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The Shroud of Turin is the Holy Grail
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroudPost-Vulgate Grail ContinuationGrail Mythos
Various relics ascribed to have been in physical contact with Jesus have been evaluated for the presence of blood, including the Tunic of Argenteuil, the Sudarium of Oviedo, and most famously, the Shroud of Turin. Congruence was reported... more
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      Relics (Religion)Eucharistic TheologyABO blood groupsHoly Shroud of Turin
In 1988, the Shroud of Turin was carbon dated to 1260-1390 AD. This paper summarizes why this date should be rejected: 1) it would have been impossible to form such an image on cloth during the Middle Ages, and 2) a proper statistical... more
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroud of TurinAnything on the ShroudThe Shroud of Turin – Unraveling the Mystery
Lo studio della copia della Sindone di Arquata offre interessanti analogie e stimola riflessioni utili a comprendere meglio alcuni aspetti poco considerati della Sindone di Torino.
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      Christian IconographyHoly Shroud of TurinSindoneRelics and Relic Veneration
This is the third of three recent papers related to the carbon dating of the Shroud of Turin. The first in this sequence, paper 24, is titled “Understanding the 1988 Carbon Dating of the Shroud.” It contains 37 pages including two... more
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroud of TurinAnything on the ShroudThe Shroud of Turin – Unraveling the Mystery
We present a critical review of scientific claims made in historian Andrea Nicolotti's book The Shroud of Turin: the history and legends of the world's most famous relic (Baylor University Press, 2020).
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      ChristianityPhilosophy of ScienceScience and ReligionHistory of Science and Religion
British art historian Thomas de Wesselow, trained at Courtauld, claims that it was the image on the Turin Shroud that prompted Jesus' disciples to believe in the Resurrection. While appreciating the author's study of the relic, the review... more
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      ChristianityNew TestamentHistory of ChristianityBiblical Studies
The following is a consolidation of important historical references of the Shroud through the early centuries found in multiple sources. I have gathered the most significant references here in one document. Together, they form a... more
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroud of TurinThe Shroud of Turin – Unraveling the Mystery
La Sindone è emblema della fede. La fede è storia, e, in virtù di ciò, richiede che nei suoi confronti ci si rivolga con un approccio critico-scientifico. Tuttavia la stessa fede rivela come tale appressamento risulti insufficiente e... more
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroudSacred ScriptureSindone
L’elaborato in questione parte da un’idea alquanto ardita: porre a raffronto, mantenendo sempre come fondale l’osservazione della Sindone, le risurrezioni presenti nel Nuovo Testamento, con la Risurrezione per antonomasia, ovvero quella... more
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroudSacred ScriptureSindone
To explain the characteristics of the image on the Shroud of Turin, along with the 1988 carbon dating and the characteristics of the blood on the Shroud, it is hypothesized that an extremely brief intense burst of vertically collimated... more
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroudShroud of TurinAnything on the Shroud
Dopo aver trasferito la propria capitale da Chambéry a Torino nell’anno 1563, «Era mente del duca di Savoia Emanuele Filiberto, ricuperati suoi stati […], di avere presso di sè la Sindone […] che ordinariamente lo teneva in Ciamberì». A... more
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroudSindoneShroud of Turin
The Turin Shroud bears an image of an apparent crucified man, chemically the result of some dehydrative, oxidative, and subsequent carbonyl conjugative process of cellulose [3] In the here described experiment the (lower) calyx side... more
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroudShroud of TurinShroud of Turin. Images.
Eyewitnesses reported that the dead body of Jesus’ of Nazareth disappeared while wrapped in a cloth. Today the only credible physical evidence of this amazing event is the Shroud of Turin, which many people believe was Jesus’ actual... more
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      Shroud of TurinThe Shroud of Turin – Unraveling the Mystery
According to ancient tradition, the Shroud of Turin is the authentic burial cloth of Jesus. To determine whether this could be true, more historical and scientific research has been done on the Shroud of Turin than on any other ancient... more
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroudShroud of TurinThe Shroud of Turin – Unraveling the Mystery
La crocifissione romana aveva un proprio rituale, all’interno del quale v’erano tre stazioni preliminari: la sentenza di condanna, la flagellazione e la deductio.
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroudSacred ScriptureSindone
More research has been done on the Shroud of Turin than any other ancient artifact. Many dedicated individuals and groups in many countries are doing this research, yet many controversies remain due to the small size of most samples and... more
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroudShroud of TurinThe Shroud of Turin – Unraveling the Mystery
Accostare la vicenda natalizia di Gesù a quella pasquale del Cristo non è né un artifizio, né un’astrusità: la scrittura iconografica, invero, ha da sempre assimilato i teli del Risorto alle fasce del Neonato.
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroudSacred ScriptureSindone
Scientists cut samples from the corner of the Shroud of Turin for carbon dating in 1988. Carbon dating is done by measuring the C14/C12 ratio of the samples. The average date obtained by the three laboratories was 1260 ± 31, which... more
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroudShroud of TurinAnything on the Shroud
In 1988, the C14 dating methodology was used (Damon, et al., Nature Feb. 16, 1989)) to date samples from the Shroud of Turin to 1260 to 1390 AD. But research during the last 30 years has convinced leading Shroud researchers that the... more
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroudShroud of TurinAnything on the Shroud
This is an evaluation of a paper published July 10, 2018, in the Journal of Forensic Sciences. The paper is titled “A BPA Approach to the Shroud of Turin” by Matteo Borrini, Ph.D., and Luigi Garlaschelli, M. Sc. (Ref. 1). A “BPA” is a... more
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroudShroud of TurinScientific testing of the Shroud of Turin
ICST-2017 - International Conference on the Shroud of Turin - July 19-22, 2017, TRAC Center, Pasco, Washington, USA ABSTRACT The Mandylion in Constantinople: Literary and Iconographic Sources Alfonso Caccese1 - Emanuela Marinelli2 -... more
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroudShroud of TurinAnything on the Shroud
The Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth bearing the front and back body images of what appears to be a crucified man. Although it is considered one of the archaeological objects most studied in history, nobody has been able to replicate the... more
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      Psychology of ReligionVisual perceptionScience and ReligionVisual perception (Psychology)
The Shroud of Turin is an approximately 14 x 3.5 feet linen cloth of unknown origins bearing the faint frontal and dorsal images of a man with reddish areas corresponding to wounds at the head, hands, side, feet and back. Previous... more
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      ImmunologyCatholic StudiesBiologyCatholic Theology
In our search for absolute Reality, we cannot afford to leave any stone or atom unturned, there is no doubt that the Æther pervades every aspect of the universe and humanity, the animals, plants and minerals all owe their development to... more
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      GravityPhilosophy and Physics of Time, AetherThe Shroud of Turin – Unraveling the MysteryResurrectionist Spirituality
The Shroud of Turin is purported to be the literal burial shroud of Jesus Christ, and its authenticity has thus aroused intense debate and sometimes hostile rhetoric between those who believe that the Shroud is authentic (or at least... more
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroudShroud of TurinAnything on the Shroud
To determine whether the Shroud of Turin could be the authentic burial cloth of Jesus, the many mysteries related to the Shroud need to be explained with a logically consistent unbiased evidence-based approach that follows the evidence... more
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroudShroud of TurinThe Shroud of Turin – Unraveling the Mystery
In 1988, the C14 dating methodology was used (Damon, et al, Nature, Feb. 16, 1989.) to date samples from the Shroud of Turin to 1260 to 1390 AD. But research during the last 30 years has convinced leading Shroud researchers that the... more
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroudShroud of TurinAnything on the Shroud
Research by professors in Spanish universities demonstrate that it is possible that the Sudarium of Oviedo is the key to unraveling the mystery of the Shroud of Turin.
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      ChristianityTheologyNew TestamentCatholic Studies
In 1988, the C14 dating methodology was used to date samples from the Shroud of Turin to 1260 to 1390 AD (Ref. 1). The problem with this date range is that it contradicts most other evidence which indicates that the Shroud of Turin is... more
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroud of TurinScientific testing of the Shroud of TurinThe Shroud of Turin – Unraveling the Mystery
L’analisi esegetica e teologica della crocifissione di Gesù è momento assai complesso, nel quale si inseriscono varie tematiche in rapporto dinamico e dialogico fra loro, quali ad esempio l’ambientazione, l’attività presso la croce, gli... more
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroudSacred ScriptureSindone
The Shroud of Turin contains the image of a crucified man thought by many to have been Jesus of Nazareth. After crucifixion, Jesus’ body was wrapped in cloth, sealed in a tomb, and then reported to have disappeared. Both disappearance... more
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroud of TurinShroud of Turin. Images.The Shroud of Turin – Unraveling the Mystery
What exactly did the Biblical writer mean when he wrote: “…the testimony of God is this: that He has borne witness concerning His Son” (1 John 5.9)? He states that this “testimony” is greater than “the testimony of men” (i.e., the... more
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      Early ChristianityChristologyChurch HistoryNew Testament and Christian Origins
To solve the mysteries of the Shroud of Turin, the Shroud has been researched more than on any other ancient artifact. These mysteries include the image, date, and blood. It would be very attractive if, by following the evidence where it... more
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroudShroud of TurinAnything on the Shroud
The archaeological cloth known as the Shroud of Turin is a controversial object for both scientific and religious reasons. After a brief introduction on the scientific data about the age of the cloth and the microscopic complexity of the... more
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      Science and ReligionHoly Shroud of TurinHistorical Jesus ResearchBilirubin
Rubens' Descent from the Cross (1612) contains a number of elements that are derived from an esoteric reading of the gospel of John. This gospel describes a twofold initiation of the 'Disciple whom Jesus loved' and a corresponding double... more
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      AnthroposophyMithraismGospel of JohnPeter Paul Rubens
If you fail to act now, history will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people." (King 1959) "Future planners... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisPhilologyHistory
With all of the attention from books such as "The Turin Shroud: In Whose Image?", "The DaVinci Code", and others, a hypothesis has been put forward to explain how the images on the Shroud of Turin are actually fakes that were produced by... more
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      Leonardo da VinciHoly Shroud of TurinShroud of TurinThe Shroud of Turin – Unraveling the Mystery
The ancient linen cloth of the Shroud of Turin is one of the most studied archaeological objects in history, mainly because of the unexplained nature of its image. We have recently irradiated linen fabrics by excimer laser pulses... more
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationHeritage ConservationScience and ReligionArchaeological Conservation
In 2010, the first laboratory demonstration of a Shroud-like coloration at the microscopic level by using very short and intense bursts of Vacuum Ultraviolet radiation attracted a worldwide attention from media. It is time to rewind the... more
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      Science and ReligionHoly Shroud of TurinShroud of TurinAnything on the Shroud
There are many concepts of science, discovered from a purely experiential conscious level which present solid evidence of a threefold foundation and structure that is the source of all operations of this vast expanse, we call our... more
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Images of the front and back of a naked crucified man can be seen on the Shroud of Turin. Evidence indicates these images were caused by radiation. The cloth collapse hypothesis holds that the disappearance of the body from within the... more
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroudShroud of TurinThe Shroud of Turin – Unraveling the Mystery
important statistical analysis of the 1988 carbon dating of the Shroud which includes new data from the British Museum obtained by several Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Unfortunately, people not familiar with the... more
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroudShroud of TurinThe Shroud of Turin – Unraveling the Mystery
The 1988 carbon dating of samples from the Shroud of Turin produced a date a 1260-1390 AD. Those who believe the Shroud probably dates to the time of Jesus, i.e. about 33 AD, often explain this carbon date is due to normal contamination... more
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroudShroud of TurinAnything on the Shroud
A response to the possible enveloping of the Man of the Turin Shroud results from the analysis of the three-dimensionality of the body image. The 3-D analysis is based on the correspondence between image luminance levels and body-sheet... more
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      USA2001TexasThe Shroud of Turin – Unraveling the Mystery
An insight in the Genealogy of the French and Normand Nobiliar Families of Outre- Mer who kept the famous Shroud of Turin, the way they conserved it and the transmission of the most famous of the Relic of the Christian World through the... more
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      Medieval HistoryCrusader ArchaeologyCrusades and the Latin EastHoly Shroud of Turin
This study supports the experimental finding in 2012 that VUV radiation was used to colorize Shroud-like linen using an ArF laser operating at 193 nm. In this present study the radiation is assumed to be coming from Turin Shroud Man's... more
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      Laser PhysicsChromosome BiologyShroud of TurinThe Shroud of Turin – Unraveling the Mystery
Every image that a person can see is based on information. For example, a person can be recognized in a photograph because the information that defines the person's appearance has been encoded into the colors, shades, and positions of the... more
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroudShroud of TurinAnything on the Shroud
The carbon dating of the Shroud in 1988 concluded that it dates from 1260 to 1390 AD. This paper explains why this conclusion should be rejected. Two types of errors, random errors and systematic errors, can alter the results of every... more
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      Holy Shroud of TurinShroud of TurinAnything on the ShroudThe Shroud of Turin – Unraveling the Mystery
Stephen Toulmin, in an introductory text on the philosophy of science, once remarked that science entails a new way of looking at old or familiar phenomena. If this characterization is accurate and I think that it is, then NicholasAllen's... more
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      PhotographyHistory of TechnologyByzantine IconographyHistory of photography