Theatre Directing
Recent papers in Theatre Directing
In the last decade, theatre research has been marked by a growing interest in the documentation, reconstruction, and analysis of creative processes in the performing arts. 1 Theatre, dance, and performance scholars, often in collaboration... more
Članak opisuje malo poznato redateljsko djelovanje istaknute hrvatske glumice židovskog porijekla Grete Kraus - Aranicki (Osijek, 28. III. 1897 – Zagreb, 10. X. 1956) koja je prvi je put nastupila 1916. u zagrebačkome HNK-u u Straussovu... more
Script Analysis for Theatre: Tools for Interpretation, Collaboration and Production provides theatre students and emerging theatre artists with the tools, skills and a shared language to analyze play scripts, communicate about them, and... more
The following theatre directing essay focuses on the analysis of the ensemble, according to the Russian and European tradition. The text is mainly based on the theatre directing études experienced during the triennial period of study at... more
Directions for Directing. Theatre and Method, a new textbook for directing methodology, by Avra Sidiropoulou, is now featured in the ground-breaking Routledge Performance Archive. An integral part of Directions for Directing, this... more
This paper is my Master - Thesis in Theater Studies, department of Directing, in the Zürich University of the Arts. Dated December 2019.
With The Theatre of Thomas Ostermeier, the German director presents his directorial method for the first time. The book provides a toolkit for understanding and enacting the strategies of his advanced contemporary approach to staging... more
У нас в стране принято делить сегодняшнюю театральную культуру на представителей как бы трех временных слоев: те, кто начал свою деятельность в 1960-е годы и наполнил ее идеями надежды, связанными с тем временем, «хрущевской оттепелью»;... more
The term ‘fragging’ originated during the Vietnam War to describe the killing of an incompetent or unpopular commanding officer. An equivalent phenomenon can occur when the cast of a production loses confidence in the director. The... more
This article focuses on a detailed analysis of Chekhov’s training schema as he developed it as part of his studio activity at Dartington using the scene study of the Fishers’ scene (1936–37), written by Paul Rogers. Described by Deirdre... more
This is the edited text of the keynote speech given by Professor Vladimir Mirodan at 'The Makings of the Actor: Embodiment in Acting Practice' international conference, hosted by the Copenhagen International School of Performing Arts... more
Directions for Directing: Theatre and Method. Routledge, 2019. Directions for Directing: Theatre and Method lays out contemporary concepts of directing practice and examines specific techniques of approaching scripts, actors, and the... more
This is a manuscript version of the chapter on the Heterarchical Director, published in a new edition of Director's Theatre, edited by David Bradby, David Williams and Peter Boenisch. Focusing on the case study of Improbable Theatre’s... more
> Context • The thoroughly second-order cybernetic underpinnings of naturalist theatre have gone almost entirely unremarked in the literature of both theatre studies and cybernetics itself. As a result, rich opportunities for the two... more
The article argues for a “textural” understanding of “theatricality,” across three fairly distinct models: the image – deep or shallow, as for Richard Wagner and Georg Fuchs; the platform – of skill or tension, as for Vsevolod Meyerhold... more
Every artist who has reached the virtuosity stage has a unique distinction in the works that define the artist, which is explicit in his style and can be distinguished over the years. These features can be defined as a dynamic language... more
The purpose of this paper, which was presented in the international HASE conference "Rethinking Democracy in Language, Literature and Culture" (15-17 May 2015), is to discuss four of the latest productions by the internationally acclaimed... more
Anatoly Efros (1925–1987) belongs to that special group of Russian artists and intellectuals who contributed to the era between the early 1950s and early 1960s known as ‘The Thaw’. The name came from Ilya Ehrenberg’s eponymous novel of... more
This thesis aims to recount the performance history of Euripides’ Bakkhai with special reference to nine eminent productions of the 20th century. First, I deal with methodological issues on how one gathers together the pieces of evidence... more
Savremeno pozorište je spoj svih dosadašnjih pozorišnih formi. Da bi izgradili bilo šta novo, moramo se vratiti u prošlost i učiti od revolucionara koji su u svom vremenu pronalazili nove forme.
Given the changing nature of audiences, entertainment, and media, the role of theatre in twenty-first-century culture is changing. The WHAT IS THEATRE? series brings new and innovative work in literary, cultural, and dramatic criticism... more
Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türk Tiyatrosu'nun köklerinin yazar ve oyuncunun gelişimine dayayarak geliştiği, 20. Yüzyıl Tiyatrosu'nun aksine yönetmenin Türk Tiyatrosu'na oldukça geç bir zamanda kimliğini kabul ettirdiği gerçektir. Türk... more
ότι οι μεγαλύτερες προσπάθειές μου έπρεπε να επικεντρωθούν στην αναζήτηση μιας όμορφης απλότητας.
Η Επιστροφή του Διονύσου και η Μέθοδος του Θεόδωρου Τερζόπουλου (Ανθρωπολογικά) Βρισκόμαστε εδώ για να γιορτάσουμε ένα μεγάλο πολιτιστικό επίτευγμα. Την πολυαναμενόμενη έκδοση της Μεθόδου του Θ.Τ. με την ελπίδα της Επιστροφής του Διονύσου.
It is customary in our country to divide the current theatre culture into representatives of, as it were, three temporal layers: those who began their activities during the “Khrushchev Thaw” of the 1960s and filled it with ideas of hope... more
This work examines directorial aesthetics and its value in stage production, it portrays how directing for the stage historical, societal, political plays and many other kind of plays gives... more
Πως σχετίηονται τα μιμίδια του εξελικτικοφ βιολόγου Richard Dawkins, συγγραφζα του βιβλίου Το Εγωιστικό Γονίδιο, με μια κριτικι κεάτρου; Τι σχζσθ ζχουν με τις Τρεις Αδελφζς του Τσζχωφ στο ΚΘΒΕ;
Γωγώ Βαρζελιώτη - Πλάτων Μαυρομούστακος (επιμ.), "Σκηνή και Αμφιθέατρο. Αφιέρωμα στον Σπύρο Α. Ευαγγελάτο". Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου (Αθήνα, 7-9 Μαρτίου 2016), Αθήνα 2018, σσ. 289-302.
Method acting is a range of training and rehearsal techniques that seek to encourage sincere and emotionally expressive performances, as formulated by several different theatre practitioners including Lee Strasberg, Stella Adler, and... more
Revisiting Greek Tragedy on the Modern Stage” 現代演劇におけるギリシャ悲劇への再訪 Venue: Meiji Gakuin University, Shirokane Campus, Main Building 10F, Conference Hall 1-2-37 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8636... more
日本導演鈴木忠志在二十世紀七、八零年代對《特洛伊女人》與《酒神》兩部劇作的改編,蘊含對冷戰環境的批判,引起西方戲劇界的熱烈討論。本論文將援引當今劇場學術界援用翻譯理論的最新成果,以表演翻譯(performing translation)的角度,討論鈴木忠志以歌舞伎風格製作這兩部尤里匹底斯製作的合法性。除了對這部作品作表演分析之外,本文並搭配分析二十世紀以來西方對尤里匹底斯舞台製作的演出脈絡,檢視尤里匹底斯劇作在當今全球戰爭與災難頻傳之際的普世價值。
Decreus, Freddy. Review of Directions for Directing. Theatre and Method by Avra Sidiropoulou (Routledge 2019). European Journal of Theatre and Performance. Issue 2. May 2020: 718-723.
Resumo Este trabalho discute as práticas pós-dramáticas de encenação por meio do conceito de instalação. Alguns aspectos desta noção, tais como imersão do espectador no trabalho artístico, capacitação do espectador enquanto leitor ativo e... more
En este trabajo describiremos los caminos tomados a la hora de realizar un estudio de la dirección teatral que espera dar con las concepciones teatrales que impulsan las prácticas directoriales del teatro independiente de la ciudad de... more
Interview with Dejan Dukovski, Macedonian playwriter and screenwriter for the online journal “The Critical Stage” of the International Association of Theatre Critics, 2012, by PhD Nelko Nelkovski
Avra Sidiropoulou. Review of Time’s Journey Through a Room dir. by Okada Toshiki/chelfitsch. ROHM Theatre, Kyoto, 17 March 2016 (world premiere). Asian Theatre Journal, Volume 34, Number 2, Fall 2017, pp. 474-479 (Review). Published by... more