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This dissertation examines Sammā Arahaṃ meditation from its origin in the figure of Phra Mongkhon Thepmuni (Sot Candasaro), the late abbot of Wat Paknam, Thonburi, as well as its transmission to Phra Thep Yan Mongkhon (Sermchai... more
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      Theravada BuddhismMindfulness MeditationBuddhist MeditationKasina practice
A richly illustrated Phra Malai text, held in the Chester Beatty collection of Thai manuscripts, was recently restored, so that it could be studied for the first time. It dates from the late 18th century when it was created for a Mon... more
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      Manuscript StudiesThailandEthnic IdentityThai History
1. Kristen og Buddhistisk diskurs 2. To diskurser - to sandheder 3. Dharma-diskurs 4. Personaliseret diskurs og væseners tomhed 5. Mahayanas tolkning af de to diskurser 6. Alt er litteratur 7. Den dobbelte diskurs i thai-munkes læseplaner... more
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      BuddhismTheravada BuddhismDependent OriginationChristianity and Buddhism
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      Thai BuddhismThai Art
published in
ศิลปวัฒนธรรม Art& Culture Magazine
ปีที่ ๓๗ ฉบับที่ ๑๐ สิงหาคม ๒๕๕๙
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      ReligionBuddhismThai StudiesTheravada Buddhism
In Gender and the Path to Awakening, Martin Seeger lays out the nuances and varying conceptions of female renunciation in modern Thai Buddhism. Centered on long-term textual and ethnographic research on six remarkable female... more
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      BuddhismSoutheast Asian StudiesBuddhist StudiesMonastic Studies
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      BuddhismThailandThai BuddhismBuddhism In Thailand
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      HistoryMythologySoutheast Asian StudiesThai Studies
This article aims to contribute to the ongoing study of borān kammaṭṭhāna, the premodern Theravāda meditation tradition, by providing a detailed presentation and an analysis of a late Ayutthaya meditation manual, titled The diagrams/rooms... more
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      MindfulnessTheravada BuddhismMeditationSiam Kingdom
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      BuddhismBuddhist StudiesThai Buddhism
Thai Buddhism preserves and propagates many vital features of Theravāda Buddhism. These include traditions of forest monks, mindfulness meditation practices, and in-depth phenomenological analysis of the Buddhist Abhidhamma. Generally,... more
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      Buddhist StudiesLiterature and cinemaReligion and FilmCinema
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      Theravada BuddhismEsoteric BuddhismSouth Asian BuddhismCambodian Archaeology
การวิจัยนี้เป็นการวิจัยแบบผสมผสาน (Mixed Method Research) วัตถุประสงค์การวิจัยเพื่อศึกษาบทบาทของครูพระสอนศีลธรรมในโรงเรียน เพื่อเปรียบเทียบบทบาทของครูพระสอนศีลธรรมในโรงเรียน... more
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      Thai BuddhismBuddhist monkrole of monks
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      ReligionThai StudiesReligion and Thai CultureThailand
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      Theravada BuddhismThai Buddhism
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      BuddhismSoutheast Asian StudiesThai StudiesBuddhist Studies
Abstract In Thailand, the relations between religion and politics are still grounded in ancient world-views wherein karma defines the person's individual situation and the king guarantees the Dharma (or World Order). Dharma has a... more
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      BuddhismReligion and Thai CultureReligion and PoliticsThailand
Available records, when gathered together, could be seen as suggesting that in the past there have been both bhikkhunis and samaneris in the lands now known as Thailand, from the time of the Aśokan missions of arahants Sona and Uttara to... more
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      Women's HistoryWomen In BuddhismHistory of Women in AsiaSoutheast Asian history
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      BuddhismBuddhist StudiesTheravada BuddhismThai Buddhism
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      Religion and Thai CultureThai HistoryThai LinguisticsBuddhist Chanting
การวิจัยนี้เป็นการวิจัยแบบผสมผสาน (Mixed Method Research) วัตถุประสงค์การวิจัยเพื่อศึกษาบทบาทของครูพระสอนศีลธรรมในโรงเรียน เพื่อเปรียบเทียบบทบาทของครูพระสอนศีลธรรมในโรงเรียน... more
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      Buddhist MonksThai Buddhism
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      Southeast Asian StudiesThai StudiesBuddhist StudiesSoutheast Asian history
Thai Buddhist Holy Water (Nam Montr) Nam Montr (น้ำมนต์, Thai) is the name given to Holy water, the blessing water or magically empowered water. Thai grammatically, Nam means water. Montra (Mantra,Skt.) is kept and empowered in a special... more
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      RitualTheravada BuddhismBuddhist RitualRitual Practices
1. Introduction The purpose of this paper is to present about Thai Buddha Images for the Days of the Week (Thai: Phra Prajum Wan Kerd). In Thailand, almost of all festivals, ceremonies and celebrations generally start with “merit-making”... more
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      Buddha Images, Buddhist iconographyThai BuddhismBuddhism In Thailand
From bookstores to television, on the posters hanging in coffee shops and printed on t-shirts, meditation is everywhere in Thailand. Long considered an esoteric practice among ascetics, meditation is now celebrated as a technique to... more
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      Religion and PoliticsContemporary SpiritualityVipassana MeditationThai Buddhism
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      Thai StudiesThai HistorySoutheast Asian historyThai Epigraphy
Part of the symposium "Portrait: Talal Asad"
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      Southeast Asian StudiesHistory of ReligionJapanese ReligionsPostcolonial Studies
A short presentation of Buddhadadasa Bhikkhu's life and work through the lens of "in", "out" and "beyond" Thai culture, Buddhist Sangha, Theravada Buddhism. The PDF version lacks some typographic features which can be found at... more
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      BuddhismThai StudiesEngaged BuddhismTheravada Buddhism
Péninsule n° 82-2021 (1) 4 Le texte intégral du Tamnan Xieng Dong Xieng Thong Xieng Vang n'est connu que par un manuscrit unique sur feuilles de latanier conservé dans les collections du Vat Saen Sukharam de Luang Prabang, qui jusqu'à... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesThai StudiesHistory of ReligionBuddhist Studies
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      BuddhismThai StudiesBuddhist StudiesPali literature & language
In this paper I make proposals regarding further advances in the studies of Theravada Buddhism along the lines suggested by Justin McDaniel in his The Lovelorn Ghost and the Magical Monk (2011). The benefits of Mc- Daniel’s approach lie... more
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      ReligionBuddhismCultural StudiesCognitive Science
The science of psychology is believed to consist of objective and meaningful knowledge about a realm of our own direct experiencing with which we are all intimate and familiar, yet about which we also feel we have very little... more
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      BuddhismPsychologyClinical PsychologySocial Psychology
This chapter describes Patani’s Indic, Islamic and Thai pasts. The argu- ment is that the Malay kerajaan of Patani was similar to—rather than distinct from—other port city-states on the peninsula and islands of Southeast Asia where a... more
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      Historical AnthropologySoutheast Asian StudiesThai StudiesIslamic Contemporary Studies
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      BuddhismSoutheast Asian StudiesThai StudiesPali literature & language
Buddhist encounters: A touch of Zen in Thai Buddhism - Modernity has forced Thai Buddhism into rethinking its apologetics regarding first cosmology and rebirth, and then social and political engagement. This has usually been done by going... more
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      History of JapanReligion and Thai CultureReligion and PoliticsZen
'Kingdom's Edge' is a collection of photographs by photo-journalist Richard Humphries, focusing on Thailand's troubled deep South. The collection was compiled over a ten-year period. The introduction to the collection is by Gerard... more
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      BuddhismJournalismSoutheast Asian StudiesPeace and Conflict Studies
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      BuddhismBuddhist StudiesAnimismMoney
Although actively preparing for increased integration in the region in 2015, Thailand is often cited as one of ASEAN's most ethnically and linguistically homogeneous member. This article considers Javanese presence, and influence in... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesThai StudiesReligion and Thai CultureCosmopolitan Studies
No credible claims can be made that the role of language – specifically Malay – has been entirely overlooked by those studying conflict dynamics in South Thailand. Nevertheless, those concerned with religious factors dwarf the number of... more
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      Sociology of ReligionEthnic StudiesAnthropological LinguisticsPeace and Conflict Studies
This article offers an English translation of Tamra Kammathan khong Somdet Phra Chao Krung Thonburi (Meditation Manual of the King of Thonburi), dated 1775 CE. The manual, obtained from Wat Ratchadathitthan, Bangkok, is identified as... more
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      Religion and Thai CultureTheravada BuddhismMindfulness MeditationBuddhist Meditation
The history of the Lān Xāng Kingdom was closely linked to that of the Lān Nā Kingdom, especially between the second half of the 15 th century and the middle of the 16 th century, when the Buddhist civilization of the northern Thai people... more
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      Thai HistoryThailand archaeologyLaos archaeologyThai Buddhism
This essay engages the question of Buddhism and its relation to power. The specific interest here is in how to think about the relation between religious practice and power in modernity, and what modern assumptions about religion and time... more
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      ReligionBuddhismComparative ReligionSociology of Religion
This paper examines the terms 'nekkhamma' (renunciation) and the value of silence in Temiya Jātaka by drawing parallels with the various usages of renunciation and silence in other Jātakas and Pāli discourses and exploring the possibility... more
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      Pali literature & languageSilenceJatakasTheravada Buddhism
Triggered by the sense of crisis, the Thai state and Thai Buddhism are renewing their traditional relationship kindled by the monarch-led reform over a century ago. Thai Buddhism is reviving its lost aura and hegemony while the political... more
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      Constitutional LawLaw and ReligionFreedom of ReligionThai politics
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      BuddhismBuddhist StudiesSocially Engaged BuddhismThai Buddhism
Jean Boisselier stated confidently: 'Artists are of course unable to depict any aspect of nibbāna, since that world is by nature without form’. This article will show that more than two centuries ago Thai artists did just that which... more
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      BuddhismBuddhist PhilosophyThai StudiesReligion and Thai Culture
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      BuddhismThai StudiesOrality-Literacy StudiesOral Traditions
Abstract—Several catalogues of Pāli palm-leaf manuscript collections, preserved at the National Library of Thailand, have been published. These catalogues, however, are mere lists of titles and they do not record the number of physical... more
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      Buddhist StudiesManuscript StudiesMilindapanhaThai Buddhism