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      Educational TechnologyTeaching Hebrew as a Foreign LanguageHebrew and Jewish studies
Talk given at the SBL conference and published on the SBL website
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      Biblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)Teaching Hebrew as a Foreign LanguageBiblical HebrewHebrew grammar
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      Second Language AcquisitionComputational LinguisticsApplied LinguisticsWriting Studies
האומנם רק "עברית בעברית"? תקציר בשלהי המאה ה-19 פיתחו מספר אישים שיטות חדשות להוראת העברית שהושפעו מגישת "הגישה הטבעית" ו"הגישה הישירה" בהוראת לשונות. שיטות אלו נתכנו "עברית בעברית". לפי הרמתי (1992, עמ' 148–162), יצחק אפשטיין הוא מייסד... more
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      Hebrew LanguageTeaching Hebrew as a Foreign LanguageHebrew Education and Teaching
מאמר זה עוסק ברעיון לייעל את הוראת העברית למבוגרים על ידי שילוב גישת 'הוראה הפוכה' עם מסלולי לימוד חלופיים בהתאם לסגנונות הקוגניטיביים שונים של התלמידים. במאמר יתוארו עקרונות הרעיון ורכיבי התהליך הלימודי המבוסס עליו ויוצג יישומו הניסויי... more
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      Teaching Hebrew as a Foreign LanguageCognitive Styles and Teacher Education MethodologyFlipped learningInnovative Educational Technologies
Die in diesem Heft zusammengestellten Übungsformen sind als begleitendes Material für den Hebräischunterricht an der Theologischen Fakultät Heidelberg entstanden. Alle Formen sind konkreten Prüfungstexten für das Hebraicum (1-699) und das... more
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      Teaching Hebrew as a Foreign LanguageBiblical Hebrew
The paper reports about the various types of qualified math teacher assistance to elementary school students with learning difficulties that based on Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development principle. The assistance purpose is to educate... more
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      Mathematics EducationBilingual EducationLearning DisabilitiesTeaching Hebrew as a Foreign Language
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      History of ScholarshipManuscripts & Material CultureTeaching Hebrew as a Foreign LanguageEarly Modern print culture
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    • Teaching Hebrew as a Foreign Language
The International Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization is pleased to announce that the Continuing Workshop on University Teaching of Hebrew Language is now accepting applications for this year’s session. The workshop... more
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      Teaching Hebrew as a Foreign LanguageModern Hebrew LanguageModern Hebrew
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      History of the BookEarly Modern Intellectual HistoryRepublic of Letters (Early Modern History)Teaching Hebrew as a Foreign Language
מטרת הסדנה היא לבנות יחידת לימוד העונה על שני צרכים של המורה והתלמיד מחוץ לישראל: העמקה בתורת השפה מחד ושימוש יומיומי בעברית ישראלית מאידך. בפני מורי העברית בחו"ל עומד אתגר לא פשוט: כיצד לאפשר לתלמיד להתקרב אל השפה כדינמית וטבעית בסביבה... more
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      Teaching Hebrew as a Foreign LanguageModern Hebrew LanguageFeelings
הסקר בוצע לקראת הכינוס "עברית בקוונה תחילה" שהתקיים במכון מופת, תל אביב, 2015.
הסקר בודק עמדות של מורים לעברית בשאלות יסוד בהוראת עברית כשפה נוספת בתפוצות, בהן עמדות באשר לשיטת ההוראה עברית בעברית.
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      Hebrew LanguageTeaching Hebrew as a Foreign LanguageHebrew Education and TeachingHebrew Teaching
זוהי סקירה על הכינוס הבין-לאומי השני: "העברית והיידיש  בימינו: היבטים לימודיים ותרבותיים" שהתקיים באוניברסיטה הממלכיתי בסנקט-פטרבורג ביוני 2016.
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      Hebrew LiteratureYiddish LiteratureYiddish LanguageHebrew Language Every form of verb in Hebrew has to have a 3-consonant root (rarely 4 consonant). The root is the only form of the verb that appears in lexicons of Biblical Hebrew and most lexicons of modern Hebrew, so it is... more
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      Biblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)Teaching Hebrew as a Foreign LanguageBiblical Hebrew
The article proposes a model of collaborative learning while discussing the numerous advantages in teaching Hebrew as a second language based on the extensive research literature written on the subject. To facilitate meaningful learning,... more
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      Hebrew LanguageCollaborative LearningTeaching Hebrew as a Foreign LanguageBeduins
The teaching of Arabic and Hebrew as ‘foreign’ languages in Israel offers a unique case of a language teaching situation where curricula, methods and assessment are influenced by a complex set of socio-political variables. In Israel,... more
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      Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL)InterCultural StudiesTeaching Hebrew as a Foreign LanguageArabic Language
The paper provides a comparative analysis of the existing bilingual Russian-Hebrew phraseological dictionaries, describes the main differences between them (the number of phraseological units, sources of material). The main conclusion is... more
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      Multi- & Bilingualism & BiliteracyBilingual EducationRussian LanguageTeaching Hebrew as a Foreign Language
The aim of this comparative study is to detect symmetries and asymmetries in the status of two major languages taught in Israel: Hebrew in Arabic-medium schools and Arabic in Hebrew-medium schools. The teaching of these two languages... more
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      Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL)Teaching Hebrew as a Foreign LanguageLanguage education policy
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      EducationJewish EducationTeaching Hebrew as a Foreign Language
English title: Teaching Hebrew in a Changing World -- Issues, Challenges and Directions for the Teaching of Hebrew in the Diaspora: A Reconsideration
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      Hebrew LanguageTeaching Hebrew as a Foreign LanguageHebrew Education and Teaching
Naama Zahavi-Ely, " Teaching the Biblical Hebrew Verb ," SBL Forum , n.p. [cited May 2008]. Online:
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      Biblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)Teaching Hebrew as a Foreign LanguageBiblical Hebrew
Planning Lessons in a Changing Classroom: How to Maximize Teaching Efficacy in Different Situations
Continuing Workshop on University Teaching of Hebrew Language
Jerusalem, July 31- August 4, 2022
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      Biblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)Teaching Hebrew as a Foreign LanguageModern Hebrew LanguageAcademy of the Hebrew Language Permission given for distributionto students for free. May not be sold. Do not post on the Internet-post the link above. Prefix (Yiqtol) form: look at the vowels of the prefix and the first root letter. An extra tav... more
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      Biblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)Teaching Hebrew as a Foreign LanguageBiblical Hebrew
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      Teaching Hebrew as a Foreign LanguageChristian HebraismChristian HebraistsAljamiado Texts
Around 1530, at the peak of the Spanish imperial dominance of a large part of western Europe and the Americas, a Hebrew professor in the then leading humanist university of Alcalá de Henares wondered deep down in his heart about what to... more
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      Teaching Hebrew as a Foreign LanguageEarly modern SpainChristian HebraismThe Spanish Inquisition Permission given for distribution to students for free. May not be sold. Please do not post a copy-post the link instead. A one-page guide for figuring out the missing letter in a weak verb in Biblical Hebrew. By... more
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      Biblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)Teaching Hebrew as a Foreign LanguageHebrew grammar
Theoretical Approach, Practical Applications, and Distant Learning
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      Teaching Hebrew as a Foreign LanguageModern Hebrew LanguageCommon European Framework of Reference for LanguagesHebrew Education and Teaching
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      Educational TechnologyHebrew LanguageTeaching Hebrew as a Foreign Language
The paper provides a comparative analysis of the existing bilingual Russian-Hebrew phraseological dictionaries, describes the main differences between them (the number of phraseological units, sources of material). The main conclusion is... more
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      Multi- & Bilingualism & BiliteracyBilingual EducationRussian LanguageTeaching Hebrew as a Foreign Language
The converso Hebrew professor Alfonso de Zamora (ca. 1474-ca. 1545) published what became a popular Latin grammar of Hebrew in Alcalá de Henares (Spain) in 1526. These Introductiones artis grammatice hebraice nunc recenter edite rely on... more
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      Teaching Hebrew as a Foreign LanguageChristian HebraismChristian HebraistsPolemical Literature
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      Hebrew LanguageIsraeli HebrewTeaching Hebrew as a Foreign LanguageModern Hebrew Language