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Pour qui entreprend une histoire transnationale des avant-gardes picturales au XXe siècle, la période que couvre ce deuxième tome, de 1918 à 1945, est la plus périlleuse. Car l'auteur doit se colleter avec le grand récit dicté par les... more
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      Art HistoryArt Economics and MarketsTransnational and World HistoryConstructivism
The Slovene avant-garde movements of the first three decades of the twentieth century can be clearly linked to Italian Futurism. All three generations of the Slovene historical avant-garde were familiar with Futurist activities from their... more
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      FuturismSlovene literatureCentral European Literature20th century Avant-Garde
Let us take a short walk first, and then try to map it in theory and in politics of avant-garde respectively. Central Europe is a space which is in no way the centre of Europe. It is an in-between; under avant-garde terms it is a space... more
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      Theory of Avant-Gardecentral & Eastern European avant-gardes
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      Periodical StudiesExhibition Cataloguecentral & Eastern European avant-gardesHungarian Avant-Garde
2019 marks the centenary of the Bauhaus, which, during its short existence, became one of the most influential art institutions in Europe. Its active members constituted an international network that included architects and artists from... more
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      Czech & Slovak StudiesBauhausCzech Avant-GardeEarly Modern Periodicals