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Geopolitical change at the start of the 20th century wrought significant change to the study of theology. After the Russian Revolution, exiled intellectuals found their way to the West and connected with like-minded scholars. One of these... more
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      TheologyOrthodox TheologyChurch HistoryEucharistic Theology
Sacra Doctrina Series, The Catholic University of America Press, 2021 From the Backcover: Bread from Heaven offers a contemporary theological synthesis on the Eucharist that brings together classical and critical biblical exegesis,... more
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      LiturgyThomas AquinasEucharistEucharistic Theology
Various relics ascribed to have been in physical contact with Jesus have been evaluated for the presence of blood, including the Tunic of Argenteuil, the Sudarium of Oviedo, and most famously, the Shroud of Turin. Congruence was reported... more
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      Relics (Religion)Eucharistic TheologyABO blood groupsHoly Shroud of Turin
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      Church History19th and 20th Century TheologyEucharistic TheologyThe Oxford Movement
An earlier version of this paper was presented at the symposium, "Joseph Ratzinger and the Healing of the Reformation-Era Divisions," held at Mundelein Seminary, IL, Oct 19-21 2017. This is an expanded version of the paper that tries to... more
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      Reformation HistoryReformation StudiesEnglish ReformationAnglicanism (Anglicanism)
Scientists and non-scientists speak to each other from different cultures without always realizing that they understand ideas differently--including the idea of substance. Scientists have even been told that it is wrong to ask questions,... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceMulticulturalismTheologyLiturgy
I bambini sono mai andati a messa? Prima comunione, iniziazione cristiana e formazione liturgica La forma attuale della celebrazione della prima comunione non è esente da aspetti problematici, ereditati dalla riforma proposta da Pio X... more
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      Eucharistic TheologyEucaristía
This publication is the original Polish text of my article which was published in the Ukrainian language in 2016 in Studia Catholica Podoliae Annus VIII (2014-2015) Numerus 8-9 Городок – Камянець-Подільський, 57-109. This Ukrainian text... more
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      New TestamentEucharistEucharistic TheologyPassover
"Our words indicate our thoughts, but our thoughts don't make anything happen…. It's not the same with God." In Speaking the Love of God: An Introduction to the Sacraments, Dr. Jacob W. Wood shows how Christ gives his Church the power to... more
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      TheologySystematic TheologyCovenant TheologyAugustine
Trên hành trình sống đức tin mà Đức Gioan Phaolô II đã đưa ra cho Giáo Hội vào lúc bình minh của ngàn năm thứ ba, ngày 17 tháng 4 năm 2003, thứ năm Tuần Thánh, năm thứ 25 triều đại giáo hoàng của ngài và cũng là năm Mân Côi, Thông điệp... more
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      SacramentologySacramental TheologyEucharistic Theology
Uczestnictwo w mszy świętej to nie jest coś, do czego mam prawo. To coś, co otrzymuję od Kościoła.
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      TheologyLiturgical StudiesLiturgyEucharist
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      Eucharistic TheologySyriac ChristianityChurch of the EastEarly Christian Liturgy
For centuries, Christian theology has understood the Eucharist in terms of metaphysics or in protest against it. Today an opening has been made to imagine the sacrament through the method of phenomenology, bringing about new theological... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionSociology of ReligionPhilosophy
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      LiturgyFoodThomas AquinasEucharist
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      Gender StudiesTheologyPoeticsEucharistic Theology
The study describes some fundamental elements of Eucharistic doctrine of St Ambrose of Milan. It develops the idea of the Eucharist as the Bread of Life, as Nourishment on the Way and focuses especially on the Forgiveness of Sins and... more
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      PatristicsAsceticismLate AntiquityEucharist
Here is the second letter sent by Bishop Leo of Ochrid to the bishops of southern Italy. This and the third letter were lost until the 19th century. In this letter, Leo further expounds his typological and symbolic argument against the... more
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      LiturgyMedieval StudiesEastern ChristianityGreek colonies in Magna Graecia
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      Eucharistic TheologyDecapitationJohn the BaptistHead relics
Vatican II expressed the openness of the Catholic Church to eucharistic sharing with the Orthodox Church. Orthodox observers insisted on limiting this openness but did not close the door. A survey of recent Orthodox theologians fr om the... more
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      Eucharistic TheologyMarriageEcumenismIntercommunion
What we did well, what not, what we need to of still
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyCatholic TheologyEucharistic Theology
I wish I would first have checked to see what the Gospel reading was for this Sunday before I volunteered to preside at this service. The Gospel reading is a doosey of a text. “Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth?... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesTheologyBiblical StudiesRené Girard
Jesus Christ as the new, true, and fulfillment of the Exodus Passover Lamb is recognized and celebrated within the context of the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church’s Holy Week and the Divine Liturgy.
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      ChristianityNew TestamentDoctrine of GodSoteriology
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      Gift ExchangeGift Giving (Economic Anthropology)Sacramental TheologyEucharistic Theology
For every catholic adult, careful preparation is necessary before receiving the Holy Eucharist. The Eucharistic fast plays an important role in the preparation for the reception of the Holy Eucharist. After introducing the nature of this... more
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      Canon LawEastern ChristianityEcumenical TheologyEucharist
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      GnosticismCoptic StudiesEucharistHistory of the Clergy
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      Reformation HistoryBullingerCalvinismHistory of the Reformation
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      EucharistEucharistic TheologyThomas Merton
There is a need to uncover new theologies that show why the Catholic Church should practice eucharistic hospitality to all the baptized.
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyCatholic TheologyEcumenical Theology
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      History of ChristianityMedieval Church HistoryEarly Modern Church HistoryChurch History
The article interprets the so-called “Eucharistic section” in John 6:51–58 in the context of early Christian text on the Eucharist, especially Ignatius and Justin, but also Irenaeus and the Gospel of Philip. It interprets the Eucharist as... more
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      IrenaeusEucharistEucharistic TheologyGospel of John
This paper looks at how the Eucharist can be traced back to the Bible
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      Liturgical StudiesBibleEucharistic TheologyLiturgical Theology
Within two weeks of the end of this course weekend, email a three to four page double-spaced paper explaining the sacred character received by the ministerial priesthood and its purpose, how the presbyterate is an ordo, and why it governs... more
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      Catholic TheologyThomas AquinasSacramental TheologyEucharistic Theology
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      EucharistEucharistic Theology
A denominational publication I edited and contributed to.
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Durch die Covid-19-Pandemie und die teils strikten Maßnahmen verschiedener Regierungen wurden im Jahr 2020 große Teile des gesellschaftlichen Lebens beinahe zum Stillstand gebracht. Auch die gottesdienstlichen Handlungen von Kirchen und... more
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyEastern ChristianityEucharistic Theology
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      CalvinCalvinismEucharistJohn Calvin
This article examines the sacramental theology of the Lord's Supper in the writings of St. Cyprian of Carthage (c.200 - 258 A. D.). The Lord's Supper was widely recognized in the third century, and it shaped Cyprian's theology as well.... more
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      Early ChurchEucharistSacramental TheologyEucharistic Theology
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      Practical theologyAnglicanism (Anglicanism)Catholic TheologySacramentology
This paper explains the value of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist for Filipino Catholics today. Seen as a local Church that flocks for celebrations of the Mass across parishes around the country, this theological work explains the... more
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      SacramentologyEucharistEucharistic TheologyNew Evangelization
In the Sukuma language of the Sukuma Ethnic Group in Western Tanzania there is a proverb: "Mbuli ya kitambo ikachaga yumela." The English translation is: "The sacrificial goat dies while screaming in anguish." This proverb... more
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      African StudiesAfricaAfrican LiteratureEucharist
Jerusalem was the center of the world for early Christians. Anyone who wants to understand the Bible needs to know the mysterious role of Jerusalem and the many symbols and prophecies surrounding her in the Scriptures. The present work’s... more
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyTransubstantiationEucharist
A Eucaristia é a síntese da vida de Jesus: um corpo partido e sangue derramado por nós. É neste sentido que a Igreja ensina que a Missa é uma aliança, um compromisso com Deus.
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      EucharistEucharistic TheologyEucaristíaThe Eucharist
Faithfully participating in the Eucharist has been a struggle for the body of Christ since the formation of the Church (I Cor 11:17-34). According to Paul, the Eucharist, as a cruciform meal was intended to perform socializing dynamics... more
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      TheologyPractical theologyEucharistic TheologyDisability
At all times the Eucharist has been at the center of liturgical life in all of the Orthodox Churches; the Russian Church was no exception. The article presents a survey of the basic attitudes and perceptions associated with the... more
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      LiturgyRussian Orthodox ChurchEucharistEucharistic Theology
in "La Teología en Positivo. Homenaje al Profesor P. Martín Gelabert Ballester, o.p.", ed. Vicente Botella Cubells, o. p., Facultad de Teología San Vicente Ferrer, Valencia 2020, 443-454.

#DomingoDeLaPalabra #PalabraDeDios
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      TheologyLiturgical StudiesLiturgyEucharist
This article examines Fr Sergii Bulgakov’s writings on the eucharist. It argues that these texts, written at critical junctures at the beginning, middle, and end of his career, constitute a “eucharistic horizon” against which one can... more
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      Systematic TheologyOrthodox TheologyEucharistRussian Religious Philosophy
Accounts of Eucharistic origins have usually been driven by concern to establish the genealogy of later liturgical practices, and reflect broader narratives of early Christian history as either smooth transition or radical fall from... more
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      New TestamentLiturgyRitualEarly Christianity
Fans of the St. Kilda Football Club sing ‘O when the saints go marching in’. They want to be with St. Kilda. But it seems that the saints and martyrs for us have gone marching out. Not into heaven but into oblivion. Yes, Article 21 of... more
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      HagiographyLiturgyRitualReformation History
What could a postmodern theology of the Eucharist look like? Jean-Luc Marion has answered this question in one of his earliest publications, an essay from 1969 entitled "La splendeur de la contemplation eucharistique." In this essay,... more
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      EucharistJean-Luc MarionEucharistic TheologyPostmodern Theology