Theatre Directing
Recent papers in Theatre Directing
Turkish theatre, deeply rooted in a rich tradition of oral storytelling, has historically influenced various modern theatrical forms such as epic theatre, folk theatre, political theatre, and theatre of the oppressed. This tradition was... more
Στο Ε. Προύσαλη (Επιμ.), Παραστατικές Τέχνες στον 21ο αιώνα. Σύγχρονες Πρακτικές και Νέες Προοπτικές (σσ. 299-307). Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Ευρασία. (Σύνδεσμος ανάκτησης: Πρακτικά συνεδρίου με θέμα:... more
A review of Peter M. Boenisch's edited collection, The Schaubühne Berlin under Thomas Ostermeier: Reinventing Realism
Attraverso un percorso disarticolato, anti-letterario e reazionario, Edoardo Sanguineti ci restituisce un inferno non chiuso alla semplice contemplazione, ma come luogo reale nella sua finzione estrema, un carnevale vivo e demonico, che... more
Review of A Cultural History of the Sea (6 vols.), Margaret Cohen, general editor. Bloomsbury Academic, 2021.
Il progetto Ormete riunisce un gruppo di studiose e studiosi che sperimentano un'integrazione sistematica delle fonti orali negli studi tea trali e riflettono sui temi della memoria tea trale (<>). 2. Cavaglieri 2014.
Estamos en el siglo XXI y asistimos a complejos cambios de paradigma sobre el cuerpo y sobre la formacion artistica: La ciencia avanza hacia una cosmovision integradora cuerpo-mente a la vez que la cotidianeidad nos impulsa a una vida mas... more
Solidaritycompassiontendernessomission Reality can awaken noble feelings in us: solidarity, compassion, tenderness, and other emotions. The problem is that we live in "our world," while what happens and touches us remains outside... It... more
Τέρατα, υβρίδια και ερείπια. Η ριζοσπαστική κουίρ τέχνη του Ευριπίδη Λασκαρίδη 1 Το έργο του σκηνοθέτη και περφόρμερ Ευριπίδη Λασκαρίδη κατέχει μια ιδιαίτερη θέση στη σύγχρονη ελληνική σκηνή, χάρη στην εγγενή πρωτοτυπία και την καινοτόμο... more
"Neke vas uloge obilježe, neke razore, neke nervi raju, neke biste najradije zaboravili, a neke se trajno usele u vas i mirno žive u vama", riječi su Branke Cvit ković, glumice koja je ulogom Vasse Železnove M. Gor koga u zagrebačkome... more
Crimă şi pedeapsă PARTEA ÎNTÂI ~ I ~ La începutul lui iulie, întro seară înăbuşitor de caldă, un tânăr ieşi din odăiţa lui subînchiriată de pe străduţa S. Şi, ajuns în stradă, se îndreptă încet, parcă nehotărât, spre podul K. Izbutise să... more
The value of personal storytelling in Afrikaans Home Language in the National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement Storytelling, in general, is used worldwide as a strategy in informal education. Telling one’s personal life story, a... more
Afrikaans Jackal and Wolf trickster stories: Patterning in the structure and general content This article explores characteristic or repetitive pattern formations in the structure and general content of selected Afrikaans Jackal and Wolf... more
The relative paucity of research on directing reflects the way in which the practice of directing occursbehind closed-doors (Trousdell 1992). Despite the power afforded to directors, the literature is often comparatively silent on how a... more
The proliferation of media technologies has redefined theatre performance in contemporary times. This modification which includes mixed-media and mediatization; interactive media; social media; aesthetic communication and spectacle have... more
The presence of the director in African traditional theatre has long been a contentious issue among scholars of theatre. While some argue for the existence of directors in this context, others, particularly advocates of Euro-American... more
This work studies the affective dimension on group processes of artistic creation and analyses, particularly, the case of Argentine independent theatre groups in the city of Córdoba. The study-whose methodology included ethnographic... more
Στον απόηχο της ιταλικής παράστασης Aspettando Godot (Περιμένοντας τον Γκοντό), σε σκηνοθεσία του Θεόδωρου Τερζόπουλου, που παρουσιάστηκε στη Στέγη Γραμμάτων και Τεχνών στις 15-20 Μαΐου, μια συμπαραγωγή του Emilia Romagna Teatro, η... more
Günümüz Türk Tiyatrosu'nu besleyen iki kaynaktan biri "Batı Tiyatrosu", diğeri de "Geleneksel Türk Tiyatrosu"dur. Cumhuriyet' in ilk yıllarından günümüze, Türk Tiyatrosu'nun özgünleşmesi yolunda, pek çok uzman, salt Batı Tarzı Tiyatro'ya... more
El escrito profundiza en las concepciones directoriales que se corresponden con formas de crear puestas en escena contemporáneas. Analizamos entrevistas a directoras y directores del teatro independiente y contemporáneo argentino en la... more
En el trabajo analizamos puestas en escena de directores argentinos de la ciudad de Córdoba: de Gonzalo Marull la obra Clase, escrita por Guillermo Calderón y de Daniela Martin, Recetaria. Estados en ebullición, de dramaturgia colectiva.... more
much alive. Cooperating so fully with Westcott on this biography is a strategy that should be considered alongside, for instance, Abramović's re-performance of her own work and that of others in Seven Easy Pieces at the Guggenheim in... more
Το γίγνεσθαι Μήδεια μεταστρέφεται εν μέσω της πολλαπλότητας των κυριαρχημένων ρόλων που έχει εσωτερικεύσει και καταφέρνει να διαπεράσει το όριο της υποταγής της. Από αντικείμενο προς χρήση μεταστρέφεται στο υποκείμενο της φυγής. Το Υλικό... more
Για τον τόμο "Σπύρος Α. Ευαγγελάτος", Επιστημονική επιμέλεια: Παναγιώτης Μιχαλόπουλος, Χριστιάννα Μαντζουράνη Καλλιτεχνική επιμέλεια: Γιώργος Πάτσας, Μορφωτικό Ίδρυμα Εθνικής Τραπέζης / Σειρά: Θεατρική Βιβλιοθήκη Κληροδοτήματος Αλέξη... more
In contemporary times, the sophistication of media gadgets coupled with the development of the media-savvy audience has necessitated the theatre to devise alternative ways to sustain audience attention and interest. This has required... more
An exploration of the history of women directing Shakespeare in the UK.
Some of the challenges of staging Shakespeare’s Roman Histories are discussed with theatre directors Gale Edwards, Yvonne Brewster and Jane Howell.
Some of the challenges of staging Shakespeare’s English Histories are discussed with theatre directors Joan Littlewood and Jane Howell.
Some of the challenges of staging Macbeth are discussed with theatre directors Jules Wright and Helena Kaut-Howson and Joan Littlewood’s production of Macbeth is explored.
Some of the challenges of staging King Lear are discussed with theatre directors Gale Edwards, Yvonne Brewster, Jude Kelly and Helena Kaut-Howson.
Some of the challenges of staging All’s Well that Ends Well are discussed with theatre director Helena Kaut-Howson.
Some of the challenges of staging The Winter’s Tale are discussed with theatre directors Gale Edwards, Jane Howell and Deborah Paige.
Some of the challenges of staging The Tempest are discussed with theatre directors Gale Edwards, Jane Howell and Deborah Paige.
Some of the challenges of staging A Midsummer Night’s Dream are discussed with theatre director Deborah Paige.
Some of the challenges of staging Much Ado About Nothing are discussed with theatre directors Gale Edwards, Di Trevis, Judi Dench and Helena Kaut-Howson.
Some of the challenges of staging The Taming of the Shrew are discussed with theatre directors Gale Edwards, Di Trevis and Jude Kelly.
Some of the challenges of being a woman theatre director explored. Interviewees are: Joan Littlewood, Jane Howell, Yvonne Brewster, Jules Wright, Di Trevis, Gale Edwards, Jude Kelly, Helena Kaut-Howson and Deborah Paige.
Ako romantika, u umetnosti i životu, znači predavanje bez ostatka, onda je glumac Sava Damjanović prototip teatarskog romantizma. Ovaj banatski krajišnik, robusne spolјašnosti i treperave duše, ispunio je svoju životnu i umetničku sudbinu... more
Η ερμηνεία του ήρωα μέσα από το θεατρικό κοστούμι. Μια σημειολογική προσέγγιση του θεατρικού ενδύματος.
The proliferation of media technologies has redefined theatre performance in contemporary times. This modification which includes mixed-media and mediatization; interactive media; social media; aesthetic communication and spectacle have... more
È imminente l'uscita di un libro dedicato a una traduzione anglosassone dell'apologo di Luigi Pirandello "L'uomo, la bestia e la virtù". La traduzione fu dovuta a un singolare personaggio femminile, la giornalista Alice Rohe, che... more
The aim of this study was to present results of Education to Theatricality (IT: Educazione alla Teatralità) as scientific research and innovative pedagogy in the sector of the education of the person. Education to Theatricality has a lot... more
Tiyatro tarihimizde 1960 sonrası yoğunlaşan doğu-batı sentezi düşüncesi en özgün biçimlerinden birini Ferhan Şensoy’un tiyatro anlayışı ve 1980 yılında kurduğu Ortaoyuncular ekibinde bulmuştur. Kendini öncelikle bir yazar olarak... more