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A Socio-Cultural Approach to Growth-Mindset Pedagogy: Maker-Pedagogy as a Tool for Developing a Next-Generation Growth Mindset Laurell, J., Seitamaa, A., Sormunen, K., Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, P., Korhonen, T. & Hakkarainen, K., 8 Apr 2021,... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceDocumentationEportfolio
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Rewolucja przemysłowa w sztukach wizualnych. Od Turnera, poprzez impresjonistów do czasów I Awangardy
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EN Fernando Pessoa placed the brief and unfinished work of his master heteronym, Alberto Caeiro, at the center of his literary, philosophical and poetological oeuvre. Therefore, the edition and hermeneutics of Caeiro’s texts are of... more
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      Translation StudiesHeteronymous AuthorshipFernando PessoaModernism
Bu çalışma; techne, tektonik, gündelik hayat kavramlarını irdeleme ve bu kavramların birbirleriyle kurdukları ilişkilerin mimarlıktaki karşılığını anlamak ve anlamlandırmak arayışıyla başladı. Bahsedilen kavramların mimarlık... more
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      MimarlıkTechneKent TarihiGündelik Hayat
This article deals with the philosophical idea of worldmaking pursued through techné, meaning the fusion of the technical means of artistic creation, theorizing, and analysis, but specifically occurring in a feedback loop involving... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceHuman Computer InteractionMusicMusical Composition
La situation de l'action humaine est plutôt ambigue, si l'on considère d'une part qu'elle est energeia, et d'autre part qu'elle est un composé de kineseis.
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      AristotleAction TheoryTechne
Un'introduzione concettuale, dedicata alla costellazione concettuale che ruota intorno all'(en)diadi 'ambiente' -'design', all'interno del percorso di pensiero di Tomás Maldonado. Le slide mostrano il superamento della dialettica... more
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Nuestra investigación se centra en la figura del joven Heidegger y sus enseñanzas en las universidades de Friburgo (1921-1923) y de Marburgo (1923-1927) con el objetivo de realizar una reconstrucción histórico-filosófica de la génesis del... more
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      Martin HeideggerAristótelesTecnologiaTechne
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With articles by Serge Chaumier, Jean-François Gauvin, Francesca Polacci, Staffan Müller-Wille, Jorge Wagensberg, Lydia Bouchard and Pierre-Olivier Méthot.
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      Social ChangeCanadian StudiesEducationMuseum Studies
The critique of the poetry in Plato’s Ion unfolds in a clearly political context in which, in contrast to the old model of knowledge represented by poetry, Plato presents a new model, identified with philosophy, which questions the... more
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      PlatoPoetryPlato and PlatonismTechne
Conferenza tenuta il 21 maggio 2016 Complesso domenicano Santa Maria Sopra Minerva - Roma
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Cultural Interactions: Studies in the Relationship between the Arts Networks of Stone explores the social and creative processes of sculpture production in Athens in the sixth and fifth centuries bc. Using the concept of art worlds, it... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyClassicsGreek HistoryIconography
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      Tacit KnowledgeCreativityIntuitionDrawing
The aim of this study is to discuss the basic state of object production. Essentially, objects exist as a result of the act of making. Making occurs through the processes of cognition, conceptualization, and representation. Cognition and... more
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      Basic DesignTechneArchitectural Theory and DesignNoesis
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      HinduismCreativityUtopian StudiesDialogue
This article presents a survey of philosophical perspectives on the phenomena of ‘nature’ and ‘science/scientific’ in music and does so through a closer look at the first creative period of Péter Eötvös as a composer. Since the beginning... more
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      HermeneuticsMartin HeideggerMusic AestheticsExperimental Music
This book is a collection of eighty-seven written statements. These thoughts continue from where "Tom Palin: Artist Statements 1992-2013" (Workshop Press: Leeds) left off. In them the author considers questions pertinent to his practice.... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageAestheticsArt HistoryArt Theory
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Un’indagine sulla modalita della conversazione, del tutto straordinaria, avvenuta tra Papa Benedetto XVI e gli astronauti presenti nella stazione spaziale, ha dato l’avvio ad un’altra conversazione, questa ancor piu straordinaria nella... more
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      ArtDialogueGalenBenedict Xvi
Lo studio di Giulia Lombardi, svolto sul Peri syndesmôn del grammatico alessandrino Apollonio Discolo (II sec. d.C.), è di grande interesse per il lettore che desideri entrare nella problematica del linguaggio e della grammatica antica,... more
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      PlatoAristotleApollonius DyscolusAncient Greek Grammarians
Un’indagine sulla modalità della conversazione, del tutto straordinaria, avvenuta tra Papa Benedetto XVI e gli astronauti presenti nella stazione spaziale, ha dato l’avvio ad un’altra conversazione, questa ancor più straordinaria nella... more
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      DialogueGalenBenedict XviClement of Alexandria
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      Heat TreatmentTransitionTechneTechné
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      Philosophy of the EmotionsAristotle's Rhetoric and PoeticsTechneTechné
In this paper, I analyze the phenomenon of modern technologies from zipper bags to AlphaGo with the Aristotelian concept of Enthelechy from the point of view of the telos of our existence and technology in order to understand how we came... more
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We aim to show how Sextus Empiricus develops his attack on the téchnai in Against the Professors (M I-VI). First of all, we will outline the concept of stoicheîon (plural: stoicheîa) in Aristotle, for we think that the wide use of the... more
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      Hellenistic PhilosophyGalenSextus EmpiricusPhyrronism and Ancient Skepticism
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      Critical TheoryInformation TechnologyEvaluationComputer Mediated Communication
This paper aims to highlight the most salient developments in early modernity that made it possible to identify “design intelligence” as a recognizable form of cognition. The intent behind such a move is to highlight what might be called... more
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      DesignCreativity--Knowledge Invention & DiscoveryPraxisDesign Innovation
This research is concerned with establishing a method of analysis which will allow a maximum amount of information to be obtained from a flake of paint regarding the nature of both the binder and the synthetic organic pigments which may... more
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      ChemistryContemporary ArtChromatographyPyrolysis
European Policies consider a multitude of Low Carbon Technologies to transform cities to Low Carbon Cities. Some of these technologies can form distributed systems. These are new forms of Energy Networks which can contribute to reducing... more
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      Computer ScienceEnvironmental SustainabilitySmart CitiesTechne
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      EthnographyMicroscopySpectroscopyScanning Electron Microscopy
O presente estudo, procurou aliar a reflexão filosófica a respeito do tema da técnica, com noções a respeito da natureza mesma de um objeto de aprendizagem, com vistas a uma breve investigação a respeito de aplicativos para dispositivos... more
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      Martin HeideggerLearning Objects (Education)Techne
Asked to edit and critically review the exchange between philosopher Rafael Capurro and Linda Treude on the concept of information, the below linked document presents the final version of the exchange, including my contributions to copy... more
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      Critical TheoryInformation SystemsSemioticsCultural History
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The preparation of food and nutrition is a pervasive techne in the classical Greek world. Indeed, food technology may be a defining characteristic of humanity (Levi-Strauss, 1964). We begin with a glimpse of a tension in the use of the... more
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      PhilosophyAncient GreekTechne
Technology is part of the activities we do in our daily lives. It is both the method by which we have come to be able to organize our lives and society and an experience in itself through the worlds and opportunities it opens up for us.... more
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      TechnologyPraxisArtificial InteligencePhilosophy of Praxis
Résumé Les matières colorantes sont des vestiges encore mal connus de nos jours. L'intérêt qu'elles suscitent tient à ce qu'elles sont susceptibles de révéler des pratiques techniques diverses et complexes, mais il tient aussi... more
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      Heat TreatmentTransitionTechnePigment
La lezione "Rivedere il paradigma tecnocratico odierno alla luce del detto aristotelico <<il genere umano vive di TECHNE>> fa parte del Modulo 3 del Joint Diploma in Ecologia Integrale (Alleanza per la cura della Casa Comune fra le... more
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      WisdomAncient Greek Philosophy / AristotleEcologia HumanaTecnologia
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      Critical TheoryInformation TechnologyEvaluationComputer Mediated Communication
Afin de satisfaire les demandes de datation par le carbone-14 (14C) pour l&#39;archéologie, le Ministère de la Culture représenté par le C2RMF (Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France) s’est associé au CNRS (Institut... more
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Close Document Image Close Document Printer Image Print This Document! Conservation Information Network (BCIN). Author: Corbeil, Marie-Claude; Helwig, Kate; Poulin, Jennifer Title Article/Chapter: &quot;Une étude scientifique ...
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      Canadian artArt ConservationPigments (Chemistry)Techne
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      ResilienceBuilt EnvironmentSocio-ecological system dynamicsTechne
During Thatcher's Britain (1979-1990), the inner-city squatting movement and the hippy convoy movements of the 1970s formed a new lifestyle culture, termed 'New Age Travellers' by the contemporary media. It was a reaction to the... more
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      AnthropologyEthnographyEthnographic Fieldwork (Anthropology)Marginalized Identities
We often define Technic as a category of instrument and tools produced by a technician; We do so in the case of Art; A category of works such as paintings, sculpture, architecture, poems, etc. created by an artist. In an ontical approach,... more
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According to Glaucon’s conception of justice, the government is constituted by a contract which determines the legal and the just. From its constitution the ruler may control the subjects’ justice without being subject to the contract... more
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      TechnePlato's RepublicPhilosopher-Kings
resumo: Ao associar governo à téchne, Trasímaco estabelece que o governo também exige um conheci-mento específico. Esse saber permitiria que o governante pudesse beneficiar-se dos governados, tirando proveito deles. Em sua definição de... more
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      Political PhilosophyTechnePlato's RepublicThrasymachus
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