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The focus of this book is ultimately to present a clear and succinct view of what psychological research has revealed about terrorists and terrorism. The results are often disturbing, sometimes surprising and frequently disheartening.... more
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      PsychologyForensic PsychologyTerrorismPolitical Violence and Terrorism
Türkiye, uzun yıllardan beridir çeşitli ideolojilerde ve yapılarda terör örgütleriyle çeşitli yoğunluklarda mücadele etmiş ve etmeye devam eden bir ülkedir. Kürdistan İşçi Partisinin de (PKK- Partîya Karkerên Kurdistanê) bu terör... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaTerrorismDigital Media
Versão original de texto escrito em Março de 2016
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      TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismTerrorismeTerrorism and media
Daesh, lo “Stato Islamico” o Isis, è diventata, nell’ultimo anno, un attore di rilievo nelle dinamiche del Medio Oriente. Il movimento non ha avuto un impatto solo geopolitico, con la conquista di porzioni della Siria e dell’Iraq, ma ha... more
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      Media StudiesTerrorismInternational TerrorismPolitical Violence and Terrorism
This book bridges a gap between discussions about truth, human understanding, and epistemology in philosophical circles, and debates about objectivity, bias, and truth in journalism. It examines four major philosophical theories in easy... more
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      EpistemologyPragmatismMedia StudiesJournalism
The paper is an effort to conceptualize the combined effects of the evolution of populism and the present pandemic. Concepts from Social Psychology and Neuropsychology are used to create an explanatory framework for the development of... more
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      Social PsychologyNeuropsychologySelf-OrganizationConspiracy Theories
Welche Kommunikationsstrategie wenden islamistische Terroristen an? Welche Rolle spielt dabei das neue Medium Internet? Versuchten schon andere terroristische Gruppierungen, wie RAF oder ETA, die Massenmedien für ihre Zwecke zu... more
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      JournalismTerrorismInternational TerrorismPolitical Violence and Terrorism
Twenty years after the 9/11 attacks, stereotypes that associate Muslims with terrorism go far beyond depictions in newspapers and television. Recent research raises the alarm about rampant Islamophobia in digital spaces, particularly... more
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      TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismSocial Media
How do mainstream Canadian newspapers portray contemporary terrorism? Inspired by framing theory, the following study develops a simple model for understanding and evaluating media coverage of terrorism. The model is then applied to a... more
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      Media FramingTerrorism and mediaCanadian Media
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      TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismTerrorism and media
In this modern era, the representation of Islam and terrorism in Western media has been a contentious topic of multiple implications. This project entails a comprehensive analysis of the impact that the news media has had on the portrayal... more
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      Media StudiesCensorshipTerrorismDigital Media
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      JournalismTerrorism and media
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      JournalismInternational CommunicationTerrorismPost-9/11 discourse and cultural production
La mia analisi per il Terrorism Monitor della The Jamestown Foundation Analizzo la propaganda e gli obiettivi di un nuovo gruppo emerso in Myanmar, che ha giurato fedeltà allo Stato Islamico, il Katibah al-Mahdi fi Bilad al-Arakan,... more
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      International RelationsTerrorismGeopoliticsPolitical Violence and Terrorism
Still and moving images are crucial factors in contemporary political conflicts. They not only have representational, expressive or illustrative functions, but also augment and create significant events. Beyond altering states of mind,... more
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      Social MovementsVisual StudiesVisual CultureConflict
Rejected book proposal (2009) for the 33 1/3 book series on Queensryche's concept album Operation: Mindcrime (1988).
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      MusicTerrorismInternational TerrorismPolitical Violence and Terrorism
Schon in den 1970ern Jahren wurden die Massenmedien in der öffentlichen Diskussion wie in der Forschung häufig als „Herolde und Helfershelfer des Terrorismus“ bezeichnet. Auch der Großteil der Terrorismusforschung jüngeren Datums geht... more
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      TerrorismMedia HistoryPolitical Violence and TerrorismPress and media history
This article addresses the problem of international law enforcement within the War on Cyberterrorism. Hybrid conflicts have replaced the traditional ones, and new threats have emerged in cyberspace, which has become a virtual battlefield.... more
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      CyberlawDemocracy and Cyber-Democracy Theory and PracticeTerrorismInternational Terrorism
Tindak kejahatan terorisme oleh kelompok-kelompok Islam radikal telah menjadi masalah keamanan laten pada level global. Indonesia, sebagai negara dengan populasi umat Islam terbesar di dunia dan potensi geopolitik yang strategis, tak... more
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    • Terrorism and media
Rapor PKK'yı medya ilişkileri içinde ele alırken esasında medyanın te-rörizmi besleyen düşünce ve eylem stratejilerinin tam da merkezinde bulunduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Medya ve terör arasında birbirini var eden ve büyüten bağın çağdaş... more
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      Media StudiesTerrorismTerrorism and mediaTerör örgütü Pkk
“Rivoluzionario professionista” convertito all’Islam, Carlos ha dedicato la sua vita combattendo “per la liberazione del mondo dallo sfruttamento imperialista e della Palestina dall’occupazione sionista”. Le armi gli “sono state imposte... more
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      TerrorismInternational TerrorismTerrorism (Anthropology)Political Violence and Terrorism
The study investigates different ways in which urbanization and its tempo influence terrorist activity. In line with other researchers investigating nonlinear effects on instability, we suggest that the influence of both of them is... more
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      TerrorismInternational TerrorismPolitical AnthropologyMigration
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      Media StudiesJournalismTerrorismTerrorism and media
Editors: José Manuel Aroso Linhares, Maria João Antune Part I focuses on Law No. 52/2003, of August 22 – the law against terrorism. Each of its articles is commented on. In Part II are analyzed the changes introduced in 2015 in other... more
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      TerrorismInternational TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismWar on Terror
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      Sociology of ViolencePolitical Violence and TerrorismPeace JournalismTerrorism and media
Richard Behar, Forbes 21.8.2014
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      Conflicts and MediaTerrorism and mediaMedia, Terrorism and State : Dilemmas for Liberal DemocraciesNew York Times
El presente artículo forma parte de la investigación que realizaba para la tesis de licenciatura en Historia- Analiza y expone las noticias que El Diario de Marka reportó en torno al accionar terrorista realizado por el grupo subversivo... more
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      Media StudiesTerrorismPeruvian HistoryTerrorism and media
მოცემული საბაკალავრო ნაშრომის - „ბრიუსელის ტერაქტის გაშუქება ქართულ და უცხოურ მედიაში“ - მიზანი, სამი ქართული და სამი უცხოური ტელემაუწყებლის ( ტელეკომპანიები: „საზოგადოებრივი მაუწყებელი“, „იმედი“ , „რუსთავი2“, BBC, CNN და Deutsche... more
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      Media StudiesTerrorismCase Study ResearchCase Studies
The increased media coverage concerning the emergence of the Islamic State has been accompanied by a steady flow of news stories that include images of extreme atrocities perpetrated by jihadist militants. In the context of western media,... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaTerrorism and mediaInternational and Global Strategic Communication, Global Media and Public Relations Ethics, and Public Affairs and Issues Management in Countries with Transitional Economies
Tulisan ini mencoba melihat seperti apa hubungan media dan terorisme di era kontemporer saat ini yang sama-sama saling mempengaruhi dan saling menguatkan. Serangan teror 13/11 yang terjadi di Paris menjadi pilihan yang tepat lantaran... more
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      War on TerrorTerrorism and mediaGlobal War on TerrorIslamic Terrorism and the Media
This paper gives an update on the subject of media representation by presenting an analysis of the various dimensions of the subject. Essentially as many as thirty dimensions ranging from media representation of race, gender, terrorism... more
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      Media StudiesGender and MediaMass Media and Environment, Environmental Journalism,Development JournalismTerrorism and media
Dābiq is an electronic magazine (e-zine) utilising strategic utopianism and savagery messages supported by exemplary leadership, eschatology, and current events reports. This project analyses narrative themes present within Dābiq and... more
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      Critical TheoryInformation SystemsReligionHistory
Through a theoretical framework based on the literature review and findings from academic literature, the overall objective of this paper is to answer the question: How does the Islamic State (ISIS) recruit using Social Media? According... more
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      Media StudiesTerrorismInternational TerrorismPolitical Violence and Terrorism
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      Media SociologyPolitical Violence and TerrorismSociology of the MediaTerrorism and media
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      Military HistoryTerrorismViolenceInternational Terrorism
Daha önceki yazımda dünyada giderek artmakta olan politik şiddetin ne mahiyette olduğunu, terör kavramının nasıl ortaya çıktığını, terör konusunda uluslararası hukukta ortak bir tanım bulunmaması ve kiminin terörist dediğine kiminin... more
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      TerrorismMedya Ve KamuoyuTerrorism and mediaMedya
Book review of “Media i Terroryści. Czy zastraszą nas na śmierć?" by Tomasz Goban-Klas, Media Research Issues 2009, No. 3-4, pp. 193-196.
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      Terrorism and mediaMedia and terrorism
Terrorism and the media have a unique relationship that has been long evident in history and academia. Due to modern advancements in communication and information technologies, the relationship has grown strong and widely influential.... more
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      Media StudiesTerrorismInternational TerrorismPolitical Violence and Terrorism
Monash Univrsity PhD Pre-Submission Seminar / Final Review documentation. My thanks to the Monash University committee in the School of Political and Social Inquiry: Associate Professor Steven Roberts, Associate Professor Ben MacQueen,... more
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      Political EconomyTerrorismInternational TerrorismHistory of Religion
The government of Nigeria has continued to wage (a) war on Boko Haram (BH) terrorists in Nigeria. Previous linguistic studies on (war on) Boko Haram terrorism in Nigeria have examined the media reportage of the BH activities, while such... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMedia StudiesTerrorismConceptual Metaphor
"Rituals of Trauma: How the Media Fabricated 9/11," in: Steven Chermak, Frankie Y. Bailey, and Michelle Brown, Eds., Media Representations of September 11  (Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Publishing, 2003) 67-81.
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    • Terrorism and media
Terroredia is a newly coined term by the editor, Dr. Mahmoud Eid, to explain the phenomenal, yet under-researched relationship between terrorists and media professionals in which acts of terrorism and media coverage are exchanged,... more
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      Media StudiesTerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismPolitical Violence
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      Journalism EthicsTerrorism and media
This thesis aims to examine the complex relationship between the realm of politics and media during a ‘terrorist event’ in Turkey by focusing on the politics of fear and the power relations between two. The research uses Critical... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesTerrorismPolitical Violence and Terrorism
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      HistoryPolitical Violence and TerrorismAnarchist StudiesHistoria y Memoria
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      Media StudiesTerrorismTerrorism and media
This book explores how psychology can improve our understanding of terrorism and counterterrorism. The book starts by exploring the psychology of terrorists; what their motivations are, what keeps them involved in terrorist groups, and... more
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      PsychologyEvolutionary PsychologyForensic PsychologyTerrorism
RESUMEN La actividad turística es muy sensible a cualquier situación que afecte a la seguridad del turista. El terrorismo ha encontrado a través de los atentados en los espacios turísticos un gran eco en los medios de comunicación y una... more
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      Tourism and MediaTerrorism and mediaSeguridad CiudadanaYihadismo
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      Political Violence and TerrorismCounter terrorismTerrorism and mediaTerörle Mücadele
This article discusses two aspects that are important for understanding the relationship between Western news media and terrorism: the changing representation of terrorists and terrorist attacks in the media and, with it, the changing... more
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      Terrorism and mediaPeace and Conflict Studies Terrorism and MediaMedia and terrorismNews media and terrorism